Ice, Fire, Love, Explosion: Season 1 - Chapter 139 - VanessaLovesUrStory - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text


3rd Person POV

Within the airplane that now neared the hidden Humarise facility in Ireland, light rain falling from the dark, cloudy sky, the iPad above the pilot’s seat blinked, signaling they were close. Additionally, at the top of the screen was a timer Miku had set for how much time they had until the bombs went off: 00:20:29:50 and decreasing.

“Almost there…!” Rody exclaimed as he flew around a mountain, and the five teen Heroes mentally prepared themselves.

“That’s it— The base!” Rody added as he looked over his shoulder to the Heroes, “Going in for a landing…! Brace yourselves…!”

“No, Rody, you turn back.” Midoriya sternly stated, filling the Portuguese boy and his bird’s faces with shock. “What?!” he softly gasped as he watched the five turn their backs to him and walk towards the back door.

“Extras like you should stay out of the way…!” Bakugo grunted as Midoriya pressed the button to open the back door, and Miku slapped her boyfriend’s exposed shoulder, making him bite his lip in anger.

“He has a point.” Todoroki added as he stepped up next to Vanessa, who looked over her shoulder at her fellow Portuguese teen with a kind, reassuring smile,“Don’t worry, Rody. We’ll be okay.”

Despite the worry plastered all over Pino’s face, Rody sternly nodded with a determined glare,“I’ll trust you, then…!”

Stepping out of the plane, the five student Heroes jumped into the dark sky, allowing their bodies to naturally fall within the air alongside one another.

Todoroki spun around once with his ignited left arm, ready to brace himself for impact. And from beside him, Vanessa drew a giant airbag on her drawing board and pointed her pencil at the ground, emerald sparks forming the drawing. From next to her, Miku smirked, knowing what her best friend was getting at.

Many Humarise members fired their guns at not only the descending Heroes, but the airbag drawing on the ground. However, the bullets had no effect on the drawing.

“I don’t have time for you idiots!” Bakugo yelled as he held out his hands and used AP Machine-Gun, causing many members to fall to the ground in pain, black clouds from the explosions littering the members’ sights.

Some of the members used Quirks to attack the falling Heroes, which shocked Midoriya as he dodged them in the air, OFA sparks zapping around his body.Some of their members have Quirks, too!

“I didn’t expect there to be so many of them…!” Todoroki exclaimed as he smoothly landed to the stone ground with a blast of flames from underneath his left foot, before he extended his left arm out and sent a wave of fire at some of the Humarise Quirk users.

Both girls landed onto the airbag on their butts. Miku bounced off it with a backflip and landed on her feet, and just as she did Vanessa erased the drawing beneath her and landed onto her feet.

One of the Quirk members sent out a screeching, deafening sound wave at Bakugo, who grunted in pain as his gloved hands rushed to his ears.

With a tsk under her breath, Miku swiftly knocked out another Quirkless member bearing a firearm with a swing from her military batons before freezing the sound wave guy in time with her mind. She bolted it over to him as waves of bullets were fired at her, but each bullet froze in time before it could hit her, frozen, purple-glowing bullets surrounding her as she ran.

Once she reached the sound wave guy, she swung her military batons into his face, unfroze him, and heimmediatelyfell backwards, knocked out. And next to her landed Midoriya with One for All, who yelled, “Kacchan!”

“Yeah, yeah, I know!” Bakugo snapped back as he aimed another rapid fire of AP Machine-Gun at the main entrance, blowing it up and allowing a passage for them to head through and into the facility.

Rising into the air on his ice, Todoroki did a backflip off his ice to dodge the bullets fired at him and threw his right arm up, sending thin chunks of ice at the armed, Quirkless members, pinning them to the ground or rocky wall.

“Vanessa, follow me!” Todoroki yelled at the girl running on the ground, who had just knocked another member out with a mallet. Throwing the drawing to the ground, she quickly drew a new weapon on her drawing board as she ran towards him, and emerald sparkles appeared before her. She snatched the Gambol Shroud drawing mid air and shot its ribbon at Todoroki, who was riding towards the blown up entrance on ice generating from his right foot.

The ribbon now wrapped around his torso, and she flew over to him, the ribbon working the same as a grappling hook. She landed behind him on his ice and gripped the back of his vest with her left hand so as to not fall off.

“I got you!” Todoroki exclaimed as he caught Midoriya with his left arm around the green haired boy’s torso, the boy now standing in front of him on his ice; Midoriya had leapt through the air to attack some members with his Full Cowl: Shoot Style.

