Military Airpower A Revised Digest of Airpower Opinions and Thoughts - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Military AirpowerA Revised Digest of Airpower Opinions

and Thoughts

Compiled by

Charles M. Westenhoff Colonel, USAF, Retired

Air University Press Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

March 2007

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Opinions, conclusions, and recommendations expressed or implied within are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Air University, the United States Air Force, the Depart-ment of Defense, or any other US government agency. Cleared for public release: distribution unlimited.

All photographs are courtesy of the US Government.

Muir S. Fairchild Research Information Center Cataloging Data

Military airpower : a revised digest of airpower opinions and thoughts / compiled by Charles M. Westenhoff.

p. ; cm.Includes bibliographical references.ISBN 1-58566-163-51. Air power—Quotations, maxims, etc. 2. Air warfare—

Quotations, maxims, etc. 3. Military art and science— Quotations, maxims, etc. I. Westenhoff, Charles M.


Air University Press131 West Shumacher AvenueMaxwell AFB, AL 36112-5962

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DISCLAIMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

ABOUT THE AUTHOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

AIRPOWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

WAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57


TECHNOLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

PRINCIPLES OF WAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

COMMAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

DOCTRINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

TWENTY GOOD BOOKS . . . . . . . . . . . 247

SOURCE INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

TOPICAL INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

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When Air University Press first published MilitaryAirPower early in 1990, the Cold War was ending and US forces were poised to launch Operation Desert Storm. Today’s cap-tains and staff sergeants were in grade school. Since then, our Air Force has achieved unprec-edented combat successes; enabled great hu-manitarian efforts; and crossed new thresh-olds in air, space, and cyberspace. We’ve added great new chapters to our service’s heritage—and our nation’s history—and the horizon just keeps unfolding.

The year 2007 marks the 60th anniversary of the US Air Force as an independent service. It’s also the centennial of military aviation. In 1907, the Signal Corps established its Aero-nautical Division and later released its speci-fication for a “heavier-than-air flying machine.” Since then, Airmen have consistently proved themselves as well as the utility of airpower in combat, leaving no doubt that the US Air Force is America’s asymmetric advantage. Yet, 2007 also marks the dawn of a new era for the Air Force. Today, America’s Airmen are engaged in a dizzying array of worldwide missions that were unthinkable a century ago. Every day Airmen conduct space opera-tions, deliver precision weapons, develop and fly the latest generation of stealth aircraft, move our nation’s war fighters and equipment around the globe, fuse advanced sensors with trained analysts to develop exquisite in-telligence, conduct aeromedical evacuation

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of wounded personnel, open and sustain ex-peditionary bases, operate unmanned aerial vehicles from halfway around the world, and devise and test new war-fighting technologies. And Airmen combine these disparate missions so seamlessly and effectively that it may seem easy. Of course, it is not.

This book is about what Airmen have in common—our heritage, capacity, and future potential. It also illustrates that while we’re on the leading edge, we’re also part of the sweep of military history. Understanding the way that our predecessors handled their challenges can equip us to better serve our nation. We can learn from both the failures and the successes of soldiers, sailors, ma-rines, and Airmen; the ancient past; and yes-terday’s headlines.

As military professionals, our interest in learning from others is to gather clues that we can put to work in the future. I encourage you to target your search toward determin-ing how timeless wisdom can be best applied to the optimal use of our armed forces’ air, space, and cyberspace power, and to add your own pages to our great story.

T. MICHAEL MOSELEY General, USAF Chief of Staff

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Col Charles M. Westenhoff, US Air Force, retired, is a 1974 graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point. He served two tours as a flight inspection pilot in the T-39 and three tours as a forward air controller (FAC) in the O-2 and A-37. As the chief of FAC Tac-tics at Nellis AFB, Nevada, he taught at the USAF Weapons School, wrote and edited tac-tics manuals, and developed precision weap-ons tactics and procedures. Returning from service as the air attaché in Baghdad, Iraq, during the closing months of the Iran–Iraq War, he served at Air University’s Airpower Research Institute. There he led parallel plan-ning for Instant Thunder (the concept plan for the Desert Storm air campaign), compiled the 1990 MilitaryAirPower book, and con-tributed to the 1992 Air Force Manual 1-1, BasicAerospaceDoctrineoftheUnitedStatesAirForce. Colonel Westenhoff served as the Air Force Quadrennial Defense Review deputy director in 1996–97 and as commander, Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses Joint Test Force, from 1998 to 2001. Returning to

About the Author

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the Air Staff in 2001, he led Red Team plan-ning in support of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom and served as Checkmate deputy division chief. Colonel Westenhoff served as chief of strategy for Coalition Joint Task Force Seven in Iraq until retiring in 2004. He has served as the senior mentor to Checkmate since re-tiring. Colonel Westenhoff lives in Reston, Virginia, with his family.

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The number one aim of this book is to sup-ply Airmen with useful thoughts that might help them meet their known responsibilities and the unknown challenges their service will bring. The most capable Airmen are judicious in finding the best material to put into their “clue bags.” They continue a long tradition. Nearly three hundred years ago, Frederick the Great searched the best of military thought trying to “acquire perfect knowledge and ex-perience.”

The materials in this book are offered as candidates for your clue bag. Some of the quotations were selected for their irony, hu-mor, or incendiary effect. I’m confident that readers will know good sense from nonsense.

This book contains many “old, dead guy” quotations for several reasons. First, they’re good. No one has improved on Sun Tzu in 2,500 years. Second, time has graded their work and put them at the head of the class. Third, they wrote clearly.

To identify the sources of quotes, I’ve used two military principles—brevity and simplicity. Rank abbreviations reflect the official usage of parent services (i.e., Lt Gen for the Air Force, LtGen for the Marine Corps, and LTG for the Army). Those who should be household names are treated as such (e.g., Commanding Gen-eral of the US Army Air Forces and, later, the first and only General of the Air Force, Henry H. Arnold, is simply Hap Arnold). Also, I have periodically interjected my own thoughts, de-

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noted by italics. Another note, unless other-wise indicated, emphasis in quotes is in the original.

Just as in the 1990 edition, (1) the quota-tions are arranged by subject matter to pres-ent multiple views of each topic; (2) I couldn’t include one-tenth of the good material I would have liked to; and (3) any errors are mine.

What’s different is the world we live in—and the way it’s been shaped by airpower.

CHARLES M. WESTENHOFF Colonel, USAF, retired March 2007

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Gen T. Michael Moseley, chief of staff of the Air Force, had the idea of revising this book. I’m grateful to him for the opportunity to up-date this work to improve its utility to today’s Airmen. The commander of Air University, Lt Gen Stephen “Steve” Lorenz, made this book happen through the able office of the Airpower Research Institute (ARI)—especially Dr. Dan Mortensen and John Conway, as well as the production support of Emily Adams and the Air University Press staff.

On inputs, I had help from the most per-ceptive of Airmen, including Phil Meilinger, Rob Owen, Lt Gen Dave Deptula, Mace Car-penter, and Bill Andrews. I’m also grateful for the help supplied by the Air Force Doctrine Center (AFDC), spearheaded by Maj James J. Marsh, Maj Ray Fernandez, and Bob Poynor. Both the ARI and AFDC provided sanity checks; Dr. David Mets and Capt Jamie Swisher were very helpful in this regard.

The greatest pleasure of service in the Air Force is the people. We improve from every briefing and debriefing. I’ve had the honor of flying on the wing of many outstanding flight leads, too many to mention, but will single out two—Gen Chuck Boyd and Maj Gen Chuck Link.

I’m most grateful for the support of a family of avid airpower advocates, and, in particu-lar, I thank my wife, Kelley. Any person who sends you off to a combat zone with cheerful support is worth their weight in gold.

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The 1990 book contained 30 pages of ma-terial at the end. This included a brief bibli-ography and biographical snapshots of the sources of the quotations, which did not do them justice. Those wishing to know more about a source can learn as much or little as they wish on the Internet. I do append a list of 20 books that I found most valuable for both editions of this book.

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The Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

About Brevity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

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ctionThe Challenge

Know and use all the capabilities in your air-plane . If you don’t, sooner or later, some guy who does use them all will kick your ass .

Dave “Preacher” Pace Quoted in Robert L . Shaw, Fighter Combat

Every art has its rules and maxims . One must study them: theory facilitates practice . The lifetime of one man is not long enough to enable him to acquire perfect knowledge and experience . Theory helps to supplement it; it provides a youth with premature experience and makes him skillful also through the mis-takes of others . In the profession of war the rules of the art are never violated without drawing punishment from the enemy, who is delighted to find us at fault .

Frederick the Great

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About Brevity

It would further human knowledge if, instead of writing new books, we would apply our-selves to making decent extracts from those that are already in existence . Then one would hope to avoid wasting his time by reading .

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great’s writings fill 30 books .

As one veteran Israeli pilot said after the June �982 air campaign over Lebanon in response to American questions about how much doc-trine the Israeli Air Force had written down, “Yes, we have books . But they are very thin .”

Barry D . Watts and James 0 . Hale Air University Review, �984

It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations .

Sir Winston Churchill

The checklist is not a substitute for the full text of the flight manual .

Stan Eval “famous aviator”

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ctionRegardless of Air Force Specialty Code, we

must understand the overall purposes of mili-tary air power and then see how our individual duties support those purposes .

Col Keith W . Geiger Airpower Journal, Fall �987

You should understand airpower, and you must preach the doctrine . You will be on staffs where you are going to meet people who do not understand airpower, and you are going to have to educate them . . . . You have got to go out and preach the doctrine of airpower and never give an inch on it .

Gen Hoyt S . Vandenberg

More than most professions the military is forced to depend upon intelligent interpre-tation of the past for signposts charting the future .

Douglas MacArthur

The present state of things is the consequence of the past; and it is natural to enquire into the sources of the good we enjoy and the evils we suffer .

Ben Jonson ca . �600

Nothing is comprehensible, except through its history .

Teilhard de Chardin

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A modern, autonomous, and thoroughly trained Air Force in being at all times will not alone be sufficient, but without it there can be no national security .

Gen H . H . “Hap” Arnold

War is a matter of vital importance to the State, the province of life or death, the road to survival or ruin . It is therefore mandatory that it be thoroughly studied .

Sun Tzu

When blows are planned, whoever contrives them with the greatest appreciation of their consequences will have a great advantage .

Frederick the Great

War is not an affair of chance . A great deal of knowledge, study, and meditation is neces-sary to conduct it well .

Frederick the Great

No study is possible on the battlefield .Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch

A wise man learns from his experience; a wiser man learns from the experience of others .


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ctionThere is only one method of fitting our intel-

lects to be ready for war, and that is by study-ing the history of air warfare, and by no means should we neglect naval and land warfare .

“Squadron Leader”

(Note: Squadron Leader was the pen name of the author of Basic Prin-ciples of Air Warfare, a �927 classic with the subtitle, The Influence of Air Power on Sea and Land Strategy.)

As a nation we were not prepared for World War II . Yes, we won the war, but at a terrific cost in lives, human suffering, and [matériel], and at times the margin was narrow . History alone can reveal how many turning points there were, how many times we were near losing, and how our enemies’ mistakes often pulled us through . In the flush of victory, some like to forget these unpalatable truths .

Hap Arnold

Adherence to dogmas has destroyed more armies and cost more battles than anything in war .

Maj Gen J . F . C . Fuller

Many commanding generals spend their time on the day of battle in making their troops march in a straight line, in seeing that they keep their proper distances, in answering questions which their aides de camp come to ask, in sending them hither and thither, and in running about themselves . In short, they try to do everything and, as a result, do noth-ing . How does this happen? It is because very

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few men occupy themselves with the higher problems of war . They pass their lives drilling troops and [come to] believe that this is the only branch of the military art . When they arrive at the command of armies they are to-tally ignorant, and, in default of knowing what should be done, they do only what they know .

Maurice de Saxe

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Airpower Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

The Nature of Airpower . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Air Force Airpower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1�

United States Airpower . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

The Global Airpower Perspective . . . . . 24

Space Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Elements of Airpower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2�

Expeditionary Airpower . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

“Complete” Uses of Airpower . . . . . . . . 35

Objectives of Airpower Employment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Economic and Political Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3�

Psychological Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Control of the Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Airpower and Maneuver . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Interdiction, Attrition, and Counterland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Airpower Prophecy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

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We have the enemy surrounded . We are dug in and have overwhelming numbers . But enemy airpower is mauling us badly . We will have to withdraw .

Japanese infantry commander Situation report to headquarters, Burma, World War II

The gratitude of every home in our island, in our Empire, and indeed throughout the free world, except in the abodes of the guilty, goes out to the British airmen who, undaunted by odds, unwearied in their constant challenge and mortal danger, are turning the tide of world war by their prowess and by their de-votion . Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few .

Winston Churchill

People have preferred to feel rather than know about airpower .

Common paraphrase of Noble Frankland: “People have preferred to feel rather than know about strategic bombing,” 1�63

There are still those who fail to stand back and reflect on the fact that air assets operate in the one medium that surrounds the earth and that touches 100 percent of the earth’s population, political capitals, and centers of

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commerce . Because of the long history of surface warfare and, perhaps, of our very existence on land, air power is not an easy concept to grasp .

Gen Ronald R . Fogleman, USAF, retired, 1��7

The United States relies on the Air Force and the Air Force has never decided a war in the history of wars .

Saddam Hussein, 2� August 1��0

While Saddam Hussein could rely on like-thinking unsophisticates from his home town of Tikrit to run his army, finding equally doc-trinaire individuals who could also fly an air-plane was a far more difficult task . (Hitler and Goering had the same problem with the Luft-waffe in the Second World War .)

Richard P . Hallion, 1��2

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Airpower Theories

There has been a tendency to overemphasize long-range bombardment, and to ignore the versatile application of air power . Our Air Forces were used for any mission considered important, at any given moment . Especially misleading is the distinction made between strategic and tactical air forces . That distinc-tion is not valid in describing the use of air power as a whole, day after day .

Gen Carl A . “Tooey” Spaatz

If we should have to fight, we should be pre-pared to do so from the neck up instead of from the neck down .

Lt Gen Jimmy Doolittle

Air power is indivisible . If you split it up into compartments, you merely pull it to pieces and destroy its greatest asset—its flexibility .

Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery

Air power is like poker . A second-best hand is like none at all—it will cost you dough and win you nothing .

Gen George Kenney

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By material, we mean the stuff or goods out of which something is made . Materiel means the finished product, whether it be machine-guns, rivets, photographic film, engines, or bombers . So superior materiel is the key to airpower .

Maj Gen Oliver P . Echols

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Air power alone does not guarantee America’s security, but I believe it best exploits the na-tion’s greatest asset—our technical skill .

Hoyt S . Vandenberg

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The Nature of Airpower

Once the command of the air is obtained by one of the contending armies, the war must become a conflict between a seeing host and one that is blind .

H . G . Wells

In the air are no streets, no channels, no point where one can say of an antagonist, “If he wants to reach my capital he must come by here .” In the air all directions lead everywhere .

H . G . Wells

Neither the Army nor the Navy is of any pro-tection, or of very little protection, against aerial raids .

Alexander Graham Bell

The first important difference between air forces and armies is that, within his tactical range, the airman is independent of lines of communication and has no flanks . The only other important difference between armies and air forces is that an air force is not com-mitted to any one course of action .

Air Marshal Sir John C . Slessor

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Because of its independence of surface limi-tations and its superior speed the airplane is the offensive weapon par excellence .

Giulio Douhet

The measure of airpower is the ability of a na-tion to exploit airspace for its own purposes—and in wartime to deny it to an enemy .

Adm Arthur Radford

Air power can either paralyze the enemy’s military action or compel him to devote to the defense of his bases and communications a share of his straitened resources far greater than what we need in the attack .

Winston Churchill

Aerial forces menace all the territory com-prised in their radius of action . They can set off from different points and arrive “en masse” on a chosen point . They lend themselves to the offensive because they leave the adver-sary, until the last moment, in uncertainty as to their objective .

Arsene Vauthier Paraphrase of Douhet

The air ocean and its endless outer space ex-tension are one and indivisible, and should be controlled by a single hom*ogeneous force .