Extending his clenched fists out, Midoriya used his Air Force gloves to create circular bursts of pressurized air, reflecting all the bullets fired the three’s way. Meanwhile, Vanessa hung onto her boyfriend’s vest, knowing that if she wanted to roll up her sleeve, she’d have to let go and risk falling off at the rapid speeds they were going.

“Bakugo! Yui! We’ll leave these guys to you!” Todoroki yelled to the pair, and Bakugo sent rapid mini-explosions at the Quirkless members firing at the three from behind. “Don’t tell me what t—!” “We got it here!!” Miku loudly yelled over her boyfriend, making him bite his lip again in frustration, while she continued on knocking out members with her military batons.

Sliding in through the blown-up entrance on Todoroki’s ice, the dual haired boy guided his ice over all the armed members, their bullets firing at the bottom and underneath the ice as they easily passed through.

“It’s a right at the end of this hallway.” Midoriya sternly said as Todoroki brushed his red hair out of his face with a small flame in his hand. The green haired boy now stood behind the dual-Quirk wielder, standing next to Vanessa. “Hold on…!” Todoroki exclaimed, and his love and friend held onto the back of his vest.

Finishing off the last of the disguised Humarise members with an AP Machine-Gun, Bakugo landed next to Miku as she now clenched her military batons to her sides. “Heh. Couldn’t be easier.” Bakugo scoffed with a smirk, before glancing over to the girl next to him, “Your head okay?” “Yeah, doesn’t hurt… Surprisingly.” Miku smirked back at him, and Bakugo playfully rolled his eyes—

Noticing something in his peripherals, Bakugo swiftly snatched Miku’s hand, jumped up, sent an explosion to the ground, and propelled themselves up into the air. He dodged two waves of flexible swords that chased them with multiple explosions, and landed down to the ground when they ceased.

Letting go of her hand, the pair were met with a boy with fair skin, bowl-cut indigo hair, yellow reptilian eyes with dark purple markings surrounding them, and large fangs. As Miku quickly crouched down to grab her military batons she had dropped, Bakugo glared at the villain with an annoyed scoff, “Why are you morons helping Humarise? You’ve got Quirks!”

“Because we were personally chosen by Flect as the worthy!” the villain crazily grinned as… another one of him appeared behind him, revealing an identical twin who spoke with an identical crazy look, “We will work alongside Humarise and live in their rebuilt world!”

Bakugo glared at them sternly while Miku raised an eyebrow with a confused glare. “Okay, you’re cringy.” the amethyst-eyed girl scoffed as she readjusted her military batons in her hands, now gripping them even tighter. And next to her, Bakugo tsked with a pissed-off glare, “Oh, I get it! You’re just trying to save your own asses!”

Leaning forward, Bakugo extended his hands out to his sides and Miku brought her military batons up to her torso. “Talk about selfish! As expected of villains!” the sandy blond scoffed as his palms sparked and a purple hue emitted from Miku’s hands.

The Serpenter twins simultaneously activated their identical Quirks, Sword Kill, which allowed them to create flexible swords from their arms and shoulders that can extend outwards as far as they wish, the silver swords folding in and out like an accordion.

Bakugo sent an explosion to the ground and propelled himself into the air. Furrowing her eyebrows, the Serpenters’ bodies froze in a purple hue just as they had extended their swords out to dodge whatever attack Bakugo would throw their way.

“Die!!” the sandy blond roared as he sent a giant explosion at the twins, their frozen-in-time bodies taking all the damage. Bakugo backflipped through the air with an explosion as black smoke surrounded the twins’ painful grunts, now unfrozen. Shooting out his arms, Bakugo awaited for them to emerge from the smoke to attack them—

Four flexible swords shot out from the black smoke, and Miku sharply gasped as she froze them in time just as two blades scratched against her cheek and neck. Blood spilled as she fell to her knees, the purple light emitting from their bodies and the swords frozen directly next to her fading.

They’re fast!Bakugo gritted his teeth as he sent out a massive explosion at the villains whojustgot unfrozen, but was met with the twins’ combined four swords cutting through his explosion… And Bakugo let out an agonized scream of pain as blood splattered onto the rocky stone floor, the part of his mask that covered his right eye falling from his face and to the floor…

A trail of unconscious, armed Humarise members littered the floor behind Midoriya, Todoroki, and Vanessa, the floor covered with ice chunks, small fires, and blood.

Out of the side of the wall extended four lasers, and with a grunt, Todoroki maneuvered through the air around them with his ice path. However, one of the lasers managed to sever the ice path and the three began falling. Rolling up her left sleeve, Vanessa quickly drew an airbag below where Midoriya would land and the green haired boy crashed into its comfy embrace.

Frantically looking up from the sudden soft landing, Midoriya quickly turned around on the airbag to find Vanessa slowly standing up from the floor, a soft gasp leaving his lips when he realized that she had roughly crashed into the ground to prioritizehissafety. And from behind her stood Todoroki, who used Hell Spider—where he concentrated his fire and emitted it out of his fingertips—to destroy the lasers; He had managed to land comfortably with his fire.

“Todoroki! Freitas!” “You go on ahead!” Todoroki fired back as the brunette ran up to his side, armed Humarise members approaching them. “Vanessa and I can handle these guys!” “Run as fast as you can, Midoriya!” Vanessa added as she grabbed her drawing board from the back of her belt and pressed the tip of her pencil to the paper.

With a stern hum and firm nod, Midoriya activated his Quirk and jumped off the airbag drawing and sprinted off with OFA.

“Stand behind me, Vanessa!” Todoroki declared as he clenched his right fingers in front of his stomach, the entirety of his right arm freezing up with frost. Noticing what move he was about to pull—since the pair had memorized all of one other’s moves—she hummed with a nod and stepped behind him.

“I’ll stop them all at once…!” he told her as he swung his frosted right arm around him and ignited the fire from his left arm. Raising his right arm skyward, he shot out his aflame left arm and hand and released a superheated blast while the area surrounding them filled with ice spikes from his outstretched right foot, performing Flashfreeze Heatwave.

The condensed blast sent at the armed members exploded and they all fell to the ground, light grey smoke filling the air.

While Todoroki’s combat vest shot out gusts of air to cool down his body temperature, Vanessa quickly stepped in front of him with her pencil once again pressed to her drawing board, both her fingertips and pencil tip glowing emerald. She was ready to attack next while he cooled off…

And her teeth gritted while Todoroki softly gasped in confusion when they heard a low, monstrous growl before them from the smoke.

A large beast emerged from the smoke, growling with its large teeth. He had bleach white skin, black markings on his face and forearms, and a single row of brown spikes running down his spine. He also had beady orange-yellow eyes, spiraling red appendages from his fingers, toes and back, and black pants with a brown belt.(He looks like a rip-off version of Hanami from JJK there, you’re welcome, better explanation. This stupid villain dishonours Hanami tho)

Vanessa sharply gasped with shocked eyes before gritting her teeth again and swiftly guiding her pencil across her paper, “Is he using Trigger?! He looks like a monster!” “Probably!” Todoroki exclaimed back as he stepped up to Vanessa’s side and extended his left arm out, sending a wave of fire at the villain. However, Leviathan ran through the fire without being affected one bit, shocking Todoroki.

The monster raised a fist to punch the dual haired boy, but looked up when he saw Vanessa aerial leaping above the flames, spring-drawings attached to the bottoms of her heels and wielding a Crescent Rose drawing in her hands.

Still upside down through the air, she swung the scythe at his eyes, concluding that if she blinded him, they wouldn’t need to hurt him any further. However, Leviathan swung his head the other way and the scythe instead slashed off a good portion of the front of his neck, and he roared in pain as blood rapidly fell from the wound.

Meanwhile, Todoroki had slid away from the monster on his ice and turned the entire ground to ice with his right foot, wanting to make it more slippery for the villain. Since his flames apparently had no effect on this guy, he figured this was the best he could do.

Leviathan roared furiously as he continued to dodge the bullets aimed at his eyes and instead tank them on any part of his body, darting his head up to the girl who leapt through the air on her springs and continuously shot many loads of bullets from Crescent Rose.

The monster opened his mouth and breathed fire at her as he charged at her, and a sharp gasp left the girl with the frightened emerald eyes just before an ice wall rose in front of her. The villain crashed into the ice wall while Vanessa erased the springs on her heels and ran around the monster, the villain slowly getting up.

Just as she reached Todoroki’s side, the monster was incredibly fast because in almost an instant he had lunged at them with a fist, and the two jumped in the opposite direction, causing him to smash a hole into the wall.

Snatching Vanessa’s hand and pulling her onto his ice, Todoroki slid through the hole Leviathan created with his left hand holding Vanessa’s right, the girl still holding Crescent Rose in her left hand.