Alexander P . de Seversky

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The very flexibility of air forces makes true cooperation essential . Air forces, at short no-tice, can be switched from one sort of target to another and, within limits, from one type of operation to a quite different type . There is, therefore, a constant temptation to use them piecemeal to meet an immediate re-quirement, rather than to use them on a long-term joint plan .

J . C . Slessor

Every soldier generally thinks only as far as the radius of action of his branch of the ser-vice and only as quickly as he can move with his weapons .

Luftwaffe general Karl Koller

If we lose the war in the air we lose the war and lose it quickly .

Field Marshal Montgomery

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Air Force Airpower

America has only one Air Force . . . . The other Services have aviation arms essential to their specific roles and functions but which also work jointly to project America’s air power . . . . It is a potent combination, proven over and over in combat .

GEN Colin Powell, 1��3

The soul of an Air Force is range and payload and access .

Gen T . Michael Moseley, 2006

American planners should look at what hap-pened and ask whether these improvisations do not point the way to greater effectiveness . After several decades of insisting that the word service means “parochial,” military re-formers might ponder the individual merits of the services, each of which can pool a great deal of operational expertise along with a common world view and an esprit de corps difficult to find among a melange of officers .

Eliot A . Cohen, 1��4

The other services have air arms—magnifi-cent air arms—but their air arms must fit within their services, each with a fundamen-tally different focus . So those air arms, when in competition with the primary focus of their services, will often end up on the short end,

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where the priorities for resources may lead to shortfalls or decisions that are suboptimum . It is therefore important to understand that the core competencies of air and space power are optional for the other services . They can elect to play or not play in that arena . But if the nation is to remain capable and compe-tent in air and space, someone must pay at-tention across the whole spectrum; that is why there is a U .S . Air Force .

Gen Ronald R . Fogleman, USAF, retired, 1��7

While on one hand, soldiers and sailors alike tend to downplay the influence of air power on the modern battlefield, on the other, these very individuals are seen campaigning for further strengthening their service-specific air arms . The problem, it seems, is not with air power, which is acceptable, but with the air force emerging as a rival military service .

Air Commodore Tariq Mahmud Ashraf Pakistan air force, 2002

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An Airman’s perspective

• Land and naval warfare expertise were sufficient, until the invention of the airplane . Operations in the aerospace medium are sufficiently complex and unique to require a new and separate competence . . . . This is the only rea-sonable and defendable justification for the expense of organizing, training, and equipping an Air Force separate from the Army and the Navy .

• Airpower characteristically moves rap-idly and responsively, neither inhibited nor encumbered by mountains, gorges, rivers, or beaches: this isn’t doctrine, this is physics!

• Modern airpower’s characteristics: Speed, Range, Freedom of Maneuver, and Perspective, give the Joint Force Commander [JFC] freedom of action and a great range of choices .

• It is an airman’s job and duty to articu-late the ways in which the unique char-acteristics of airpower can be brought to bear on the JFC’s objectives .

Maj Gen Chuck Link

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United States Airpower

Air and space power IS America’s asymmetric advantage .

Brig Gen David A . Deptula, 2000

The United States is neither a land nor a sea power, as those terms are usually under-stood . Other nations have maintained strong air forces, but the United States is the world’s first and only aerospace power . We do it uniquely well . But we’re also uniquely de-pendent upon it . Lose command of the skies and space, and the whole thing falls apart .

Philip Gold, 1��7

You could give the same airplanes to two dif-ferent air forces—one of them totalitarian and the other one under a democracy, and the democracy’s going to win every time be-cause the air war is about freedom of choice, it’s about maneuver, and it’s about a regime that’s able to entrust a handful of men with a great deal of power .

Maj Gen Chuck Link, 1��6

The United States of America is an aerospace nation . Throughout history, great nations have been defined by the nature of their military forces . Certainly, the strength of Rome lay in its legions . . . . England became a world power as a result of the Royal Navy and its ability to

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control the seas and project power around the globe for that island nation . I think as we move into the twenty-first century, the United States of America will be defined by the fact that it is an aerospace nation .

Gen Ronald R . Fogleman, 1��5

It is now an entrenched fact of life that as American air power has become ever more accurate, lethal, and effective, it also has come under ever more intense public atten-tion, scrutiny, and questioning, even as it has, at the same time, heightened not only the nation’s political imperatives but also a legal need to be more discriminate in the use of force .

Ben Lambeth

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The Global Airpower perspective

World War II demonstrated for American statesmen and military planners that the world was one seamless strategic problem for the United States .

Eugene M . Emme

Air power is not limited by oceans, by shore-lines, by shallow water . It’s not limited by mountains or mountain passes or rivers, shal-low or deep . It’s not limited even by distance .

Gen T . Michael Moseley

The Air Force can deter, deliver a tailored re-sponse, or punch hard when required—over great distances—with quick response . We can provide a presence, or put ordnance on a target worldwide in a matter of hours .

Global Reach–Global Power USAF White Paper, June 1��0

In-flight refueling converts the tactical fighter into a strategic, long-range participant . It sus-tains combat air patrols, enables indirect routing, extends interdiction and strategic penetration depth and increasingly is an in-tegral component of front-line strength .

Air Vice-Marshal Tony Mason Royal Air Force (RAF)

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Link air and space force together . Under the strategic principle that the one who controls outer space can control the Earth, super-powers and military giants are expanding their strength in outer space and the func-tion of [their] air force .

Maj Gen Zheng Shenxia and Senior Col Zhang Changzi People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF)

Both Afghanistan and Iraq were air mobility wars . Every single flight into these areas of operation needed some kind of air refuel-ing—fighters, bombers, lifters and even other tankers needed air refueling . Navy carrier-based fighters needed dramatic air refueling to get them the “legs” they needed .

Gen John W . Handy

The successful execution of the lift portion of Enduring Freedom spotlighted the value of logistics as a weapon system, as well as the fact that effects-based operations entail ma-teriel delivery as well as bombing .

Ben Lambeth

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Space power

There is something more important than any ultimate weapon . That is the ultimate posi-tion—the position of total control over Earth that lies somewhere out in space . That is . . . the distant future, though not so distant as we may have thought . Whoever gains that ul-timate position gains control, total control, over the Earth, for the purposes of tyranny or for the service of freedom .

Lyndon B . Johnson, 1�58

[As] we showed and proved during DESERT STORM, and proved again during the air campaign over the Balkans, space is an inte-gral part of everything we do to accomplish our mission . Today, the ultimate high ground is space .

Gen Lester P . Lyles

The US must, over the next few years, de-velop a cadre of experienced, intensely knowl-edgeable people skilled in applying space to combat . We are talking about an entirely new breed of war fighters, who will ultimately transform the power and scope of warfight-ing in the same way airpower professionals have done in the last century .

Acting Secretary of the Air Force Peter B . tee*ts

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Space Superiority has to roll off the tongue as easily as Air Superiority .

Gen John P . Jumper

Whereas those who have the capability to control the air, control the land and sea be-neath it, so in the future it is likely that those who have the capability to control space will likewise control the earth’s surface .

Gen Thomas D . White

Space superiority is our imperative—it re-quires the same sense of urgency that we place on gaining and maintaining air superi-ority over enemy airspace in times of conflict . This imperative requires a full understand-ing of the medium of space, and we will pur-sue robust space situation awareness leading to space superiority .

Gen Lance Lord

The proverbial first shot of space warfare has already been fired with the advent of jam-mers designed to defeat the capabilities our airmen derive from space .

Secretary of the Air Force James G . Roche

If you’re not in space, you’re not in the race .Gen Lance Lord

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Space is a realm in which many military op-erations are conducted more efficiently than by terrestrial systems . Military satellites have been operating in space for more than twenty years, and our accomplishments in DESERT STORM emphasize that space has unques-tionably evolved as a military theater of op-erations .

Gen Charles A . “Chuck” Horner

In the long haul our safety as a nation may depend upon our achieving space superi-ority . Several decades from now the impor-tant battles may not be sea battles or air battles, but space battles, and we should be spending a certain fraction of our national resources to insure that we do not lag in ob-taining space supremacy .

Gen Bernard “Bernie” Schriever

Our space force may need to become a mili-tary entity in its own right, equal and apart from our air, land, and maritime forces .

Gen Chuck Horner, 1���

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elements of Airpower

Air power is the total aviation activity—civil-ian and military, commercial and private, po-tential as well as existing .

Hap Arnold

The air power of a nation is what it actually has today . That which it has on the drafting board cannot become its air power until five years from now .

Lt Gen Frank M . Andrews, 1�37

I have flown in just about everything, with all kinds of pilots in all parts of the world—Brit-ish, French, Pakistani, Iranian, Japanese, Chinese—and there wasn’t a dime’s worth of difference between any of them except for one unchanging, certain fact: the best, most skillful pilot had the most experience .

Brig Gen Charles E . “Chuck” Yeager

Why can’t they buy just one airplane and take turns flying it?

Calvin Coolidge

A nation may have every other element of air power but still lag behind if its government has no real urge to insure its future develop-ment . The attitude and actions of govern-ment will fully determine the size of our mili-

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tary air establishment, and greatly affect the efficiency of our civil air establishment, our aeronautical industry and facilities—hence our air power in being .

John C . Cooper

Service aviation must be the spearhead, civil aviation the shaft, of our air effort .

Maj Gen F . H . Sykes, 1�22

A large system of commercial aviation will re-main an abiding support for the national air-craft industry and will at the same time pro-vide those reserves of personnel which are essential for the expansion of aerial strength in case of need .

P . R . C . Groves

There aren’t a lot of movies made about air-lifters . There’s no “12 O’Clock High” or “Top Gun” about those heavy aircraft, but, despite their lack of glamour, they are arguably the most potent tool this nation has for shaping the international arena .

Secretary of the Air Force Sheila E . Widnall

It is this beat, this precise rhythmical ca-dence, which determines the success of an airlift . This steady rhythm, constant as the jungle drums, became the trademark of the Berlin Airlift, or any airlift I have operated .

Lt Gen William H . Tunner

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We have learned and must not forget that, from now on, air transport is an essential of airpower, in fact, of all national power .

Hap Arnold

The interesting thing is that now you will never hear about airpower separately from space power . When the Air Force talks about what it brings to the [joint] fight, the first thing is air and space power . The bottom line is, everything on the battlefield is at risk without air and space superiority .

Gen Thomas S . Moorman Jr .

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expeditionary Airpower

When the United States forces first landed in North Africa, there were nine airdromes that our planes could use . Within a few months there were a hundred . Mud, and later dust, were the worst problems . With the Axis on the run, airfields were built even faster . One request was received to build several airfields in the Sbeitla sector; seventy-two hours later, all were in use .

Hap Arnold

We move on time lines that simply will not work if we have to wait for support for our expeditionary forces .

Gen Ronald R . Fogleman

Allied Force remains the most accurate air campaign in history, but it was a logistics masterpiece that orchestrated the opening and operation of 20 bare bases and the bed-down and maintenance of more than 1,000 US and allied fighters, bombers, support and reconnaissance aircraft, and helicopters .

Secretary of the Air Force F . Whitten Peters

The aim of a military organization is not to make do with the smallest number of sup-porting troops but to produce the greatest possible fighting power . If, for any given cam-paign, this aim can only be achieved by hav-

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ing a hundred men pump fuel, drive trucks, and construct railways behind each combat-ant, then 100:1 is the optimum ratio .

Martin van Creveld

Agile combat support reaches outside of pure logistics . It includes functions like force pro-tection, Red Horse engineers, services, con-tingency medical care and other combat sup-port functions .

Gen Ronald R . Fogleman

A recipient of a PGM [precision-guided muni-tion] does not know or care if the weapon came from near or far, or from what kind of platform, or from what kind of base .

Brig Gen David A . Deptula, 2001

No soldier can fight unless he is properly fed on beef and beer .

John Churchill, First Duke of Marlborough

Teamwork allows us to be an effective fight-ing force—a rapid expeditionary force capable of deploying anywhere in the world in a mini-mum of time and in austere conditions—not operating from where we are stationed, but from where we are needed, not when we can, but when we must .

Gen Michael Ryan

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Diplomacy will not be strengthened by a mili-tary force and a deployment structure that give an opponent time to raise questions about the true extent of U .S . power and in-fluence, especially when those questions start to resonate in the United States .

Dr . David A . Kay United Nations chief nuclear weapons inspector, 1��8

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“Complete” Uses of Airpower

What gave American air power such predomi-nance in the Gulf, and what makes the United States incomparable as a military power, is its systemic quality .

Eliot A . Cohen, 1��5

There was no line of cleavage between strate-gic and tactical air forces . It was over-all ef-fort, uniting all types of aircraft, coordinated for maximum impact .

Tooey Spaatz

The four principles of air power that I set out were:

1 . To obtain mastery of the air, and to keep it, which means continually fighting for it .

2 . To destroy the enemy’s means of pro-duction and his communications by strategic bombing .

3 . To maintain the battle without any in-terference by the enemy .

4 . To prevent the enemy [from] being able to maintain the battle .

Air Marshal Hugh Trenchard

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Once real mastery of the air was obtained, all sorts of enterprises would become easy . All kinds of aeroplanes could come into play .

Winston Churchill

The single clear lesson of World War II was that the visionaries were correct that all fu-ture warfare would be dominated from the air . They agreed on that . What they argued about was just how airpower would dominate surface warfare .

David MacIsaac

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objectives of Airpower employment

To avoid the fate of the vanquished is an ob-ligation of statecraft second only to the sol-emn duty of controlling war itself . Whatever the future may hold, victory in war now rides on the wings of the fighter and the bomber, and air power is essential to national sur-vival . But the only ultimate security lies in the conquest of war itself .

Edward Meade Earle

Objectives vary considerably in war, and the choice of them depends chiefly upon the aim sought, whether the command of the air, paralyzing the enemy’s army and navy, or shattering the morale of civilians behind the lines . This choice may therefore be guided by a great many considerations—military, po-litical, social, and psychological .

Giulio Douhet

Air power will play the leading role in our re-sponse to the security challenges of the un-charted future . It will in some circ*mstances be the only engaging form of military power and in others the form upon which success-ful surface operations depend .

Lt Gen Charles G . Boyd, 1��1

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The air campaign may be the primary or sup-porting effort in a theater .

Col John A . Warden III The Air Campaign

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economic and political objectives

The real importance of Munich . . . is that it was the first victory for air power—no less significant for being temporarily bloodless .

J . C . Slessor

The Berlin Airlift was the first real event of the Cold War . Many people in high places thought it was the first event in World War III .

Gen T . Ross Milton

The Strategic Theory postulates that air at-tack on internal enemy vitals can so deplete specific industrial and economic resources, and on occasion the will to resist, as to make a continued resistance by the enemy impos-sible . . . . It is conceivable that there will al-ways be one industry, such as the oil indus-try in Germany, so necessary to all phases of the national war-making ability that its de-struction would be fatal to the nation .

Hap Arnold

The flexibility which the range of aircraft gives to air forces permits concentrated effort against a particular target system or complex without need for concentration against a par-ticular target of the system; hence the enemy

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is unable to keep his defenses in one geo-graphical area .

Air University (AU) Manual 1, United States Air Force Basic Doctrine, 1�51

Strategic air assault is wasted if it is dissi-pated piecemeal in sporadic attacks between which the enemy has an opportunity to re-adjust defenses or recuperate .

Hap Arnold

The advocates of all-out air-power maintain that area destruction and mass annihilation can effectively destroy the war potential of the adversary and lower his strength and will to continue the struggle . It should be remem-bered, however, that the objective of war is the exercise of effective control over the political elite of the state to enforce a political decision .

S . T . Das

It is easy to say, as many people do, that England should isolate herself from Europe, but we have to remember that the history of our insularity has ended, because with the advent of the aeroplane, we are no more an island . It does not matter whether we like [it] or not, we are indissolubly tied to Europe .

Stanley Baldwin

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psychological effects

The constant arrival of wounded, without any battle taking place, makes us all think . The conduct of operations is such that the Panzer Divisions are being decimated by naval gun-fire and low flying aircraft without being able to fight . It can’t go on like this anymore! In such a situation, one can calculate the day on which the division will finally be annihilated .