Todoroki flung his right arm upwards and sent a massive wave of ice at the hole, covering it, yet Leviathan easily barged through the ice with his Quirk, Helical Scythe. It allowed him to manipulate and extend the large, red appendages on his fingers and head like tendrils.

Todoroki quickly dodged the monster’s attack by riding away on his ice, while Vanessa shot at the villain with Crescent Rose from behind the dual haired boy, but couldn’t get a hit on his eyes. The couple quickly backflipped off Todoroki’s ice path just before the monster managed to pierce the ice with his tendrils.

Vanessa quickly landed onto Todoroki’s newly-formed ice path and stood behind him, the pair rising into the air with his ice. Todoroki continued to maneuver his ice path around the tendrils aimed at him while Vanessa continued to try and shoot his eyes with her drawing.

As they began to near the very, very high ceiling of the large, empty room, Leviathan’s tendrils suddenly thrusted through the ice below Vanessa’s feet and they both fell for a split second before gasping with fearful eyes when they witnessed Leviathan plunging towards them. He grabbed them both with his very large hand, the two grunting a gasp as he shoved them into the ground.

Leviathan shoved them through multiple ground layers, pain coursing through the two teens’ bodies. And when they fell from the last layer, they quickly snatched onto a cliff above the water stream flowing underneath the hidden base, both hanging on by their left hands.

Vanessa’s Crescent Rose drawing fell behind them into the water alongside the tremendous rubble from the floors, dissolving into shreds. The brunette grunted and grabbed another pencil from the back of her belt with her free, right hand. She reached for her left sleeve that she had previously rolled back down, cursing herself internally for that, while Todoroki tried to climb the cliff…

When a typhoon-like plume suddenly rose up from the water stream and surged around the couple, pulling them through the typhoon and into the water stream.

For only a second did they move aimlessly within the water when the same typhoon-like plume surrounded and imprisoned them, being controlled by Leviathan. His Quirk also allowed him to rotate his tendrils to manipulate elements, such as changing the flow of water to create a typhoon-like plume that he can freely maneuver himself in and capture others within.

The student Heroes both struggled to break free, grasping the manipulated water around their necks with gritted teeths and widened eyes. Vanessa’s eyes frantically darted over to Todoroki, who was imprisoned right across from her… and her clenching fingers around the neck relaxed, feeling her consciousness begin to fade away.

She stared at the struggling boy with half-lidded eyes, her emerald orbs filled with regret.Shoto… How… did this…?

Blasting himself up into the air, Bakugo held out his hands and blasted the Serpenter twins who were frozen in time. Miku stood her ground, digging her heels into the rocky stone ground beneath her as the explosion came into contact with their frozen bodies; She was beginning to feel painful stings in her head.

When the explosion finished and black smoke filled the air, Miku didn’t hesitate to unfreeze them, and she grunted with a growl when she witnessed the twins bend over with crazy growls of pain. She had never witnessed someone able toinstantlyrecover from her Quirk.

Psychotically laughing, the twins launched their swords at the girl and Bakugo quickly used his AP Machine-Gun at the swords… but the swords cut through the rapid-fire explosions.

The f*ck?!Bakugo gasped as he exploded himself over to Miku, landing down next to the girl who had once again frozen the villains in time.They cut through my explosions!

Bakugo quickly stood up, not wanting to waste any time. He grabbed all the improvised grenades from his belt and turned to his partner, “Miku!” She shot her head towards him, and he gritted his teeth in frustration when he noticed the tears welling up in her amethyst eyes; She was clearly overexerting herself… She was in pain.

“I’ll distract them…!” he exclaimed as he shoved all of his grenades into her chest, which she quickly caught in her arms. “Plant these around the building column!” “G-Got it…” she breathed out a stutter just as Bakugo sent an explosion to the ground and propelled himself upwards.

Gently placing the grenades down onto the ground, she removed her Time Shield from the back of her skirt… and then unfrozen the Serpenters.

“You must not realize you’re facing the best!” Bakugo screamed at the villains as he threw a massive explosion to them, drawing their attention toward him. Turning her shield into two military batons, Miku placed one against the ground and grabbed a grenade. She threw the grenade up into the air and swung with all her might at the grenade with her military baton, using it as a bat to send the now ignited grenade flying towards the building column. Yet, before it could explode against the column, it froze mid-air in a purple hue.

Bakugo exploded himself through the air alongside the twins, who used their swords to suspend themselves mid-air as they fired explosions and swords at one another. Meanwhile, Miku continued to send grenades to the tower by using her military baton as a bat, freezing each individual grenade while also holding the other grenades in time.