SS Brigadefuhrer Kurt Meyer

Air power is, above all, a psychological weapon—and only short-sighted soldiers, too battle-minded, underrate the importance of psychological factors in war .

B . H . Liddell Hart

Not only our military reverses but also the severe drop in the German people’s morale, neither of which can now be overlooked, are primarily due to the unrestricted enemy air superiority .

Joseph Goebbels, diary, 15 March 1�45

The internal situation in the Reich is gov-erned almost exclusively by the air war . Here is our real weakness in the overall conduct of the war .

Goebbels, diary, 17 March 1�45

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It is not so much the existence of a military establishment that determines a people’s will to resist as it is their confidence in it, as wit-ness the collapse of Japan while still armed with effective ground forces numbering over three million . In other words, the will of a na-tion to resist is not always dependent on armed strength, but rather upon its belief in its chances for political success .

Maj Gen Dale O . Smith

It is improbable that any terrorization of the civil population which could be achieved by air attack would compel the Government of a great nation to surrender . In our own case, we have seen the combative spirit of the people roused, and not quelled, by the Ger-man air raids . Therefore, our air offensive should consistently be directed at striking the bases and communications upon whose structure the fighting power of his armies and fleets of the sea and air depends .

Winston Churchill, 1�17

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Control of the Air

Without a reasonable degree of air superiority, no air force can effectively assist land or sea forces or strike at the enemy’s war potential .

Arthur William, Lord Tedder

There are no silver medals in the air superi-ority event . You either win it or you get your ass kicked . When you get your ass kicked in the air, your people are getting their ass kicked on the ground .

Maj Gen Chuck Link, 1��6

The only real security upon which our mili-tary principles can rely is that you must be master of your own air .

Winston Churchill

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Air superiority is not the God-given right of Americans . It doesn’t just happen . It takes a lot of people working hard to produce the ca-pabilities that provide it for U .S . forces .

Gen Ronald R . Fogleman

The minimal requirement for a successful [maritime] operation is a favourable air situa-tion . Air superiority will be a requirement for sea control where a robust challenge from the air is possible . Air supremacy is a neces-sary precondition of command of the sea .

Royal Navy, The Fundamentals of British Maritime Doctrine, BR 1806, 1��5

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Air control can be established by superiority in numbers, by better employment, by better equipment, or by a combination of these factors .

Tooey Spaatz

After all, the great defence against aerial menace is to attack the enemy’s aircraft as near as possible to their point of departure .

Winston Churchill Memorandum, 5 September 1�14

The first and absolute requirement of strate-gic air power in this war was control of the air in order to carry out sustained operations without prohibitive losses .

Tooey Spaatz

One general inference to be drawn has been that in twentieth-century war, defeat will almost always be avoided (and outright vic-tory likely gained) by the side that has se-cured air superiority . Indeed, a more com-prehensive perusal would probably show that virtually the only exceptions concern counterinsurgency warfare .

Neville Brown

The future battle on the ground will be pre-ceded by battle in the air . This will determine which of the contestants has to suffer opera-tional and tactical disadvantages and be

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forced throughout the battle into adopting compromise solutions .

Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

To use a fighter as a fighter-bomber when the strength of the fighter arm is inadequate to achieve air superiority is putting the cart before the horse .

Adolf Galland

The Ardennes battle drives home the lesson that a large-scale offensive by massed armor has no hope of success against an enemy who enjoys supreme command of the air .

Maj Gen F . W . von Mellenthin

On 15 December [1�11] an aircraft was hit by anti-aircraft artillery shrapnel . The pilot then swooped low over the gun battery, as if to congratulate the gun crew, and dropped some of his visiting cards as he flew by . This precedent was unlikely to be followed in sub-sequent conflicts .

Air Vice-Marshal Tony Mason

The Gulf War was the first rather large-scale regional war in which the number of aircraft destroyed in beyond-the-horizon air combat exceeded those destroyed in visual air com-bat . It indicates that beyond-the-horizon air combat technology is maturing .

Col Ming Zengfu, PLAAF, 1��5

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Airpower and Maneuver

What I hope we’re beginning to understand is airpower’s ability to destroy enemy forces with-out giving the enemy as much to shoot at .

Maj Gen Chuck Link, 1��7

We are seeing right now an historic evolution in maneuver warfare: to the interdependent fight, where long-duration mass on the ground can be exchanged for rapid massing of re-sources of awareness, of detection, and of instant communications to deliver concen-trated and precision strike .

Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne

The attention of commentators usually fo-cused on the violent application of air power, but in fact, its nonlethal characteristics were no less important . For example, airlift deliv-ered over half a million tons of dry cargo to the Gulf region . It also made possible such movements as the repositioning of the Eigh-teenth Airborne Corps for the left hook into southern Iraq and Kuwait . That reposition-ing took C-130 aircraft landing every seven minutes for thirteen days, moving fourteen thousand personnel and over nine thousand tons of equipment over four hundred miles .

Eliot A . Cohen, 1��5

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The primary objective of Allied forces in the Southwest Pacific is to advance our own network of air bases deep into the Japanese perimeter .

Hap Arnold

Movement is the essence of strategy . This is true even though strategy is not confined to the military art: the implementation of every political decision requires movement . It may be messages that move, or men, or money, or munitions .

Stephen B . Jones

Air strategy begins with airplane ranges . Air-plane ranges determine the location of bases . The proximity to the target of the bases un-der one’s control fixes the weight and rhythm of the attack .

Tooey Spaatz

The Americans, with minimum losses, at-tacked and seized a relatively weak area, constructed airfields, and then proceeded to cut the supply lines to troops in that area . The Japanese Army preferred direct assault, after German fashion, but the Americans flowed into our weaker points and submerged us, just as water seeks the weakest entry to sink a ship . We respected this type of strategy

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for its brilliance because it gained the most while losing the least .

Lt Col Matsuichi Iino Japanese Eighth Area Army

Strange as it may seem, the Air Force, except in the air, is the least mobile of all the Ser-vices . A squadron can reach its destination in a few hours, but its establishment, depots, fuel, spare parts, and workshops take many weeks, and even months, to develop .

Winston Churchill

We do not have to be out and out disciples of Douhet to be persuaded of the great signifi-cance of air forces for a future war, and to go on from there to explore how success in the air could be exploited for ground warfare, which would in turn consolidate the aerial victory .

Maj Gen Heinz Guderian, 1�37

The fact of British air superiority threw to the winds all the tactical rules which we had hith-erto applied with such success . In every battle to come the strength of the Anglo-American air force was to be the deciding factor .

Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, 1�42

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Utilization of the Anglo-American air forces is the modern type of warfare, turning the flank not from the side but from above .

Vice Adm Friedrich Ruge Rommel’s naval aide at Normandy

Somebody has to be on the ground . I don’t want them to have to fight their way in . I want the American soldier to only have to worry about mud on his boots, not blood . At the end of the day, the American soldier’s best friend is the American airman . But only if we get our story told .

Maj Gen Chuck Link, 1��5

Only through speedy delivery of combat forces to favorable positions can decisive impact be exerted . Among various delivery measures, air transport is the most effective action be-cause of its strong mobility, fast speed, and less restrictive geographic conditions .

Maj Gen Zheng Shenxia and Senior Col Zhang Changzi, PLAAF, 1��6

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interdiction, Attrition, and Counterland

It is infrequently claimed that the mainte-nance of a favorable situation in the air is the principal task of both bombers and fighters in the field . This is definitely not so . Air supe-riority is only a means to an end . The object of air superiority is the control of air commu-nications, firstly for our own use and secondly to deny it to the enemy . And the use we require is to “conduct operations against an enemy”; and this, in a land campaign, means to break down the resistance of the enemy army .

J . C . Slessor

The greatest secret of war and the masterpiece of a skillful general is to starve his enemy .

Frederick the Great

When one army is full and another starving, lead and steel are hardly needed to decide the victory .

Sir John Fortescue

The idea that superior air power can in some way be a substitute for hard slogging and professional skill on the ground is beguiling but illusory . Air support can be of immense value to an army; it may sometimes be its salvation . But armies can fight—and not only

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defensively—in the face of almost total air superiority .

J . C . Slessor

For our air offensive to attain its full effect, it is necessary that our ground offensive should be of a character to throw the greatest possible strain upon the enemy’s communications .

Winston Churchill, 1�17

There is a great difference in the mental at-titude of aerial crews when “close-in” Army targets are attacked as opposed to the nor-mal strategical target . Crews will fly through intense flak to a “close-in” target and do an excellent piece of work . Ten days later the same crews will fly into just as intense flak to attack a bridge or supply dump and do only a fair job . In spite of the losses and injuries sustained to date in Air-Ground cooperation work, morale always reaches a new high dur-ing such periods of operation .

United States Army Air Forces 42d Bomb Wing report, World War II

Air interdiction and ground maneuver must be synchronized so that each complements and reinforces the other . Synchronization is important because it can create a dilemma for the enemy that has no satisfactory an-swer . His dilemma is this: if he attempts to counter ground maneuver by moving rapidly, he exposes himself to unacceptable losses

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from air interdiction; yet if he employs mea-sures that are effective at reducing losses caused by air interdiction, he then cannot maneuver fast enough to counter the ground component of the campaign .

Price T . Bingham

If the enemy has air supremacy and makes full use of it, then one’s own command is forced to suffer the following limitations and disadvantages:

• By using his strategic air force, the enemy can strangle one’s supplies, especially if they have to be carried across the sea .

• The enemy can wage the battle of attri-tion from the air .

• Intensive exploitation by the enemy of his air superiority gives rise to far-reaching tactical limitations for one’s own command .

Erwin Rommel

The argument has been advanced that the Air Force should be concerned with land ob-jectives, and the Navy with objectives on and over the water . That distinction is to deny the peculiar quality of the air medium, the third dimension . The air is indivisible; it covers land and sea .

Tooey Spaatz

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Airpower has become predominant, both as a deterrent to war, and—in the eventuality of war—as the devastating force to destroy an enemy’s potential and fatally undermine his will to wage war .

GEN Omar Bradley

As the aeroplane is the most mobile weapon we possess, it is destined to become the domi-nant offensive arm of the future .

J . F . C . Fuller

70 percent of casualties and injuries to enemy troops in the Vietnam War were caused by U .S . air firepower . Half the Arab tanks dam-aged during the fourth Middle East War were destroyed by the Israeli Air Force . During the Falkland Islands war between Britain and Ar-gentina, �0 percent of the 2� vessels that were lost were due to air strikes . All the above indi-cates that with the rapid development of air weapons, the focus of modern war is gradu-ally shifting to the air . Air firepower is becom-ing the backbone of joint military forces .

Maj Gen Zheng Shenxia and Senior Col Zhang Changzi, PLAAF, 1��6

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Airpower prophecy

I dipt into the future far as human eye could see,

Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonders that would be;

Saw the heavens fill with commerce, argosies of magic sails,

Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales;

Heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rain’d a ghastly dew

From the nations’ airy navies grappling in the central blue .

Alfred, Lord Tennyson “Locksley Hall,” 1842

Heavier-than-air flying machines are im-possible .

William Thomson, Lord Kelvin President, Royal Society, 18�5

An uninterrupted navigable ocean that comes to the threshold of every man’s door ought not to be neglected as a source of human gratification and advantage .

Sir George Cayley (1773–1857)

The example of the bird does not prove that men can fly . Imagine the proud possessor of the aeroplane darting through the air at a speed of several hundred feet per second . It

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is the speed alone that sustains him . How is he ever going to stop?

Simon Newcomb Independent, 22 October 1�03

In order to assure an adequate national de-fense, it is necessary—and sufficient—to be in a position in case of war to conquer the command of the air .

Giulio Douhet

The bomber will always get through .Stanley Baldwin

Engines of war have long since reached their limits, and I see no further hope of any im-provement in the art .

Sextus Julius Frontinus Strategemata, Introduction to Book III, AD 84

Few people who know the work of Langley, Lilienthal, Pilcher, Maxim and Chanute but will be inclined to believe that long before the year 2000 A .D . [sic], and very probably before 1�50, a successful aeroplane will have soared and come home safe and sound .

H . G . Wells, 1�01

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The Nature of War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Clausewitz on Policy and War . . . . . . . . 63

War as Art and Science . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Time and Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Deterrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Irregular Warfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Friction, War’s Resistant Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Oils for the Friction of War . . . . . . . . . . 90

The Art of Studying Circ*mstances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

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The Nature of War

Five great enemies to peace inhabit with us—avarice, ambition, envy, anger, and pride . If those enemies were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy perpetual peace .


It is apparently not possible for an-other real war among the nations of Europe to take place .

David Starr Jordan, 1914

We live in a world where emergencies are al-ways possible, and our survival may depend on our capacity to meet emergencies . Having said that, it is necessary also to say that emergency measures—however good for the emergency—do not make good permanent policies . Emergency measures are costly, they are superficial, and they imply that the enemy has the initiative .

John Foster Dulles

Soldiers usually are close students of tactics, but rarely are they students of strategy and practically never of war .

Bernard Brodie

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War is part of the intercourse of the human race .

War is the province of danger, and therefore courage above all things is the first quality of the warrior .

War is the province of physical exertion and suffering .

War is the province of uncertainty . War is the province of friction .War demands resolution, firmness, and

staunchness .Ernest Hemingway Men at War (chapter titles), quoting Carl von Clausewitz

Air power is particularly vulnerable to the perils of strategy made by rule of thumb . Its potential cannot be judged nearly as well by historical precedent as both critics and advo-cates would like: its utility depends much more on the particulars of the case than they might think .

Eliot A . Cohen, 1995

It just worries the hell out of me . It’s damned easy to get in war, but it’s going to be awfully hard to ever extricate yourself if you do get in .

Pres . Lyndon B . Johnson, 27 May 1964, telephone conversation with National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy

The purpose of all war is peace .Augustine

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In order for a war to be just, three things are necessary . Firstly, the authority of the sover-eign . . . . Secondly, a just cause . . . . Thirdly, . . . a rightful intention .

Thomas Aquinas

The supreme excellence is not to win a hun-dred victories . The supreme excellence is to subdue the armies of your enemies without having to fight them .

Sun Tzu

In war, Resolution; in defeat, Defiance; in victory, Magnanimity .

Winston Churchill

One thing stands out clearly against the background of my experience: the winning of peace is much more difficult than the win-ning of even a global war . . . . . The principles of yesterday no longer apply . Air travel, air-power, air transportation of troops and sup-plies have changed the whole picture . We must think in terms of tomorrow . . . . Let us give the people of the United States the best, the most efficient, the most modernly equipped armed forces possible, using as de-termining factors, our foreign policy and the capabilities and limitations of our enemies .

Hap Arnold

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Nobody dislikes war more than warriors, but we value the causes of peace so highly that we will not duck a war in an effort to get a lasting peace .

Gen Daniel “Chappie” James Jr .

That slaughter is a horrifying spectacle must make us take war more seriously, but that doesn’t excuse blunting our swords in the name of humanity . Sooner or later someone with a sharp sword will come along and cut off our arms .

Carl von Clausewitz

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Clausewitz on Policy and War

Now the first, the grandest, and most deci-sive act of judgment which the Statesman and General exercises is rightly to under-stand in this respect the war in which he en-gages, not to take it for something, or wish to make of it something, which by the nature of its relations it is impossible for it to be .

The ultimate object of our wars, the political one, is not always quite a simple one .

The great point is to keep the overruling rela-tions of both parties in view . Out of them a certain center of gravity, a center of power and movement, will form itself, on which all depends .

Truth alone is but a weak motive of action with men, and hence there is always a great difference between knowing and action, be-tween science and art .

Where no powerful motives press and drive, cabinets will not risk much in the game . The more war becomes in this manner devitalized so much the more its theory becomes desti-

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tute of the necessary firm pivots and but-tresses for reasoning .

Where judgment begins, there art begins .Clausewitz

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War as art and Science

The terrain of war is generally mapped us-ing one of two “projections”: those of art and science. As with other maps, detailed study of both projections leads to more complete under-standing of the terrain.

The science of war (knowledge) . The art of war (application of knowledge) .

Wallace P . Franz and Harry G . Summers Art of War Colloquium, textbook Army War College

It is absolutely true in war, were other things equal, that numbers—whether men, shells, bombs, etc .—would be supreme . Yet it is also absolutely true that other things are never equal and can never be equal . There is al-ways a difference, and it is the differences which by begging to differ so frequently throw all calculations to the winds .

J . F . C . Fuller

War belongs not to the province of Arts and Sciences, but to the province of social life . It is a conflict of great interests, which is settled by bloodshed, and only in that is it different from others . It would be better, instead of comparing it with any Art, to liken it to busi-ness competition, which is also a conflict of human interests and activities; and it is still

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more like State policy, which, again, can be looked upon as a kind of business competi-tion on a great scale .


The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him .

Sun Tzu

War involves in its progress such a train of unforeseen and unsupposed circ*mstances that no human wisdom can calculate the end . It has but one thing certain, and that is to increase taxes .

Thomas Paine

War and truth have a fundamental incom-patibility . The devotion to secrecy in the in-terests of the military machine largely explains

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why, throughout history, its operations com-monly appear in retrospect the most uncer-tain and least efficient of human activities .

B . H . Liddell Hart

If I always appear prepared, it is because be-fore entering on an undertaking, I have med-itated for long and have foreseen what may occur . It is not genius which reveals to me suddenly and secretly what I should do in circ*mstances unexpected by others; it is thought and preparation .


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Time and Space

Time is necessary to both belligerents, . . . the only question is: which of the two, judg-ing by his position, has most reason to ex-pect special advantages from time?


When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, the men’s weapons will grow dull and their ardour dampened . Again, if the campaign is protracted the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain . Thus, though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been associated with long delays . There is no instance of a country having benefitted from prolonged warfare .

Sun Tzu

Time is the condition to be won to defeat the enemy . Time ranks first among the three fac-tors necessary for victory, coming before ter-rain and support of the people . Only with time can we defeat the enemy .

Ho Chi Minh

Space in which to maneuver in the air, un-like fighting on land or sea, is practically unlimited .

Group Captain J . E . “Johnnie” Johnson

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You can’t expect the Rapid Reaction Force to be ready immediately .

Military spokesman on preparations for Implementation Force

You win battles by knowing the enemy’s tim-ing, and using a timing which the enemy does not expect .

Miyamoto Musashi

At the outset of a war, time is the supreme factor . Do not let us forget that the aggressor is also concerned with the time factor; he is ready, otherwise he would not have provoked armed conflict; he inevitably hopes and plans for a quick decision, since no one would wish for a long war if it could be avoided; moreover he wants a decision before his opponent has had time to “turn his capacity into the new activities which war calls for .”

Lord Tedder

Go sir, gallop, and don’t forget that the world was made in six days . You can ask me for anything you like, except time .


A good plan executed now is better than a perfect plan next week .

GEN George S . Patton

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Never interrupt your enemy when he is mak-ing a mistake .


Rapidity is the essence of war; take advan-tage of the enemy’s unreadiness, make your way by unexpected routes, and attack un-guarded spots .

Sun Tzu

The last war is not modern, it is out of date . At the same time there are factors that do not change, or only change very slowly . Geogra-phy does not change—though its effect on military operations may be modified by tech-nical changes . Human nature does not

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change, and national characteristics and temperaments change but slowly . Economic factors, generally speaking, change slowly .

Lord Tedder

If there is one attitude more dangerous than to assume that a future war will be just like the last one, it is to imagine that it will be so utterly different that we can afford to ignore all the lessons of the last one .

J . C . Slessor, 1936

But there is one element in relation to the fly-ing machine that we are not producing, that we cannot produce in an emergency, and that is the men . We can produce machines but not the aviators . That takes time .

Alexander Graham Bell

Strategy is the art of making use of time and space . Space we can recover; lost time, never .


He who can move twice as fast as his oppo-nent doubles his operative time and thereby halves that of his opponent .

J . F . C . Fuller

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But there is another way . It is possible to in-crease the likelihood of success without de-feating the enemy’s forces . I refer to opera-tions that have direct political repercussions, that are designed in the first place to disrupt the opposing alliance, or to paralyze it, that gain us new allies, favorably affect the political scene, etc . If such operations are possible it is obvious that they can greatly improve our prospects and that they can form a much shorter route to the goal than the destruction of the opposing armies .

Clausewitz On War, book 1, chapter 2

Objectives are essential to achieve unity of effort . In the abstract sense, the objective is the effect desired .

Joint Publication 0-2, Unified Action Armed Forces, 1995

The significance of the capacity to affect a large number of objectives simultaneously in the Gulf War was not simply that a lot of targets could be attacked, but that vital enemy sys-tems could be brought under effective control .

Brig Gen David A . Deptula, 2001

The cause is hidden but the effect is known .Ovid Metamorphoses IV, ca . AD 5

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The most important events are often deter-mined by very trivial causes .

Cicero Orationes Philippicae V, 60 BC

In past air campaigns, the random effects of ballistic weapons often created ambiguity and uncertainty as to intent . We can now expect enemies to rapidly assess the pattern of tar-gets attacked by PGMs in an effort to predict future attacks . This suggests that we need to contemplate the second-order effects of force application—human responses and target system responses—rather than just the im-mediate effects we intend to achieve . Under-standing what up to now have been “unin-tended effects” is just a first step; airmen need to plan and perhaps even devise strategy around them . All the processes of adjusting to air attack (e .g ., dispersing, digging in, mov-ing, reorganizing) cost the enemy something and may deserve consideration as campaign objectives in themselves .

Lt Gen Charles G . Boyd, 1991

The effects of an attack against the industrial facilities on the social life of a nation cannot be overestimated . Modern warfare places an enor-mous load upon the economic system of a na-tion which increases its sensitivity to attack .

“Air Force Objectives” Air Corps Tactical School lecture, 1935

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Only by a careful analysis—by painstaking in-vestigation—will it be possible to select the line of action that will make it possible to ef-ficiently employ the air force during war . It is a study for the statistician, the technical ex-pert, not the soldier .

“National Economic Structures” Air Corps Tactical School lecture, 1936

Well before it makes any sense to talk about mechanics, it is imperative to decide what ef-fect you want to produce on the enemy . Mak-ing this decision is the toughest intellectual challenge; once the desired effect is decided, figuring out how to attain it is much easier if for no other reason than we practice the nec-essary tactical events every day, whereas we rarely (far too rarely) think about strategic and operational problems . Let us propose a very simple rule for how to go about produc-ing the effect: do it very fast .

Col John A . Warden III, 1996

The “Revolution in Military Affairs” is now the mantra of those who seek remote, clinical, and surgical solutions to what has tradition-ally been a close-in, chaotic, and bloody brawl . This has weakened the concept of the warrior, as the androgynous technician has gained ascendancy in some quarters .

LtGen Bernard E . “Mick” Trainor, USMC, retired, 2000

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I believe that effects-based operations will be the doctrinal concept—the future joint war-fighting concept—that our nation will em-ploy . But it ain’t ready yet .

GEN William F . Kernan, 2002

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Strategy is the employment of battle to gain the end in war; it must therefore give an aim to the whole military action, which must be in accordance with the object of the war; in other words, strategy forms the plan of the war .


Tactics are concerned with doing the job “right,” higher levels of strategy are con-cerned with doing the “right” job .

Dennis M . Drew and Donald M . Snow

Throughout his life Alexander consistently subordinated strategy to policy, which is the essence of grand strategy .

J . F . C . Fuller

The strategist is he who always keeps the objec-tive of the war in sight and the objective of the war is never military and is always political .

Alfred Thayer Mahan

The twin problems of modern warfare: How to persuade the adversary to come to terms without inflicting on him such severe dam-age as to prejudice all chances of subsequent stability and peace? Under what circum-stances can armed force be used, in the only

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way in which it can be legitimate to use it, to ensure a lasting and stable peace?

Sir Michael Howard

The soundest strategy is to postpone opera-tions until the moral disintegration of the enemy renders the delivery of the mortal blow both possible and easy .

Vladimir I . Lenin

Fight the enemy with the weapons he lacks .Aleksandr V . Suvorov

True economy of force is using the indirect approach to effect a psychological defeat with-out engaging in actual combat .

B . H . Liddell Hart

In Japan there was nothing that could be called grand or military strategy until a short time before the outbreak of World War II . There was little correlation between her na-tional defense theory and the strategic plans of the army and the navy . In [my opinion this] eventually resulted in the calamity of Japan entering into her disastrous war .

Japanese historian Toshiyuki Yokoi

Generally in war the best policy is to take a state intact; to ruin it is inferior to this . To capture the enemy’s army is better than to

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destroy it . To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill . Thus, what is of extreme importance in war is to attack the enemy’s strategy; next best is to disrupt his alliances; [and] next best is to attack his forces . The worst policy is to attack his cities; do so only when there is no alternative .

Sun Tzu

Where the strategist is empowered to seek a military decision, his responsibility is to seek it under the most advantageous circum-stances in order to produce the most profit-able result . Hence his true aim is not so much to seek battle as to seek a strategic situation so advantageous that if it does not of itself produce the decision, its continuation by battle is sure to achieve this .

B . H . Liddell Hart

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1 . He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight .

2 . He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces .

3 . He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all the ranks .

4 . He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared .

5 . He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign .

Victory lies in the knowledge of these five points .

Sun Tzu

It is the mark of good action that it appears inevitable in retrospect .

Robert Louis Stevenson

There are some roads not to follow; some troops not to strike; some cities not to as-sault; and some ground which should not be contested .

Sun Tzu

We must perceive the necessity of every war being looked upon as a whole from the very outset, and that at the very first step forward the commander should have the end in view to which every line must converge .


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In war the victorious strategist seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and af-terwards looks to victory .

Sun Tzu

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To be prepared for war is one of the most ef-fectual means of preserving peace .

George Washington

The expenses required to prevent a war are much lighter than those that will, if not pre-vented, be absolutely necessary to maintain it .

Benjamin Franklin

It is customary in democratic countries to deplore expenditure on armament as con-flicting with the requirements of the social services . There is a tendency to forget that the most important social service that a gov-ernment can do for its people is to keep them alive and free .

J . C . Slessor

The great lesson to be learned in the battered towns of England and the ruined cities of Germany is that the best way to win a war is to prevent it from occurring . That must be the ultimate end to which our best efforts are devoted . It has been suggested—and wisely so—that this objective is well served by in-suring the strength and security of the United States . The United States was founded and has since lived upon principles of tolerance, freedom, and goodwill at home and abroad . Strength based on these principles is no

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threat to world peace . Prevention of war will not come from neglect of strength or lack of foresight or alertness on our part . Those who contemplate evil and aggression find encour-agement in such neglect . Hitler relied heavily upon it .

US Strategic Bombing Survey Summary Report (Europe)

If we are living in a world where either side can make a surprise attack upon the other which destroys the latter’s capability to make a meaningful retaliation, then it makes sense to be trigger-happy with one’s strategic air power . But if, on the other hand, the situa-tion is such that neither side can hope to eliminate the retaliatory power of the other, that restraint which was suicidal in one situation now becomes prudence, and it is trigger-happiness that becomes suicidal .

Bernard Brodie

It is a doctrine of war not to assume the enemy will not come, but rather to rely on one’s readiness to meet him; not to presume that he will not attack, but rather to make one’s self invincible .

Sun Tzu

America must maintain a state of readiness for defense and counterattack . This is not just for the sake of being prepared . Of equal or greater importance is the fact that the visi-

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bility of our preparedness will deter attacks against us .

Gen Curtis E . LeMay

Forces that cannot win will not deter .Gen Nathan F . Twining

Deterrence is not just aircraft on alert and missiles in the silos . It is not defined by the size of the defense budget . It is a product of both capability and credibility .

Gen Jerome F . O’Malley

A nation, regardless of its protesta-tions, if it feels that its national ex-istence is threatened and that it is losing a war, will turn to any weapon that it can use .

GEN Walter Bedell Smith

There will always be time enough to die; like a drowning man who will clutch instinctively at a straw, it is the natural law of the moral world that a nation that finds itself on the brink of an abyss will try to save itself by any means .


When you surround an army, leave an outlet free . Do not press a desperate foe too hard .

Sun Tzu

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Irregular Warfare

By exacting a great price on the Taliban for any massing of forces to defend or counter-attack, the asymmetrical advantage of the US ground-based targeting and air attack made the ground forces of the Northern Alli-ance unstoppable .

GEN Montgomery C . Meigs, USA, retired, 2003

We are no more prepared for the suicidal “hu-man bomb” terrorist in the Middle East than we were for the saffron-robed monk in Sai-gon who put the torch to himself . . . . We persist in refusing to acknowledge what we don’t know or understand about them—or heaven forbid—to concede that many of them are not likely to respond to either our threats or our blandishments .

Meg Greenfield, 1983

In point of fact you do not control a country from the air, any more than from the busi-ness end of a gun . It is the civil administra-tor, the District Commissioner or Political Of-ficer, and the policeman who control the country .

J . C . Slessor, 1957

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It is fighting at a great disadvantage to fight those who have nothing to lose .

Francesco Guicciardini Storia d’Italia, 1564

The conventional army loses if it does not win . The guerrilla wins if he does not lose .

Henry Kissinger

Perhaps the only subject regarding the Ameri-can intervention [in Nicaragua] upon which all authorities are able to agree is the efficacy with which the Marines employed the air power at their disposal .

Lejeune Cummins Quijote on a Burro, 1958

Our evidence goes to show that it is not the way force is applied but its effectiveness that is feared and to that extent resented . Once force is actually applied, the tribesm[a]n prob-ably dislike[s] land and air operations equally, except that in the latter his prized inaccessi-bility is taken from him and his opportunities for hitting back are far more limited .

Rufus Isaacs, Lord Reading, 1925

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Lessons from raF Operations in Iraq, 1914–32

• Perhaps the most serious long term consequence of the ready availability of air control was that it developed into a substitute for administration .

• The speed and simplicity of air attack was preferred to the more time con-suming and painstaking investigation of grievances and disputes .

• With such powers at its disposal the Iraq Government was not encouraged to develop less violent methods of ex-tending its control over the country .

Peter Sluglett, 1976

Those governments that were able to create effective intelligence organizations and use them efficiently were normally successful in their counterinsurgency efforts . This was particularly true of the British campaign in Malaya from 1948 to 1960 and the Philippine operations against the Huks from 1946 to 1954 . In both instances, accurate and timely intelligence was a crucial factor in defeating the insurgents . On the other hand, inade-quate intelligence was a significant weakness in the French campaign against the Viet Minh in Indochina .

Dr . Charles A . Russell and Maj Robert E . Hildner, 1973

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So far from the use of the aeroplane having tended to replace the intimate knowledge of the local Political Officer regarding his tribes, it has done an enormous amount towards in-creasing that knowledge and towards remov-ing the risk of inflicting indiscriminate pun-ishment on the innocent and guilty alike .

Sir Steuart Pears Resident in Waziristan, 1924

The tenets of AirLand Battle apply equally to the military operations characteristic of low intensity war .

Army Field Manual 100-5, Operations, 1986

One of the most significant after effects of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York has been the realiza-tion that anti-terrorism operations will now be occupying the center stage of military op-erations for at least the next few years, if not decades .

Air Commodore Tariq Mahmud Ashraf Pakistan air force

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Friction, War’s resistant Medium

Everything is very simple in war, but the sim-plest thing is difficult . These difficulties ac-cumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen war .


If one has never personally experienced war, one cannot understand in what the difficul-ties constantly mentioned really consist, nor why a commander should need any brilliance and exceptional ability .


Only the study of military history is capable of giving those who have no experience of their own a clear picture of what I have just called the friction of the whole machine .


War is composed of nothing but accidents, and though holding to general principles, a general should never lose sight of everything to enable him to profit from these accidents; that is the mark of genius .


War is the realm of uncertainty; three quar-ters of the factors on which action in war is

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based are wrapped in a fog of greater or lesser uncertainty . A sensitive and discriminating judgment is called for: a skilled intelligence to scent out the truth .


Clausewitz framed the notion of friction in On War, book 1, chapter 7.