One of the twins aimed his flexible swords at Miku, but Bakugo sent an explosion the boy’s way and he had to quickly cut through the explosion before it could hit him, leaving the sandy blond open for the other twin… who, from below, thrusted his swords through Bakugo’s torso.

The sandy blond let out an agonized grunt and Miku sharply gasped just before the twin who Bakugo had protected her from earlier thrusted his swords through her torso. She hadn’t noticed him due to having been distracted by her boyfriend’s injury.

“MIKU!!” Bakugo desperately screamed as she fell to her knees with her hands on the ground, the purple light emitting from the grenades she had thrown at the building column beginning to fade.

“Don’t let go of your Quirk!!” he yelled as he exploded himself back up to the air and extended his hand out to the twins now below him. “Wasn’t… planning on it…!” she grunted as she stood back up, blood dripping from the exposed skin of her hero costume.

Bakugo loudly growled as he now fired countless shots of AP Machine-Gun at the villains below him, “All that jumping around is annoying!!” Re-grabbing her military baton, Miku threw up another grenade and swung it towards the column, continuing to repeat the previous process.

Now appearing behind one of the twins, Bakugo had to stop himself from using an explosion and instead jumped backwards to dodge both the twins’ swords. Bakugo exploded himself back up into the air, flying high above the mountain, and the Serpenters chased after him through the air with their swords.

After continuous AP Machine-Gun rapid-fire explosions that he sent towards the twins, who cut through each explosion, Bakugo screamed in agony when one of the twins had scraped up his entire back with his swords.

Upon seeing his injury and hearing his painful cries, Miku gritted her teeth just as Bakugo screamed at the top of his lungs, “MIKU, NOW!!”

The Serpenter twins smirked with head tilts and crazed laughs as they looked over to Miku, who had finally released her Quirk on every single half-ignited grenade suspended mid-air against the building column. They quickly shot their swords at her… but she froze them in time before they could reach her.

The entire building column now filled with tremendous explosions, and began to fall over with massive rubble… everything crashing into the frozen Serpetners with a massive collision explosion.

Releasing her Quirk, Miku clutched her head with both hands and crashed onto her knees, while Bakugo exploded himself down next to her and sat down, both of them panting heavily on the ground with many bloodied scars.

“Your head…?!” Bakugo rhetorically asked in between deep breaths, and Miku gave him a shaky nod, “Y-Yeah…” The sandy blond scoffed with a small smirk as he slowly stood back up onto his feet, “Idiots never sawthatcoming, huh? Good work.” “Th-Thanks…” she breathed out quickly as he helped her up with his right hand gripping her left.

However… from beneath the rubble… the Serpetners shoved large needles to their necks, injecting Trigger into their bodies.

Panicked grunts left the student Heroes’ lips when swords shot up from underneath the rubble, and the twins leapt up from their imprisonment. Humarise uniforms ripping, their entire bodies morphed from the drugs, swords emerging from their backs. The Trigger had allowed them to now produce up to six swords, four extra swords now coming from their backs. Their crazy, psychotic laughter filled the air as swords could be seen in their mouths, their faces now more snake-like.

The couple panted in frustration, and Miku gripped Bakugo’s hand tighter… as she froze the villains in time. A soft gasp leaving his lips, Bakugo swiftly turned to Miku who wasdeathlygripping his hand, tears welling up in her eyes, “W-What d-do we donow…?!”

… Bakugo only took a mere second to think of a plan.

“Hold your Quirk…!” he exclaimed as he let go of her hand and began taking off his Grenadier Bracers from his arms. “Hold out your arms!” he ordered her sternly and she did so, biting down on her lip as she continued keeping the twins frozen, ignoring her throbbing head.

Bakugo rolled up her sleeves and strapped the arm braces that kept his Grenadier Bracers secured around his forearms around her own forearms, before grabbing the gauntlets and shoving them over her arms, attaching them to the braces. And at the unexpected weight, her arms slightly fell as she bit down on her lip even harder, her lip now bleeding.

His eyes widened in a panic, “Too heavy—?!” “Of course not!” She scoffed at him with a pissed-off glare… and he smirked, “Damn right! Now unfreeze the bastards!”

Miku didn’t even waste a millisecond to release her Quirk, and the twins’ crazy, psychotic laughter filled the air again as she tiredly picked up her military batons, turned them back into her Time Shield, and attached it to the back of her skirt. With a crazed smirk of his own, Bakugo leaned forward and held out his ignited palms behind him, “Hell, if you wanna get crazy, we’re right there with you!!”