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Oils for the Friction of War

Now is there, then, no kind of oil which is capable of diminishing this friction? Only one, and that one is not always available at the will of the Commander or his Army . It is the habituation of an Army to War .


Clausewitz corrected the notion that habitua-tion was the sole remedy for the friction of war by prescribing leadership as a second remedy. Other remedies include: understanding war’s uncertainty; professional training; exercises that include friction; war games and thought exer-cises; maintaining alternatives; maintaining re-serves; plans that provide room for frictional re-sults; mental agility; organizational agility; clarity of purpose; judicious use of the initiative; and the compound lubricants of mental clarity, originality, discipline, and doctrine.

The more one can increase the fog and fric-tion encountered by the enemy, the more likely it is that the enemy will be defeated . Flexible plans with alternative objectives, counterintelligence, disinformation decep-tion, concealment, and campaigns to disrupt [the] enemy . . . not only lead to serious er-rors by the enemy on the battlefield but can also cause confusion and uncertainty that

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lower morale, sap aggressiveness, cause ten-tativeness, and undermine initiative .

Dennis Drew and Donald Snow

The friction of war stems from the magni-fied results of fundamental uncertainties.

You will usually find that the enemy has three courses open to him, and of these he will adopt the fourth .

Moltke, the Elder

A battle sometimes decides everything; and sometimes the most trifling thing decides the fate of a battle .


In wars throughout history, events have gen-erally proved the pre-hostilities calculations of both sides, victor as well as loser, to have been seriously wrong .

Bernard Brodie

All action in war is directed on probable, not certain, results . Whatever is wanting in cer-tainty must always be left to fate, or chance, call it which you will . We may demand that what is so left should be as little as possible, but only in relation to the particular case—that is, as little as possible in this one case, but not that the case in which the least is left to chance is always to be preferred . That

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would be an enormous error . There are cases in which the greatest daring is the greatest wisdom .


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The art of Studying Circ*mstances

To refrain from intercepting an enemy whose banners are in perfect order, to refrain from attacking an army drawn up in calm and confident array—this is the art of studying circ*mstances .

Sun Tzu

The most important thing is to have a flexible approach . . . . The truth is no one knows ex-actly what air fighting will be like in the fu-ture . We can’t say anything will stay as it is, but we also can’t be sure the future will con-form to particular theories, which so often, between the wars, have proved wrong .

Brig Gen Robin Olds

In his many battles his tactical genius is apparent in the lightning-like speed with which he adapted his actions to novel cir-c*mstances .

J . F . C . Fuller on Alexander the Great

The problem for the military planner is that intentions can change far more rapidly than can capability . A military capability can take a decade to develop while an election, or a coup-d’etat, can change political intentions overnight . Of all the factors which allow an airman to rapidly redirect his efforts in such

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circ*mstances the greatest is range, or more, descriptively, reach .

Air Vice-Marshal J . R . “Johnnie” Walker, RAF

The more I see of war, the more I realize how it all depends on administration and trans-portation .

Field Marshal Earl A . P . Wavell

The carrying out of a plan, from its very be-ginning to the conclusion of an operation, is another process of knowing the situation; i .e ., the process of putting it into practice . In this process, there is need to examine anew whether the plan corresponds with the actu-alities . If the plan does not correspond or

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does not fully correspond with them, then we must, according to fresh knowledge, form new judgments and make new decisions to modify the original plan in order to meet the new situation .

Mao Tse-tung

It is above all necessary that a general should adopt a role proportionate to his capacity, a plan that he feels himself able to follow out methodically amidst dangers, surprise, fric-tion, accidents of all sorts .

Jean Colin

The truths of war are absolute, but the prin-ciples governing their application have to be deduced on each occasion from the circum-stances, which are always different .

Winston Churchill

One falls into a feeling of security by mental laziness and through lack of calculation con-cerning the intentions of the enemy . To pro-ceed properly it is necessary to put oneself in his place and say: What would I do if I were the enemy? What project would I form? Make as many as possible of these projects, exam-ine them all, and above all reflect on the means to avert them . But do not let these calculations make you timid . Circ*mspec-tion is good only up to a certain point .

Frederick the Great

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es an





OutcOmes and



Operation Desert Storm . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Operation Deliberate Force (Bosnia) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Operation Allied Force (Kosovo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Operation Enduring Freedom (2001–) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003­­­–) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

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Operation desert storm

You have restored my confidence in the United States Air Force . CENTAF [Central Command Air Forces] can’t do [the] planning . Do it the way you want . It is up to the Air Force . . . . I love it . You are the first guys who are leaning forward . This is exactly what I want .

GEN Norman Schwarzkopf to Col John Warden regarding initial Instant Thunder air campaign plan for Iraq, 10 August 1990

In the end, of course, the Gulf War did in fact include a strategic air campaign, and the very least that one could say about it was that by so thoroughly destroying the Iraqis’ capability to wage warfare, it permitted a rel-atively bloodless war-concluding ground op-eration by coalition army forces . The most one could say about the air campaign was that it—in and of itself—won the war .

Gen Charles G . Boyd

It is undeniable that for six weeks—during the period now known as the air campaign—coalition aircraft dropped tons of bombs and missiles on Iraqi targets . It is also undeniable that Iraq’s ground forces were totally ineffec-tive against the coalition’s ground forces . But those facts do not prove that the bombing caused Iraqi ineffectiveness .

Daryl Press, Dartmouth College

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I don’t always find that Desert Storm receives the historical, honest perspective that it should . In fact, it tends to be a gold mine that people go to to extract particular points they want to make and then justify, based on that war . In fact, I go to briefing after briefing from my own space people who tell me how they won the Gulf War . . . . I sit there and smile and say, “Thank you very much . I appreciate that .”

Gen Charles A . Horner, 1993­­­

Desert Storm Air Campaign objectives

• Gain and maintain air supremacy to per-mit unhindered air and ground operations .

• Isolate and incapacitate the Iraqi regime .

• Destroy Iraq’s known NBC [nuclear, bio-logical, chemical] warfare capability .

• Eliminate Iraq’s offensive military capa-bility by destroying key military production, infrastructure, and power capabilities .

• Render the Iraqi army and its mechanized equipment in Kuwait ineffective, causing its collapse .

Department of Defense, Conduct of the Persian Gulf War: Final Report to Congress, 1992

The recent air campaign against Iraqi forces gained not a single one of the US or UN [United Nations] objectives in the Persian Gulf War . Four days of land combat—aided

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immeasurably by the air campaign—achieved every goal and victory .

GEN Frederick J . Kroesen, USA, retired, 1994

The desert—a tactician’s paradise, a quarter-master’s nightmare .

Attributed to a German general

Out of 2,400 main battle tanks, 1,865 were destroyed by Coalition airpower . This does not include Iraqi tanks destroyed by US Army Aviation .

Col Viktor Patzalyuk Former Soviet military attaché to Baghdad

The Multinational Forces [MNF] won the war back before the beginning of the ground of-fensive as a result of an almost 40-day offen-

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sive air operation . . . . The concentration of an MNF ground army of a half million indicates the US command did not believe it would be able to win the war without its use .

Russian colonel (Reserve) Yu . G . Sizov and Col A . L . Skokov, 1993­­­

The Gulf War brought to the fore the tech-nology, tactics, techniques, and operational methods on which the Air Force had been working since the Vietnam War . Precision guided munitions, precision navigation sys-tems like the global positioning system (GPS), and day-night all-weather operations allowed the Air Force to fly, fight, and win in the face of the worst weather in the Middle East in more than a decade . That technology helped to win the fastest, lowest casualty, most dev-astatingly destructive one-sided war in re-corded history . Air Force capabilities had come of age .

James A . Mowbray, 1995

The air war against Iraq turned out to be an enormous success . One of the reasons for this triumph was the integration of the vari-ous air forces into a solid fighting force .

Miron Rezun, 1992

Allied air supremacy in Desert Storm created conditions that could with equal facility have been exploited by a frontal assault, a flank-ing attack of almost any magnitude, an air-

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borne insertion almost anywhere, or an am-phibious assault—or some combination of the four . Aerospace supremacy thus preserved ambiguity of intent, and with it, strategic ma-neuverability and surprise for all force types .

Air Force Manual (AFM) 1-1, Basic Aerospace Doctrine of the United States Air Force, vol . 2, 1992

The sheer abundance of assets such as aircraft, airfields, and tankers allowed the air campaign generally to accommodate all service points of view on the priorities of the air war .

Congressmen Les Aspin and William L . Dickinson, 1992

This way I didn’t have to play around with the [joint air planning] process while I was waiting to hit a target . I kind of gamed the [air tasking order] process . The Navy’s trou-ble was that they tried to do it honestly and write just what they were going to fly .

MajGen Royal N . Moore Jr ., USMC, 1991

The Coalition was fortunate to have an over-whelming number of air forces in the Gulf War . When elements of one force component chose to bypass the joint air planning pro-cess, the JFACC [joint force air component commander], in the interest of avoiding doc-trinal strife, could afford to rely upon forces

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directly under his command to accomplish theater objectives .

Brig Gen David A . Deptula, 2001

If an Iraqi pilot had managed to penetrate the airspace above the border area during the great shift west, he would have been stunned by the panorama below . It was mile after mile of tank transporters, gasoline tankers, troop and ammunition carriers . . . . I shudder to think what a couple of Iraqi planes could have done to that column on a strafing and bombing run .

COL David Hackworth, 1991

Iraq’s operational center of gravity, the Re-publican Guard, and to a lesser extent, the heavy divisions of the regular army, remained a viable fighting force in spite of significant physical damage caused by air attack be-cause their will to fight was not broken . Only by vanquishing an enemy and displacing him on the ground can a military force break the enemy’s will and ensure ultimate victory .

Robert H . Scales, Terry L . Johnson, and Thomas P . Odom, 1993­­­

There had never been a war like that before and the wonder is that, in what was in effect a military laboratory, the workers and their apparatus so often achieved the correct re-sults . It is odd that Americans now seem as

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eager to decry their victory in the Gulf as they were their defeat in Vietnam .

John Keegan

For the Army, the JFACC system was a beast to be tamed . . . . An Army corps commander was not concerned with the entire theater . He looked at the battlefield like a giant bowl-ing alley . To move down the lane, the corps needed to sweep the obstacles from its path, starting with those directly in front of it and then those a day or two away . For the corps commanders, air power was a form of flying artillery and should be on call immediately to support their attack .

Michael Gordon and LtGen Mick Trainor, USMC, retired, 1995

The parallel attack against Iraq was against what may well have been the country best prepared in all the world for attack . The Iraqi army was the largest fielded since the Chi-nese in the Korean War .

Col John A . Warden III, 1996

It is a given that air power theory is enjoying a renaissance that is completely unrealistic in light of the reality of the Gulf War or of capabilities achievable in any reasonable timeframe .

GEN Gordon Sullivan Chief of Staff, US Army, 1994

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Evidence from the Gulf War suggests that even if there had been no significant air cam-paign, the ground war would not have been substantially different .

Daryl Press, Dartmouth College

We may require a sterner test against a more capable adversary to come to a conclusive judgment . But if air power again exerts simi-lar dominance over opposing ground forces, the conclusion will be inescapable that some threshold in the relationship between air and ground forces was first crossed in Desert Storm .

Thomas A . Keaney and Eliot Cohen, 1995

To a great extent, information combat has been enlightened by the Gulf War, in which multinational troops captured all the high-frequency and ultrahigh frequency radio sig-nals of the Iraqi army and stored the numer-ous amounts of information gathered by the 3­­­4 reconnaissance satellites, 260 electronic reconnaissance planes, and 40 prewarning aircraft . Then, the multinational troops used various information systems and high-tech weapons to destroy the Iraqi communication system and take control of the war . The Iraqi command system, radar, and command sys-tems of missiles, aircraft, and artillery were at a standstill . This demonstrates that infor-mation is the key to victory . The side that controls information can give full play to the

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materials and energy possessed, and thereby increase combat power .

Maj Gen Zheng Shenxia and Senior Col Zhang Changzi, PLAAF, 1996

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Operation deliberate Force (Bosnia)

U .S . air strikes delivered 1,026 bombs against 56 military targets in western Bosnia and near Sarajevo—less than half the munitions used per day against Saddam’s army in the Persian Gulf War, but enough to debilitate the far smaller and less heavily armed Bos-nian Serb Army .

Robert A . Pape, 2004

One of the great things that people should have learned from this is that there are times when air power—not backed up by ground troops—can make a difference .

Amb . Richard Holbrooke, 1996

So much damage from such a little thing .Slobodan Milosevic, overheard looking at an Air Force cruise missile at the Air Force Museum, 1995

In the past we thought about precision in terms of meters CEP, Circular Error Probable . Now we should think in terms of the precise application of military effect to policy objec-tives . That’s what that Bosnia campaign sort of unveiled .

Maj Gen Chuck Link, 1996

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Air power not only was the lead arm of Ameri-can involvement in the region but also was almost certainly the only politically viable of-fensive arm available for use by the United States and any of its partners .

Col Robert C . Owen, 2000

We don’t need to occupy an enemy’s country to defeat his strategy . We can reduce his combat capabilities and in many instances defeat his armed forces from the air .

Gen Ronald R . Fogleman

In 1994 and 1995 President Clinton . . . had many options to deal with these crises— capabilities beyond silver bullets that would not work then and will not work tomorrow . It was forces on the ground with balanced full spectrum dominance that successfully se-cured U .S . interests .

GEN Dennis J . Reimer, 1996

Inserting ground forces in a region today may create more problems than it resolves .

Richard Hallion “Airpower and the Changing Nature of Warfare”

If those calls for air strikes against the Serbs had been heeded in 1992, Holbrooke sug-gests, some two million refugees would prob-ably today be in their homes and at least 100,000 lives might have been saved . An

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early and large intervention by NATO war-planes, something that did not occur until the fall of 1995, might even have accomplished what will probably never be accomplished now, the rebuilding of a viable, multiethnic Bosnian state .

Chris Hedges New York Times, 1998

While normal procedure called for attacking aircraft to minimize their exposure to enemy defensive systems by dropping all of their weapons in single passes, General Ryan re-quired many aircraft over Bosnia to make multiple passes, dropping only one weapon at a time, and only after the dust from previ-ous weapons had cleared . These tactics ex-posed crews to the potential of ground de-fenders improving their aim with practice, but they also assured that all bombs were released as accurately as possible and in no greater number than was required to destroy a target . In other instances, targets were hit late at night to minimize the likelihood that civilians and even military personnel would be in or on them .

Col Robert C . Owen, 2001

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Operation allied Force (Kosovo)

There are certain dates in the history of war-fare that mark real turning points . Now there is a new turning point to fix on the calendar: June 3­­­, 1999, when the capitula-tion of President Milosevic proved that a war can be won by air power alone . . . the air forces have won a triumph, are entitled to every plaudit they will receive and can look forward to enjoying a transformed status in the strategic community, one they have earned by their single-handed efforts . All this can be said without reservation, and should be conceded by the doubters, of whom I was one, with generosity . . . . This was a victory through air power .

John Keegan, 1999

They knew everything about us . There wasn’t anything they didn’t know . If we lit a ciga-rette they could see it . God knows what they were dropping on us, all sorts of bombs . We didn’t expect that intensity .

“Milos,” a Yugoslavian soldier Quoted by Rory Carroll, 1999

While NATO leaders and planners may have believed that they were communicating some sort of message to Milosevic through bomb-

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ing, on the ground the message could hardly be extracted from the background noise .

William M . Arkin, 2000

Attacking fielded enemy forces without the shaping presence of a NATO ground threat had produced “major challenges,” including creating a faster flexible targeting cycle; put-ting a laser designator on Predator; creating new target development processes within the [combined air operations center]; creating real-time communications links between find-ers, assessors, and shooters; and developing more real-time retargeting procedures .

Gen John Jumper

Airpower alone has never been decisive . In Vietnam, for example, the Air Force dropped some 6 million tons of bombs, almost triple the tonnage dropped in World War II, without breaking the North Vietnamese will to resist .

COL Harry Summers, USA, retired, 1999

The battle damage assessment of strikes against individual ground weapons remains as much an uncertain art form as during the Gulf War in spite of advances in [unmanned aerial ve-hicles], reconnaissance and intelligence sys-tems, and analysis . NATO and the US lack the capability to “close the loop” in terms of reliable, real-time battle damage assessment

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that can be used for effective tactical deci-sion making .

Anthony H . Cordesman, 1999

I found myself reiterating our priorities again and again . “You must impact the Serb Forces on the ground . Do you understand that at-tacking the Serb forces on the ground is my top priority? We’re going to win or lose this campaign based on how well we go after the ground targets .”

GEN Wesley K . Clark, USA, retired, 2001

The tank, which was an irrelevant item in the context of ethnic cleansing, became the sym-bol of Serbian ground forces . How many tanks did you kill today: All of a sudden, this became the measure of merit although it had nothing to do with reality .

Gen Joe Ralston

[Precision-guided munitions] can offset the need for mass attacks to achieve a high proba-bility of success—a reality evidenced with the dramatic increase of their use in the air war over Serbia .

Brig Gen David A . Deptula, 2001

For the first time in some 5,000 years of mili-tary history—5,000 years of history of man taking organized forces into combat—we saw an independent air operation produce a po-

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litical result . What that means for the future we will still have to divine . . . . This kind of utility can do nothing but place greater de-mands on air and space forces for the future .

Gen Mike Dugan, USAF, retired, 1999

Both of these attributes of air power—rela-tively low force vulnerability and high preci-sion—can also fortify coalition unity, which is itself susceptible to disruptions as friendly casualties and collateral damage mount .

Daniel L . Byman and Matthew C . Waxman, 2000

Planning and preparations for ground inter-vention were well under way by the end of the campaign, and I am convinced that this, in particular, pushed Milosevic to concede .

GEN Wesley K . Clark, USA, retired, 2001

To move Task Force Hawk to its location at an airfield in Rinas, Albania, required 550 C-17 sorties . . . . Task Force Hawk was built around 24 AH-64 attack helicopters . . . . To command the unit, a corps headquarters de-ployed from Germany .

Michael G . Vickers, 2001

The reason Slobodan Milosevic finally caved in—a primary reason—was the presence of US Army ground forces in Albania .

LTG John W . Hendrix, 1999

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Already some of the critics of the war are in-dulging in ungracious revisionism, suggest-ing that we have not witnessed a strategic revolution and that Milosevic was humbled by the threat to deploy ground troops or by the processes of traditional diplomacy . . . . All to be said to that is that diplomacy had not worked before March 24, when the bomb-ing started, while the deployment of a large ground force, though clearly a growing threat, would still have taken weeks to accomplish at the moment Milosevic caved in . The revi-sionists are wrong . This was a victory through air power .

John Keegan, 1999

I would have argued for a campaign that, if it couldn’t include ground troops, then don’t take away also the threat of ground troops .

GEN Colin Powell, USA, retired, 1999

Only institutional pride would maintain that there is only one formula for subduing an enemy .

William M . Arkin, 2000

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Operation enduring Freedom (2001–)

Four simple words describe our mission: global strike, precision engagement . It’s ex-actly on the other side of the globe from Mis-souri . It’s a long way .

Brig Gen Anthony F . Przybyslawski, 2001

Nobody’s calling us unilateral anymore . . . . We’re so multilateral it keeps me up 24 hours a day checking on everybody .

Secretary of State Colin Powell, 2001

The best recent example of operational asym-metry involves the US campaign in Afghani-stan . US forces entered the fray with techno-logical superiority in sensors and space-based communications and the ability to deliver precision weapons from aircraft . Based on training, initiative, and fieldcraft, they pos-sessed the ability to knit together new tacti-cal techniques integrating an air operation and special forces with an indigenous forma-tion, the Northern Alliance .

GEN Montgomery C . Meigs, USA, retired, 2003­­­

It is not a quagmire at all . It’s been three weeks that we’ve been engaged in this .

SecDef Donald Rumsfeld, 2001

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This is not a rout, it is a withdrawal in rea-sonably good order . They don’t want to hang on to any territory because if they do they will be destroyed from the air .

Charles Heyman, editor Jane’s World Armies, 2001

You must stand strong, my brothers . Don’t vacate any areas . Stick to your positions and fight to the death .

Taliban leader Mullah Omar, November 2001

The success of the bombers is nevertheless a surprise, even if not a wholly unpredictable one . What had been unpredictable is the re-surgence of the Northern Alliance . Their ability to achieve practical superiority, against an enemy superior in numbers who had held them at bay for five years, could not have been foreseen and defies explanation . It is not due to superior weapons—there must have been a collapse of Taliban morale .

John Keegan, 2001

What was demonstrated in Afghanistan on repeated occasion, especially early on, was not classic close air support or air interdic-tion but rather SOF [special operations forces]-enabled precision air attacks against enemy ground forces with no friendly ground forces in direct contact .

Ben Lambeth

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This is modern war . It’s not like Desert Storm . You go into it with your nose first, slowly . You get your grip . You get others to fight for you . And you use airpower as much as you can and stay as high as you can .

GEN Wesley K . Clark, USA, retired, 2001

In any scenario, the Army soldier brings clo-sure, not precision guided munitions, not surgical strikes, and not minimalist combat events .

GEN Gordon R . Sullivan, USA, retired, 2002

Every unit that is not supported is a defeated unit .

Maurice de Saxe

Although the JFACC’s staff had begun as-sessing the overall air effort at the beginning

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of the operation, CENTCOM directed that all such activities be stopped in November 2001 . CENTCOM did not want independent assess-ments of the campaign’s progress to come out of the components .

Maj Thomas J . Timmerman

Another problem in the use of U .S . air power in Afghanistan was a clear overemphasis on avoiding collateral damages . Reportedly, vir-tually every strike or attack was approved by CINCCENT [commander in chief, Central Command] in Tampa . Lawyers were heavily involved in approving the list of targets to be attacked, at all command echelons . The law-yers participated in determining whether a specific target was used for military pur-poses, evaluating the propriety of using cer-tain type of munitions, and deciding whether a successful attack on such a target was out-weighed by civilian losses . Although the com-mander made a final decision, this process was unnecessarily complicated, cumbersome, and time consuming .

Dr . Milan Vego, 2002

The most effective close air support asset we had was the Apache, hands down . . . . The Apaches were extraordinary—they were le-thal and survivable . We had six in the fight with two left flying at the end of the first day .

MG Franklin L . Hagenbeck, 2002

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Since they were unable to define what it was that they wanted from us, we just elected to . . . push on our own . . . . My answer was, I will give them more capacity than they could potentially use . I’m trying to do back-of-the-envelope planning so that even if they can’t define a requirement, they will have the re-sources necessary to successfully execute this .

Gen John Corley, 2004

The air war in Afghanistan against a fleeting enemy operating in penny packets in ex-tremely inhospitable terrain which made their detection very difficult demonstrated once again the tremendous flexibility and adaptability of air power to new and emerg-ing situations . More significantly, this con-flict showed that air power has a major role to play in low intensity conflicts, especially those being waged against an enemy fielding irregular forces .

Air Commodore Tariq Mahmud Ashraf Pakistan air force

You do what you have to do, so you play the cards you’re dealt . There is not one compo-nent that is dominant over the others . There are a set of components that have different tools that a combatant commander uses, and out of all of this we should have the closest of relationships because we’ve all walked through fire together .

Gen T . Michael Moseley, 2004

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Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003–)

I do not want General McKiernan to have to stop anywhere between Kuwait and Baghdad unless it is at a local 7-11 for a chili-cheese dog and a cherry limeade .

Lt Gen T . Michael Moseley to Combined Air Operations Center staff three days prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom

In my judgment, there should have been a minimum of two heavy divisions and an ar-mored cavalry regiment on the ground—that’s how our doctrine reads .

GEN Barry R . McCaffrey, USA, retired, 2003­­­

This is “Desert Lite .” As they said in briefings before the war, this force is probably ade-quate for the job, but it doesn’t leave much room for setbacks or sandstorms .

Anthony H . Cordesman, 2003­­­

The main thing we’ve learned from this is that “shock and awe” hasn’t panned out . The targeting hasn’t broken the back of the leadership .

Robert A . Pape, 2003­­­

We might be able to do the job if airpower is effective, if we don’t have close contact with

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enemy forces, and if the Iraqi will is broken . But those are a lot of big ifs .

GEN Wesley K . Clark, USA, retired, 2003­­­

The Republican Guard is in full control . We have defeated them; in fact, we have crushed them . We have pushed them outside the whole area of the airport .

Muhammad Said al-Sahhaf “Baghdad Bob,” 6 April 2003­­­

I believe the Americans have so far been un-able to capture a single large locality because the Iraqis organized their defense using the combat experience of the Soviet Army, ob-tained during World War II .

Col Gen Vladislav Achalov, Soviet army, retired, 7 April 2003­­­

Don’t believe these invaders and these liars . There are none of their troops in Baghdad .

Muhammad Said al-Sahhaf “Baghdad Bob,” 8 April 2003­­­

Had it been possible to know on March 20 that in just 17 days, US forces would have captured Baghdad’s international airport, destroyed most of the Republican Guard, and secured Iraq’s vital oil infrastructure, all at a cost of fewer than 75 American lives, most people in this country would have been elated at the prospect of seem-ingly overwhelming military success .

Washington Post, 6 April 2003­­­

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The divisions [Republican Guard] were es-sentially destroyed by airstrikes when they were still about 3­­­0 miles from their destina-tion . . . . The Iraqi will to fight was broken outside Baghdad .

Colonel Ghassan, Republican Guard Iraqi General Staff

It is difficult to overstate the importance of air operations in the context of [Operation Iraqi Freedom] . By dominating the air over Iraq, coalition air forces shaped the fight to allow for rapid dominance on the ground . . . . Inte-gration of precision munitions with ground operations, supported by a largely space-based command and control network, enabled com-bat operations to occur in ways only imag-ined a decade ago .

Gregory Fontenot, E . J . Degen, and David Tohn On Point, 2005

We primarily used schools and hidden com-mand centers in orchards for our head-quarters—which were not hit . But the ac-curacy and lethality of those attacks left an indelible impression on those Iraqi soldiers who either observed them directly or saw the damage afterwards .

Commanding general Al Nida Republican Guard Division

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We never really found any cohesive unit, of any brigade, of any Republican Guard Division .

COL William Grimsley 1st Brigade commander, 3­­­d Infantry Division

The most striking feature of the air campaign was the very high degree of precision at-tained . The results, compared with those achieved in previous air campaigns, appeared sensational .

John Keegan, 2004

I am a determined nonpartisan former public official who loyally served the past two Admin-istrations . My criticism of the brilliantly exe-cuted air-land-sea campaign to disarm Iraq was limited to the “rolling start .” My anxieties are, of course, being rapidly washed away by the superb success of our fighting forces—and by the rapid reinforcement of the courageous initial assault elements in accordance with this very daring and successful plan .

GEN Barry R . McCaffrey, USA, retired, 2003­­­

They knew that the only chance they had was to wage a struggle against us that marginal-ized our air power .

John Pike, 2006

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Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

EffectsofIntroducingTechnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

Intelligence,Surveillance,andReconnaissance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Stealth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

TheEmergenceofStealth . . . . . . . . . . 142

Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

UnmannedAerialVehicles . . . . . . . . . . 149

Synergies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

TechnologyandNumbers . . . . . . . . . . 154

ReactionstoTechnology . . . . . . . . . . . 156

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Victorysmilesuponthosewhoanticipatethechanges in the character of war, not uponthosewhowaittoadaptthemselvesafterthechangesoccur .


Airpowerhasbeentransformed(ratherthanrevolutionized)sinceVietnam;andevenifitcannotcarrythedayalone,wewouldbedere-lictinourdutyascitizensnottoconsiderthepossibilityofincreasing[the]useofairpowerasthesupportedforceandgroundandseapowerasthesupportingforces .

Dr .DavidR .Mets

Itmaybesaid thatwarfarehasacquiredanew phase—technological war . In the past,researchanddevelopmentwereonlyprepa-rationforthefinalanddecisivetestingofnewsystemsinbattle .Todaythekindandqualityofsystemswhichanationdevelopscande-cidethebattleinadvanceandmakethefinalconflictamereformality—orcanbypasscon-flictaltogether .


We should base our security upon militaryformationswhichmakemaximumuseofsci-

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ence and technology in order to minimizenumbersofmen .

DwightD .Eisenhower

Performance means initiative—the mostvaluablemoralandpracticalassetinanyformofwar .


New conditions require, for solution—andnewweaponsrequire,formaximumapplica-tion—new and imaginative methods . Warsareneverwoninthepast .


Anairforceisalwaysvergingonobsolescenceand, in time of peace, its size and replace-mentratewillalwaysbeinadequatetomeetthe full demandsofwar .Militaryairpowershould,therefore,bemeasuredtoalargeex-tentbytheabilityoftheexistingairforcetoabsorbintimeofemergencytheincreasere-quiredbywar togetherwithnew ideasandtechniques .


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Obsoleteweaponsdonotdeter .MargaretThatcher

Inmanyinstancestheinformationdisplayedforthecommander,whentracedbacktoitsorigins,restsuponanassumption,anesti-mate, or an extrapolation of data derivedfromafieldtrialofsomeweaponoritemofequipment .Commanders,whohaveseldom

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participated in deriving the algorithms bywhichtheinformationondisplaybeforethemwasdrawn,tendtoacceptthegivendataasreliable fact, especiallywhen thedataarepresentedinnumericalform .Thesesoftlinksinthechainofremoteinputsarefatallyeasytooverlook .

I .B .HolleyJr .

Some airpower missions demand the besttechnologythenationcanproduce .Thecon-struct that produced airpower . . . for theVietnam War came from a conscious deci-sion,inpursuitofcost-effectiveness,tobuilda force with capabilities only incrementallybetterthanthe [adversary’s] .Consequently,theUSAirForcealonelost16wingsofair-craftinthoseeightyears .

GenLarryD .Welch,USAF,retired,1997

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effects of Introducing Technology

Out of the 16,000 V-1s launched againstEnglandand theLowCountries in1944–5,nearly7,000were tobedestroyedbyfight-ers,anti-aircraftguns,orbarrageballoons .Yet thefirstwavessufferedonly2percentattrition .Withinaweek,however,nearto50per centwasbeing registered .Towards theendoftheattacksonEngland,anti-aircraftbatteries were shooting down up to 80 percentofthoseV-1sthatcrossedtheirsights .


Wemustbepreparedtochangerequirementsandoperatingprocedurestoagreewithcom-mercial practice if we are to make efficientuseofcommercialtechnology .Inthefieldsofspace,communications,andinformation,thetimefromconcepttodeploymentmustbenolongerthantwoyears .


ThewayUSmilitaryleadersregardtechnologyhaschangedprofoundlyoverthelast20years .DuringtheColdWartheUnitedStatesdevel-opedtheconceptofthereconnaissancestrikeforce,keytoits“offsetstrategy”:acombina-tionofstealthaircraft,precision-guidedmu-nitions,andadvancedsurveillancetechnologytooffset superiornumbersofSoviet forces .Some military leaders and outside experts

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believedthatsuchadvancedtechnologywastoodelicateorwouldnotworkinthefogofwar .ButtheconceptproveditselfinDesertStorm,crushingtheIraqimilitaryforcewithverylowUSlosses .

SecDefWilliamJ .Perry,1996

Inmilitary systems, the secondstep in thedevelopmentofaradicallynewconceptmustbedeterminedafteroperationaldeployment .Thewarfighterswillusethesystemininno-vative ways not described in the manuals,anditisthisexperiencethatwilldefinethepathtorevolution .


Wemustbepreparedforafailurerategreaterthan50percent .Mostrevolutionaryideaswillbeopposedbyamajorityofdecisionmakers .


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Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

There will be sensors functioning coopera-tivelyaboardsmall,distributedsatellitecon-stellations, sensors aboard uninhabited re-connaissanceaerialvehicles(URAVs),sensorsaboardweapons,andsensorsonthegrounddeliveredbyURAVs .


The whole art of war consists in getting atwhat is on the other side of thehill, or, inotherwords,inlearningwhatwedonotknowfromwhatwedo .