Propelling himself up into the air with his explosions, Bakugo gritted his teeth in pain and sent another wave of AP Machine-Gun. The twins slashed their swords at him and he dodged with an explosion, their swords slashing across the building column directly behind him.

Gritting her teeth, since she was directly below the falling building, Miku sprinted away with her hand raised up into the air. Bakugo quickly exploded himself over to her, wrapped his arm around her waist, and propelled himself back up onto the air just as she froze in time the collapsing structure just about to fall on top of the two of them. The twins chased them like prey, and thesecondthey jumped into the spot Miku had stood recently, she unfroze the structure. The Serpenters psychotically laughed as they swung their swords around them when the rubble fell onto them, blocking their bodies from the rubble.

Bakugo exploded himself up above the fallen tower while swords frantically stook out from the rubble… and Miku’s eyes fell, her body collapsing his embrace. A panicked grunt left his lips as his eyes frantically shot open, “Hey—!! Don’t pass out on me now—!!”

A sword slashed him across the left side of his face, having been distracted, and Bakugo cried in pain as the rest of his mask ripped from his face and flew through the wind…

Miku’s eyes shot open, his cries instantly waking her conscious… and she tried her best to raise her head.

Damn it—! Don’t hit her!!Bakugo gritted his teeth as he shot another wave of AP Machine-Gun with his left hand, seeing that they were aiming for his right side.

His grip around her waist tightened just before they slashed both sides of his waist and his right arm… causing her to slip from his bloody arm. He breathed in a sharp gasp before growling, shooting himself down to her. Raising her head, she held out her hand and he snatched it, spinning around once with an explosion before flinging her towards the twins.

The twins psychotically laughed as they shot their twelve swords at her, but Bakugo sent a massive explosion their way. Cutting through the explosion, one of the twins sliced Bakugo’s left kneecap, making him wince in pain, slowly falling backward through the air. Miku growled and focused her mind to freeze them again…

But tears filled her eyes when her head stung worse than any stabbing… and the twins sliced up her torso multiple times, tearing up parts of her top; She couldn’t even whimper because her head hurt just as terrible as the injury.

Bakugo quickly recovered himself with an explosion behind his back and caught her in his arms, holding her close to his chest as he approached the ground— He cried in agony when multiple swords scraped up his entire back, some even getting stuck within his back muscle.

Ignoring the pain, he held Miku even closer to him with one arm and landed safely to the ground with an explosion beneath him, his free hand shot out behind him. He quickly placed Miku onto her feet, her eyes half-lidded, and grabbed her hand in his.

“I think it’s about time…” He heavily panted as a crazy grin filled his face, and his eyes constricted, “THAT YOU TWO SHUT IT FOR GOOD!!!”

Sending a rapid, large explosion beneath them, Bakugo shot himself skyward and spun around in the air with multiple explosions, throwing Miku towards the villains that crazily grinned and threw their blades her way.

Growling with tears in her eyes, she yanked out the grenade pins from the Grenadier Bracers with her teeth around her arms and screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice raspy, “Die, you f*cking scum!!!”

A ginormous, brutal blast erupted from the gauntlets and the burning oxygen ripped off her entire top and sleeves, only her bra remaining, and just as they extended their swords to rip through the explosion, she froze them with her mind… and their bodies took theentireattack. When the purple hue on their bodies disappeared, the twins shrieked in pain as their bodies were sent flying into the mountain side, crashing into it and now stuck… while Miku fell through the air.

Bakugo quickly exploded himself over to her and caught her weak body in his arms. Placing her down on the ground, he blasted himself backwards away from her and shot explosions from his hands that propelled himself in a circular motion up into the air, creating a ginormous explosion tornado.

“You’re not getting up!!” Bakugo yelled as he held his arms out while the intense burning oxygen surrounding him burned off his entire top, and released a powerful Howitzer Impact upon the stuck Serpetners.

The explosion filled the entire area and blew up theentirefront entrance, leaving only rubble that had crashed on top of the unconscious villains.

Using the last of her strength, Miku froze the rubble that was about to fall over her— But the purple hue didn’t even last a second, her body too weak to use her Quirk anymore; She had pushed herself way too hard, and was starting to regret not using her support item—

Bakugo quickly exploded the rubble above her with the last of his strength, before landing down next to her on his feet. He hastily snatched her right hand in his left, large, heavy pants leaving their mouths, chest rising up and down… as Bakugo held up his weak right arm above his head with a thumbs down.