It’simportanttoreflectthatoverhalfofoursensors that provide us information aboutthebattlefieldare sensors that rideonair-breathers, not satellites . And so air domi-nanceforusisabsolutelykeyifwe’regoingtomaintaindominanceonthebattlefield .


Thinkaboutwhereyouliveathomeandthenthinkofaplace125milesfromthatlocation .Ifyouweretomoveoutofyourdrivewayandwewereorbiting125milesaway,wewouldseeyoumove .


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Intherealmof [intelligence,surveillance,andreconnaissance],AlliedForcewitnessed thefirst large-scaleuseofunmannedaerialve-hicles (UAVs) with near realtime sensors,whichprovidedpersistentsurveillanceinde-fendedareaswithoutputtingaircrewsatrisk .

AnthonyH .Cordesman,1999

Inanerawhere,increasingly,militaryplan-nersspeakofconducting“informationwar-fare”againstanopponent,theconnectionbetweenintelligence,sensorsuitability,tar-geting,andcombatoperationsisobvious .Noless significant is the importance of bombdamage assessment . Precision weapons, inshort, are only as good as the intelligencethatgovernsandguidestheiruse .


The power of the new information systemswilllieintheirabilitytocorrelatedataauto-maticallyandrapidlyfrommanysources . . .theaccuracyofasinglesensorandproces-sorinidentifyingtargetsorthreatsisseverelylimited . Detection and identification proba-bilitiesincreaserapidlywithsensordiversityand the false alarm probability and errorratesdecreasecorrespondingly .


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Informationwarfarewillbethemostcomplextypeofwarfareinthe21stcentury,anditwilldecidewhowillwinandwhowilllosethewar .


To achieve victory in information warfare,thecentralissueiscontrolofinformation .


YoufurnishthepicturesandI’llfurnishthewar .


Initialinsightsgainedfromoverayearofre-search indicate that network-centric forcesare more effective . They can do traditionalmissionsmoreeffectively(faster,better,moreefficiently)andimportantly,theycandodif-ferent missions . They can accomplish mis-sionsthoughtimpossibleuntilveryrecently .


HackersroutinelyattempttogetintoUSmili-tary systems .During theGulfWar, hackersfromDenmark,Moscow, and Iraq tried topenetratethesesystems .Ourawarenessof

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theseattemptsdoesnotnecessarilyprovetherewerenosuccessesofwhichweareunaware .

ColJamesW .McLendon,1995

Operational-level cyberwar may, then, bethat very “acmeof skill”which reduces theenemywillwithoutkilling .Ontheotherhand,itmayalsobetheabolitionofstrategyasitattacks the very rationality the enemy re-quirestodecideforwartermination .

GeorgeJ .Stein,1995

Theessenceofinformationisthenegationofuncertainties, or negative entropy . Entropyisdisorder,thusnegativeentropymeansor-der .Thismeansthatareaswiththegreatestuncertaintieswillhavethegreatestdemandsfor information . Whoever can turn uncer-tainties into certainties will gain the upperhandundersuchconditions .

TimothyL .Thomas,paraphrasingShuEnze

Thosewhotakepartininformationwararenotallsoldiers .Anybodywhounderstandscom-putersmaybecomea“fighter”onthenetwork .Thinktankscomposedofnongovernmentalex-pertsmaytakepartindecision-making;rapidmobilizationwillnotjustbedirectedtoyoungpeople; information-related industries anddomainswillbethefirsttobemobilizedandenterthewar .

WeiJincheng,summarizingDr .ShenWeiguang’sconceptof“take-homewar”

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Militaryforcehasalwaysbeenbasedonthemainindustryofitsday .

MajGenJ .F .C .Fuller,1932

It seems to me we’ve got to leap into thethoughtprocess . . .oftryingtouseinforma-tionwarfareitselftobeabletomakeanattackorevenaseriousillegalprobeveryunattract-ivetothepotentialperpetrator .


Theelectron,inmyjudgment,istheultimateprecisionguidedmunition .

JohnM .Deutch,1996

TheB-2,whichisoneofthenewestaircraftwehave,hasanavionicssuitethatiswritteninJovial .IprogrammedinJovialwhenIwasintheNavyin1969,anditwaskindofadeadlanguage then . It’s almost the equivalent ofspeakingancientGreektoday .It’sgoingtobeanindustrialbaseissue,apersonnelissue . . . .Eventhecommercialstuffthat’sonourair-craftwascommercial15,20yearsago,andit’snolongeractuallybeingmaintained .

F .WhittenPetersFormerSecretaryoftheAirForce,2001

Technologically,weshould tryharder togowhereothershavenottroddenanddevelopuncommontechnology .Wecanalsoconsiderorganizing some “network special warfare

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detachments” and finding some computerexpertstoformashockbrigadeof“networkwarriors”whospecializeinlookingforcriticalnodesandcontrolcentersontheenemynet-workandsabotagingthem .


Thus,asimportanttomodernwarfareasin-formation capability has become, it nowtakesseveralordersofmagnitude[of]improve-menttomakeasignificantdifferenceinca-pability . For example, a system capable ofgenerating imagery accurate to the inch isnot necessarily 144 times better than onecapable of generating accuracy to the foot,eventhoughtheformerreveals144timesasmuch information, in the technical sense .This is not true for some other aspects ofwarfare .Forexample,tankgunsthatcanbeaimed accurately from 4,500 meters giveoverwhelmingadvantagetoanarmoredforceengaginganopponentwithtanksarmedwithgunsaccuratetoonly1,500meters .Inthiscase,the3-to-1superiorityaloneprovidesadecisive difference . The performance of So-viet tankswith their Iraqi crews in combatwiththeirAmericancounterpartsintheGulfWarmadethatclear .

MartinC .Libicki,1996

Theremayhavebeenasparkofnetwarge-nius in treating the Iraqisoldiersas “bravemen put into an impossible situation by astupidleader .”Undersuchconditions,there

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is no dishonor in surrendering . And theremayhavebeenaglimpseoffuturenetwar—itisrumoredthatBaghdadRadiosignedononemorningwith“TheStar-SpangledBanner .”

GeorgeJ .Stein,1995

TheAirForce’srealstrengthnolongeristheairplanes .Thegoodolddaysoftwoincrediblymaneuverable planes dogfighting are overandhavebeenovertakenbydatalinks,com-puters,andsatellites .

RichardL .AboulafiaAviationanalyst,2005

Atpresent,itappearsasthoughInformationWarfare ismoreof a “bagof tricks” thanasystem of warfare . As the technologies arebetterdefined,thiswillchange .


Eveniftwoadversariesaregenerallyequalinhardweapons,unlessthepartywithaweakerinformation capability is able effectively toweakentheinformationcapabilityofthead-versary, it has very little possibility ofwin-ningthewar .Conversely,ifonesidecanef-fectivelyweakentheinformationcapabilityoftheotherside,evenifitscapabilityinotherwaysisless,theothersidewilldarenottakeany ill-considered action . These two situa-tionsconstitute “informationdeterrence .” Itcan prevent war from breaking out . Adroitstrategicemploymentofone’sowninforma-

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tion deterrence capabilities constitutes aninformationdeterrencestrategy .


Airelectronicconfrontationequipment,com-pared to that on the ground, can cover awiderspaceandhaveahigherfightingeffi-ciency .TheU .S .[armedforceshave]developedmorethan600electroniccombatdevices,ofwhich70percentareinstalledinaircraft .


The thrust of China’s military constructionanddevelopmentofweaponsandequipmentwill no longer be toward strengthening the“firepower antipersonnel system” of the in-dustrialage,buttowardthestrengtheningofinformation technology, information weap-ons systems, and information networking .Oursightsmustnotbefixedonthefirepowerwarfare of the industrial age, rather theymustbetrainedontheinformationwarfareoftheinformationage .


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Surprisewasalwaysdifficult toachievebe-causeitconflictedwiththeconceptsofmassandconcentration .Inordertohaveenoughforcesavailabletohurlenoughprojectilestowin the probability contest, a commanderhadtoassembleandmovelargenumbers .Ofcourse,assemblingandmovinglargeforcesinsecretwasquitedifficult,eveninthedaysbeforeaerialreconnaissance,sotheoddsonsurprising the enemy were small indeed .Stealthandprecisionhavesolvedbothsidesoftheproblem;bydefinition,stealthachievessurprise,andprecisionmeansthatasingleweaponaccomplisheswhatthousandswereunlikelytoaccomplishinthepast .

ColJohnA .WardenIII,1996

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The emergence of Stealth

Iamannouncingtodayamajortechnologicaladvance of great military significance . Thisso-called “stealth” technology enables theUnited States to build manned and un-mannedaircraftthatcannotbesuccessfullyinterceptedwithexistingairdefensesystems .

Thisachievementwillbeaformidableinstru-mentofpeace .Itpromisestoaddauniquedi-mensiontoourtacticalforcesandthedeterrentstrengthofourstrategicforces .

If you believe that a Soviet capability toshoot down all aerodynamic aircraft of theUSisagoodthing,thenyoushouldbeverymuch against this development . If you be-lievethataUScapabilitytopenetrateSovietair defenses contributes to deterrence as Ido,thenyouwillregardthisasanadvanceinstabilizingthearmscompetition .Thereisnodoubtthatbomberswhichhavealongerre-actiontimearenotthedestabilizingcompo-nent .That’sland-basedfixedICBM . . . .Theabilitytopenetrateairdefensesisnotafirststrikecapability .Theabilitytopenetrateairdefensesisagoodretaliatorycapability .


WorldWarIIdemonstratedthedecisiverolethatairpowercanplayinmilitaryoperations .Italsodemonstratedthepotentialofradarasaprimarymeansofdetectingaircraftanddi-rectingfireagainstthem .

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Becauseofthesedevelopmentsandbecauseoftheimportanceweattachtomaintainingourairsuperiority,wehaveforyearsbeendevelop-ingwhatwecall“penetration”technology:thetechnology that degrades the effectiveness ofradarsandothersensorsthatareusedbyairdefense systems . A particular emphasis hasbeen placed on developing that technologywhichmakesanaircraft“invisible”toradar .

Recognizingthegreatsignificanceofsuchadevelopment, we took three related actions:firstofall,wemadeaten-foldincreaseintheinvestmentwhichwearemakinginthispene-trationtechnology,theunderlyingtechnologywhichallowsustodefeattheradarsystems .Secondly,weinitiatedanumberofveryhighprioritydevelopmentprogramswithapurposeofapplyingthistechnology;andfinallywegavetheentireprogramextraordinarysecuritypro-tection, even to the point of classifying theveryexistenceoftheprogram .

Stealthtechnologydoesnotinvolveasingletechnical approach, a single gimmick so tospeak,but isratheracomplexsynthesisofmany . Even if I were willing to describe toyouhowwedothis,Icouldnotdoitinasen-tenceoreveninaparagraph .

Idowanttoemphasizethepoint,though,thattheterminvisible isstrictlyafigureofspeech .Itisnotaninvisibleairplane .Inthestrictsenseoftheworditisnotinvisible .Youcanseeit .Anditisalsonotinvisibletoradar .Itcanbeseenbyradars ifyouget theair-planecloseenoughtoradars .

UndersecretaryofDefenseWilliamJ .Perry22August1980

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Because of his work during the Carter Ad-ministration,Dr .Perryisknownasthe“Fa-therofStealth .”Ifthat’strue,it’smyjobtomake sure he keeps up his child-supportpayments .

GenMerrillA .McPeak,1994


• Expandthestealthwaveband .Stealthtech-nology is an important component ofelectronic warfare, and development ofstealth technology must be conductedwithfullconsiderationforthepeculiaritiesofmodernwarfare .Themainemphasison research of stealth weaponry in thevariouscountriesiscurrentlyplacedoncentrimetric wave, submillimeter wave,infrared,laser,andmetricwavebandex-pansion .Thestealthwavebandwillthere-forehavetobeexpanded .

• Meticulous design of the external con-toursofstealthweaponry .Itnecessitatesstreamliningof theexteriorofstealthweaponry,eliminatingangularreflectionsandmirrorreflections,andtherationaldesignoftheexhaustandairintakesys-temofthepowerunit,toprovideminimalsurfaceareaforradarreflection .

• Useof themostmodern typesof radarwaveabsorptionandpermeablematerials .Exteriorcoatingofthestealthweaponrywith wave absorptive material and the

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use in structural components of waveabsorptiveandpermeablematerialscaneffectivelyreducethesurfaceareaforra-darreflection .

• Selectionofpowerunitswithlimitedheatradiation, combinedwith thecoolingofthe exhaust fumes will reduce infraredand heat radiation of stealth weaponryandwillmakeitinfraredindiscernible .

• Use of electronic countermeasures andincreasing the outer impedance load ofthestealthweaponry .Installingonstealthweaponryelectronicinterferencemecha-nisms and various kinds of equipmentthatwouldsignaloutfalsetargets .

• Developingandinstallingaccuratemea-suring devices . We should place mainemphasis on setting up radar testingplantsthatareconsonantwiththeenvi-ronment of modern warfare, developnewly structured radar, taking as ourprincipalresearchobjectivemeasurementofthereflectingsurfaceareaoftheradartargetsunderwidebandconditions,andshouldthoroughlyresearchthereactioninthetargetsoftheradarwaves .CaoBenyi,1992

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Theprecisionweaponexemplifiestheprin-ciple of the low-cost threat that forces ahigh-costandcomplicateddefense .


Aboveall,PGMsconnectpoliticalobjectivestomilitaryexecutionwithmuchgreaterreli-abilitythaneverbefore .Thepolitical leadercanhavefargreaterconfidencethatdiscreteobjectives can be met and can thus gainbroader latitude in formulating the overallobjective . This is not just a change in airpoweroreveninmilitarypower;itisafunda-mentalchangeinwarfare .

LtGenCharlesG .Boyd,1991

Anyairforcecanlaunchoccasionalraidsorsurges of force against a few targets . Withadequatepreparation,as in thecaseof theIraqiraidsonLarakIslandin1986and1987duringtheIran-Iraqwar,suchraidscanbequitespectacular,andmayexerciseatempo-rarilydazzlingpsychologicaleffect,orevenamomentary operational effect (for example,byclosingstraitstomaritimetraffic) .

EliotA .Cohen,1995

The Iraqi Air Force employed PGMs as pre-ferred weapons on targets such as bridges, air defense sites, oil tankers, nuclear plants,

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oil storage facilities, and satellite downlinks. The Iraqi Air Force raid on Larak Island on 25 May 1988 was particularly spectacular; it sank the world’s largest ship, the Seawise Giant, and three other oil tankers.

Theeraofsmartweaponsishere .Yetwedonotseemtobeassmartasourweapons .

WilliamM .Arkin,2000

The tremendous military value of weaponsthat canbe employedwith veryhighconfi-denceintheiroutcomecreatesademandforcorrespondinginsightinthefieldsofintelli-gencepreparationandoperationalplanning .

GenRonaldR .Fogleman

Given thenature of precisionweaponwar-fare, education of decision-makers as totheircapabilitiesandlimitationsiscriticallyimportant .


A President who understands that capabilityhas a very powerful tool, because he has re-ducedtheextenttowhichhispolicyisnowhos-tagetotheerrantbombortheerrantmissile .


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As weapons increase in lethality, precisionandstandoff,interceptinganyhostileplatformearlyinitsflightisincreasinglyimportant .

GenRonaldR .Fogleman

But the accuracy standard applied by themilitaryissoextraordinarilystrictthatcivil-iansareseldomputat risk,assuming thatthe targetwasproperlyselected in thefirstplace . An aimpoint might be, for instance,thecenterofHallThreeoftheLolaUtvafac-tory . If theweapon lands500 feetawayonHallOne,itissaidtobeamiss .

Inmostcases, the levelofaccuracy issomuchgreater todaythaneverbefore thata“miss”hardlyevermeans thatcivilianswillbeharmed .Butthatisnotthewaythepub-lic,thepress,orevenmilitaryspokespersonsseemtounderstandit .Tothepublicandthepress,a“miss”stronglysuggestsanunfortu-nateandbrutallybadoutcome .Tothemili-tary, a miss simply means failure . Neitherassumptionisnecessarilytrue .