Now that it wasfinallyover, Miku allowed herself to fall to her knees, and Bakugo’s weak body followed since he refused to let go of her hand. The girl’s body slowly began to fall backwards, and Bakugo finally allowed himself to relax as they fell onto their backs in unison.

Bakugo’s raspy voice let out an exhausted chuckle as he glared up at the dark sky, “Your head’s… killing you… eh?” “Yeah… Y-Yeah, it is…” Miku breathed out through heavy pants, her eyes blinking rapidly trying to keep herself awake, “R-Really… pushed my limits there…”

The two teens laid there in silence, their heavy pants filling the tense air. And after a few seconds of silence…

“... I love you.”

Miku’s tired amethyst eyes shot open and darted over him, his raspy, tired voice having hushed that so genuinely. It shocked her because even though she knew he loved her… he didn’t really say it often.

But despite her shock… a soft smile filled her lips as her eyes closed, “I… love you, too…” And with one last pant, she fell into the dream world. Noticing her now unconscious, Bakugo softly smiled and allowed himself to close his eyes… as he leaned his temple against hers.

Todoroki stared at the girl imprisoned across from him, the emerald orbs he adored more than anything half-lidded and filled with*t, she’s losing consciousness…He panicked as he struggled to keep his own eyes open… before summoning ice from the right side of his body around the water imprisoning them… but it shattered instantly.

I’m… losing consciousness, too…His half-awake mind thought as he stared at his love whose eyes no longer sparkled brighter than the stars, wanting nothing more than to save her.Vanessa… I can’t… let our journey together… end here—

His half-open eyes slightly widened when he suddenly noticed light at the end of the underwater pathway.Is that…?

Clenching his right fingers, he summoned another ice prison around the water imprisoning them—One… last chance…!

The monster flew out of the waterfall with ice that enclosed all of his tendrils he had used to surround the two teens in water, flying through the air.

Choking a sharp gasp, Vanessa’s eyes drastically shot open when she was met with fresh air in her airway, and she now noticed an ice-ball surrounding them. She grabbed her drawing board from the back of her belt while Todoroki used Hell Spider to destroy the ice prison around them—

The brunette growled and threw her drawing board away, the paper on her board completely soaked from the water. She quickly rolled up her left sleeve up to her elbow and pressed her emerald-lit pencil tip to her bare skin.

With a loud roar, Leviathan sent over ten tendrils at the pair, him suspended mid-air above the cliff of the very tall waterfall. Lifting her pencil from her arm, she pointed it at the villain’s attack and emerald sparkles created a drawing of a force field that surrounded both her and Todoroki.

“Shoto, freeze him with the waterfall!!” she loudly roared as she erased the original drawing of her force field on her arm, and Todoroki swung his right arm upwards. Just as the force field disappeared, Todoroki sent massive waves of ice that froze the tall, narrow waterfall and suspended Leviathan mid-air in a spider web made of ice, his body completely frozen. However, the monster’s head broke free and with a roar, he sent a bunch of tendrils their way.

“We won’t let you get in Midoriya’s way!” Todoroki declared as landed onto the ice, while Vanessa was hovering mid-air with a jetpack drawing strapped to her back. As she drew Gambol Shroud once again, Todoroki slipped across the frozen ice paths that looked like spider-web strings and sent a ball of fire at the monster from his left palm at the villain.

He flew backwards through the air as the large ball of fire exploded within the ice prison, performing Flashfreeze Heatwave, and the dual haired boy flew backwards through the air, covering his face from the hot wind crashing into him with his arms. Vanessa quickly shot out the ribbon from Gambol Shroud and wrapped it around his torso, catching him mid-air before he could fall.

… But then a loud roar filled the air.

The villain used his tendrils to manipulate Todoroki’s giant ball of fire to create a ginormous flame monster the size of a mountain. Sharply gasping in a panic, Vanessa erased the jetpack drawing to draw something that could match its size…

But the flame monster closed its open mouth over the couple.

Inside the flame beast, the couple’sloud, agonized screams filled the air as their bodies clenched up from the torturous, scorching pain. Due to how much agony her body was in, the Gambol Shroud drawing and pencil fell from Vanessa’s hands as tears streamed down her face—

“VANESSA, IT’S NOT OVER!!!” Todoroki yelled at the top of his lungs as he ignited the left side of his face, “WE CAN DO THIS!!!”

Gritting her teeth, she bore the pain alongside her lover, extended her left arm in front of her, snatched another pencil from the back of her belt, and pressed the tip of her pencil to her arm. It was now that she realized that her clothes were rapidly burning away from the monster’s intense heat. Meanwhile, Todoroki gritted his teeth and bore the pain as well with clenched fists to his sides, the entirety of his left side aflame.

Leviathan manipulated the tendrils around him to summon another flame monster over his own skin, while emerald sparkles appeared before Vanessa and she tightly shoved her pencil behind her ear before swiftly snatching the drawing with both now gloveless hands. Since she had noticed her clothes were burning off, she knew her belt would burn and she needed to retain at leastoneof her pencils… or else she was completely powerless.

Winding up their powerful attacks, Todoroki punched the right side of Leviathan’s body with his Flashfire Fist: Jet Kindling while Vanessa hit the left side of his body with a ginormous Golden Hammer drawing from Smash Bros, the hammer bigger than her entire body; Her bra, underwear, thigh belts, and the fabric of her tall boots—the only clothes that remained on her body—were now burning away.

They continued forcing their attacks into him with all their strength, and after a few moments, the flame monster surrounding them exploded. It caused Todoroki’s ice covering the entire tall waterfall shattered from the intense heat and countless ice chunks of all sizes crashed through the air.

A small ball of fire surrounded the three, the leftovers from Todoroki’s attack. And once it disappeared into black smoke… Leviathan fell through the air unconscious below the student Heroes, whose bodies were also limp. The monster’s head slowly raised upwards, but the Golden Hammer drawing bonked him straight in the face and he was knocked out completely.

Todoroki and Vanessa fell through the air above the defeated villain. The brunette’s clothes had completely burnt off, exposing her body to the elements. Her eyes slowly blinked… and a sharp gasp left her as her eyes shot open when she noticed Todoroki passed out in front of her.

Vanessa quickly grabbed the pencil she had tightly tucked behind her ear earlier and drew a large airbag on her left forearm. Pointing her pencil down at the awaiting ground at the bottom of the mountain, she wrapped her arms around Todoroki and held him close to her.

And they continued to fall through the air for a solid half a minute… before crashing into the airbag drawing, her body on top of his.

Unwrapping her arms around his torso, she got off him andimmediatelyhissed when she felt the cold air against her bare skin, especially her nipples and vag. She frantically looked down at her body—

A loud, terrified shriek left Vanessa’s lips upon noticing she was naked, the only clothing remaining on her body the actual shoe of her hero boots, the fabric burnt off at the top of her ankles.

She quickly drew a hoodie and baggy pants on her forearm and pointed them down at her body… and sighed in relief now that her nakedness was covered.

Feeling her adrenaline disappear, exhaustion rushed through her entire being and fell sideways onto the airbag next to Todoroki, their noses almost touching. She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought herself up to him, pressing her forehead against his…

However, a quick, soft gasp left her lips when his arms wrapped around her torso and he slowly shoved his face into her chest.

… Vanessa smiled warmly. Although he was unconscious, his body knew it was his love’s and naturally embraced her… and she could tell this.

“You’re always so clingy…”the brunette roughly chuckled, her voice raspy from exhaustion and pain. Looking down at him smushed into her clothed breasts no longer contained by a bra, she moved her right hand to cup his left cheek, stroking it soothingly with her thumb due to having his face scrunched up in pain.

“Midoriya…”Vanessa managed to whisper as she pressed her chin to the top of Todoroki’s head, her emerald eyes slowly closing and her sore body falling into relaxation,Please… disarm those bombs for us… please…”She prayed with a pained smile as a tear fell from her left eye…

… before she fell unconscious.



Anyway, this chapter was a major BITCH to write. So glad it’s over. Sorry if it’s not the best, bc I TRIED me best :(

Had to pull out the boys’ character wikis for this lol (cuz of their ultimate move names). That also goes for the cringe villains :(

Also Vanessa’s clothes all burnt off not to be funny lol. Shoto’s outfit didn’t burn because it’s fireproof, but Vanessa's sure isn’t, so I only wrote what actually would have happened to normal clothes in that situation. Originally, her clothes didn’t burn off but then I realized that yeah… they would .

Also x2 Miku never used her Time Shield (besides for her batons) because its mainly meant for increased radius’ and holding subjects longer. In the situation she was in, it was better to leave it be, bc if she DID use it, she would’ve gotten worse migraines but would’ve been able to hold the subjects longer (which she didn’t need to do).

Ice, Fire, Love, Explosion: Season 1 - Chapter 139 - VanessaLovesUrStory - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.