WilliamM .Arkin,2000

Surgicalair strikesareagrowingaspectofair power employment in high-tech localwars . [Their] strategic objective is obtainedbypreciselyattackingtheenemy’ssensitivestrategictargets .


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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Thesecretoffutureairpowerliesinwirelesscontrol,thatis,inelectricalscience .Theairmustwedtheether ifairpower istodomi-nateinwar;andwhenthisunionisconsum-mated,asIwillshow,theoffensivemaybe-comesopowerfulandsodifficulttocounter,thatultimatelynationsmaydecidethatthegameofwarisnotworththecandle .

MajGenJ .F .C .Fuller,1932

UAVs enjoy the enormous advantage overspace-basedopticalsensorsofbeingabletooperateundercloudcover .Giventheirspe-cialcapabilities,UAVsensorscanidentifyanobject,whensensorsonasatellitecanonlyspotit .However,UAVshavegreatdisadvan-tages . Because they violate airspace, theycancreatepoliticalproblemswhenflowninotherthanwartimecirc*mstances .UAVsaremanpower intensive to operate . . . .Unlikestealthaircraft,UAVsareuselessifnotcom-municating .

MartinC .Libicki,1996

The Army and Marines have an insatiableappetite for full-motion video the Predatorsupplies .Currently,thereisadailyrequest

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formorethan300hoursofvideoaday,andwecanonlyprovideabout110hours .

LtColM .E .Bannon,2005

While theUCAV [unmannedcombatairve-hicle]hasbeenproposedasadefactoreplace-mentformannedaircraft,wehaveyettoseethedevelopmentofartificialintelligencetech-niquescapableofprovidingUCAVswithmoreintelligencethanthatofaninsect .Untilthissoftwareproblemissolved,computecycleswillnotconferthesoughtcapabilities,especiallyflexibility,whichwefindincrewedplatforms .


ByfarthemostsignificantaspectoftheAirwarinAfghanistanrelatestolarge-scaleem-ploymentofUnmannedAerialVehicles(UAVs)andRemotelyPilotedVehicles(RPVs)bythecoalition forces, specifically the Americans .TheAmericans,havingdeployedtheirPreda-torUAVsatasecurelocationinCentralPak-istan,wereabletoundertakeavirtualround-the-clock surveillance of the entire area ofinterestinAfghanistan .Theinformationbe-ingacquiredbythePredatorUAVswastrans-mittedinreal-timethroughadatadown-linkwhich allowed almost simultaneous vector-ingofUSAFoffensiveassetswhichwereal-readyairborne,ontotheselectedtarget .


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Progress in a particular direction, aircraftspeedorwhatever,isusuallyregisteredviaadiversityofincrements(moreexoticfuel,in-novationsinenginedesign,improvedwingsandsoon) .Nonetheless,thecumulativere-sultislikelytoapproximateasigmoidcurve[ofsuddenaccelerationanddeceleration] .


The addition of new armament, commandandcontrol,andintelligencetechnologiestomatured aviation technology resulted in acombination that yielded a great improve-ment in the cost-effectiveness of the aerialoffensive—notwithstanding the maturationofairdefensesystemsduring thesamepe-riod . The combination produced a synergythat changed the calculus of conventionalwar;anditwasdemonstrated intheIsraelioperations in theBekáaValley, thePersianGulfWar,andtheairwaroverSerbia .Enthu-siastscalleditanRMA[revolutioninmilitaryaffairs], others called it a transformation,andstillotherscalleditapipedream .

Dr .DavidR .Mets

FromthetimeoftheCrimeanWaracenturyandahalfa*gountilrecently,platformsweremilitarilycrucial:thenewestship,plane,ortank . Now what the platform carries—sen-

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sors, munitions, and electronics—mattersmorethantheplatformitself .

MortimerB .Zuckerman,1997

Wehavealotofcapabilitiesthatcanbegluedtogetherquicklytocreateanewmilitaryca-pability .


Thefutureforcewillbecomeefficientandef-fectivethroughtheuseofinformationsystemsto enhanceUSoperationsand to confoundtheenemy .The infancyof thiscapability isrepresented today in the F-22 . InformationandSpacewillbecomeinextricablyentwined .The Information/Space milieu will interactstrongly with the air and ground compo-nents,and it ishere thatcommercial tech-nologies and systems will have the largestpresence .Defensewillnotbeadriverofim-portanttechnologiesinthisarea .


The linkageof advancedsensors, advancedprecisionweapons(particularlysmallerones),long-rangecombataircraft,stealth,informa-tion technologies, and the ability to strikemultipleaimpointsvirtuallysimultaneously,offersthebesthopeformilitarilyconfrontingthevarietyofchallengeswewillface,particu-

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larlytheproliferationofweaponsofmassde-structionbyroguenations .

Dr .RichardP .Hallion,1999

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Technology and numbers

Wehaveneverbeenlikelytogetintotroublebyhavinganextrathousandortwoofup-to-dateairplanesat ourdisposal .As themanwhosemother-in-lawhaddied inBrazil re-plied,whenaskedhow the remains shouldbedisposedof,“Embalm,cremate,andbury .Takenorisks .”


Onecanneverhavetoomanyguns;oneneverhasenough .


The burning wreck of one aircraft or onewhiteparachutespillingoutagainstthesky[was] often glimpsed by many pilots whentheytwistedandturnedfivemileshigh .Therecan be no doubt that in the confused andintricateairfighting,manyofourclaimswereduplicated, but, wisely, those in authoritywerenotconcernedwithmerenumbers,butwiththegreaterissuesofwhetherornottheLuftwaffewasbeingheldatbay .


Thehopeofthewisdomessentialtothegen-eral direction of men’s affairs lies not somuchinwealthofspecializedknowledgeasin the habits and skills required to handleproblems involving very diverse viewpoints

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whichmustberelatedtonewconcretesitua-tions .Wisdomisbasedonbroadunderstand-inginperspective .Itisnevertheproductofscientific, technological,orotherspecializa-tions,thoughmensotrainedmay,ofcourse,acquireit .

WallaceB .Donham

It istruethat [inGermanyinWorldWarII]unheard-of inventions and progress weremade in individual fields, far ahead of therestoftheworld,buttheyallcametoolateand . . . theycame insuchsmallnumbersthattheycouldnolongerbedecisive .


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Reactions to Technology

Noformoftransportationeverreallydiesout .Everynewformisanadditionto,andnotasubstitutionfor,anoldformoftransportation .


Whenoffensiveweaponsmakeasuddenad-vance in efficiency, the reactionof the sidewhichhasnoneistodisperse,tothinout,tofallbackonmedievalguerrillatacticswhichwouldappearchildishiftheydidnotrapidlyprovetohaveexcellentresults .

GenG .J .M .Chassin

Thehighlysophisticatedindustrialeconomyoftheadvancednationsoftheworld,thedegreeofurbanizationoftheirdemographicdistribu-tion, and the high standard of living, makethemverysensitivetoweaponsofmassanni-hilation and area destruction . On the otherhand, theunderdevelopedareasof theworlddisplayahardeningofconflictwhenfacedwithsuchweaponsandresorttoguerrillawarfare,wheremanissuperiortomachine . . . .Peopleused tohighmaterialstandardsof livingaremostunlikelytohardentheirwillinthefaceofmass annihilation and area destruction andresorttoguerrillawarfare .

S .T .Das

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The scientific and technical talents of thecontemporaryworldarespreadratherevenlyamongallpotentialcontenders .Thismeansthatwhoeverinventswhatevernewdevicetosupplementhispower,theotherwillnotbelonginshapingithimselfforhisownuses .Whileheisdoingit,hisprimaryinterestwillbenotinbringingthedevicetomaximumeffec-tiveness,butinthestudyofitfordeficiencies .

J .M .Cameron

Itrequiresmoreaircrafttotransportalightin-fantrydivisionthantomovethetotalnumberof PGMs delivered during the Gulf War . . . .Whatmovesintoatheater—andwhen—shouldbedeterminedbyitsabilitytoeffectivelyinflu-enceanadversary .

BrigGenDavidA .Deptula,2001

Ourdamageassessmentonceagaincontra-dicted theconventionalwisdomthatbomb-ingis,byitsnature,indiscriminateandim-moral . But the design of the air campaignalsooffered littlecomfort toairpowerzeal-ots,whooftenarguethatairwarriors,espe-ciallyintheUnitedStates,haveitallfiguredout—that they know just what to do withtheirsmartweapons .

WilliamM .Arkin,2000

Bestofall,nonationonEarthcanassembleasystemtomatchus .Andthereinliestheprob-lem . Since they can’t, they probably won’t

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bothertotry .Whattheywilldoisusebitsandsnippets of new technology—begged, bor-rowed,purchasedorstolen—tobypass,de-grade,andperhapsdestroyanRMAforce . . .orperhapsblackmailorintimidateusintonotactingatall .


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of W


PrinciPles of War


Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161

Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165

Unity .of .Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168

Offensive, .Initiative, .and .Surprise . . . . . .170

The .Offensive .Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172The .Defender’s .Dilemma . . . . . . . . . . .173Limits .of .the .Offensive . . . . . . . . . . . . .174Using .the .Initiative: .Agitation . . . . . . .174Using .the .Initiative: .Alternatives . . . . .175The .Offensive .Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176

Mass, .Concentration, .and . .Economy .of .Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179

Economy .of .Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182

Maneuver .and .Mobility . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185

Simplicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187

Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189

Constants—If .Not .Principles— .of .War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191

Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191Public .Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191Logistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196Three .British .Principles . . . . . . . . . . . .198

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The principles of war provide a common un-derstanding across the armed forces. Airmen may find them invaluable in understanding how soldiers think.

Principles . of . War . are . only . the . principles . of .common .sense .applied .to .war .

J . .C . .Slessor .Lecture .to .Air .War .College, .1957

The .ideas .about .strategy .which .have .evolved .from .time .to .time .no .sooner .gained .acceptance .than .they .were .stripped .to .their .barest .essen-tials .and .converted .into .maxims .or, .as .they .have .latterly .come .to .be .called, .“principles .” .The .baggage .that .was .stripped .normally .con-tained . the . justifications, . the . qualifications, .and .the .instances .of .historical .application .or .misapplication .

Bernard .Brodie

Principles .of .war, .though .they .can .be .simply .stated, .are .not .easy .to .learn, .and .can .never .be . learned . from . books . alone . . They . are . the .principles . of . human . nature; . and . whoever .learned .from .books .how .to .deal .successfully .with . his . fellows? . War . which . drives . human .nature .to .its .last .resources .is .a .great .engine .of . education, . teaching . no . lessons . which . it .

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does .not .illustrate, .and .enforcing .all .its .les-sons .by .bitter .penalties .

Walter .Raleigh .War in the Air

The . primary . elements . of . tactics . are . to . be .seen .in .their .simplest .form .in .a .fight .between .two .unarmed .men . .They .are: .to .think, .to .guard, .to .move, .and .to .hit .

J . .F . .C . .Fuller

For .they .had .found .that .true .safety .was .to .be .found . in . long .previous . training, .not . in . elo-quent . exhortations .uttered .when . they .were .going .into .action .


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Those . who . expect . to . reap . the . blessings . of .freedom .must .like .men, .undergo .the .fatigue .of .supporting .it .

Thomas .Paine

In .war, .the .moral .is .to .the .physical .as .three .is .to .one .


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It .should .be .remembered .that .the .statements .of . the . Principles of War . were . derived . from .study . of . surface . operations . and . written . by .soldiers .with .ground .warfare . in .mind . .They .stem . from . periods . of . history .when . the . air-plane .existed .only .in .the .minds .of .men .

Nathan .F . .Twining .Quoting .a .1947 .Air .War .College .seminar

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Compare to the topic of “Effects” under the “War” section (pp. 72–75).

The .single .path .to .success .in .aerial .warfare .is .unwavering .adherence .to .the .Principle .of . the .Objective . .The .adaptability .of .air .forces .to .many .missions .and .the .ease .with .which .they .may .be .diverted .encourage .vacillation .and .defeat .

“General .Air .Force .Principles” .Lecture, .Air .Corps .Tactical .School, .1934–35

The .ordinary .man . is .much .more . likely . to .do .the .right .thing .if .he .really .understands .why .he .is .doing .it, .and .what .will .probably .happen .if .he .does . something . else; . and . the . best . basis . for .sound . judgment . is .a .knowledge .of .what .has .been .done .in .the .past, .and .with .what .results .

J . .C . .Slessor

General . MacArthur . approved . [my] . program .and .said .to .go .ahead, .that .I .had .carte .blanche .to .do .anything .that .I .wanted .to .do . .He .said .he . didn’t . care . how . my . gang . was . handled, .how .they .looked, .how .they .dressed, .how .they .behaved, . or .what . they .did, . so . long .as . they .would .fight, .shoot .down .[Japanese .airplanes], .and .put .bombs .on .the .target .

Gen .George .Kenney

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The . mission . of . tactical . fighter . and . fighter-bomber .units .is .to .engage .in .operational .mis-sions, .as .directed .by .higher .echelons .within .the . theater . air . structure . . These . operations .may .be .independent .of .or .in .conjunction .with .surface . action, . but . in . any . event . are . all . di-rected .toward .the .effective, .efficient, .and .eco-nomical .accomplishment .of .the .theater .com-mander’s .assigned .mission .

AFM .51-44, .Fighter and Fighter-Bomber Employment in Tactical Air Operations, 1953

There . were . two . extremely . important . points .about . him . [Yamamoto] . as . a . commander . .First, .he .made .the .objectives .of .the .operation .extremely .clear, .and .he .expressed .them .with .indomitable .will . .Second, .although .he .did .not .permit .any .criticism .of .the .objectives .of .the .operation, .he .entrusted .the .details .of .its .exe-cution .to .the .discretion .of .his .subordinates .

Lt .Gen .Minoru .Genda

Successful .operations .depend .on . the .entire .wing . organization . working . as . a . team . with .but . one . purpose . in . mind . . The . purpose, . of .course, .is .to .make .certain .of .the .destruction .of .the .selected .target .at .exactly .the .right .time .and .place . .All . of . the . years .of .planning .and .training, .and .the .great .financial .and .personal .costs .and .sacrifice, .will .be .vindicated .by .the .successful .execution .of .the .mission; .likewise, .

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all .will .be .wasted .by .failure, .regardless .of .its .cause .

AFM .51-44, .Fighter and Fighter-Bomber Employment in Tactical Air Operations, 1953

An .irresolute .general .who .acts .without .prin-ciples .and .without .plan, .even .though .he .lead .an .army .numerically .superior .to .that .of .the .enemy, .almost .always .finds .himself . inferior .to .the .latter .on .the .field .of .battle . .Fumblings, .the .middle .course, .lose .all .in .war .


At .the .same .time, .the .nature .of .the .enemy .and .the .immediate .threat .he .poses .to .national .and .friendly .forces, .demand .action .that .may .distract .full .commitment .to .one’s .own .objectives .

S . .T . .Das

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Unity of command

One . of . the . outstanding . characteristics . of .air-power . proved . to . be . its . flexibility . and .the . terrific . concentration . made . possible .by . a . unified . air . command—a . unity . only .achieved .by .a .faith .born .of .mutual .under-standing .between .all .branches .and .ranks .of .the .air .forces .

Lord .Tedder

There .is .a .weakness .in .a .council .running .a .war . .That .is .true .of .any .council . .I .don’t .care .if . it . is . composed . of . the . best . men . in . the .world . . . . . . . .In .war, .you .must .have .decision . .A . bum . decision . is . better . than . none . . And .the .trouble .is .that .when .you .get .three, .you .finally .get .none .

Dwight .Eisenhower

The .compromise .which .forms .the .mean .be-tween . several .plans .usually . combines . their .faults .rather .than .their .merits .

Sir .Charles .Oman

Nothing .is .more .important .in .war .than .unity .in .command .


My .observation .is .[that] .where .one .person .is .found .adequate .to .the .discharge .of .a .duty .by .

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close .application, .it .is .worse .executed .by .two .and .scarcely .done .at .all .by .three .

Friedrich .von .Steuben

The . same . consequences . which . have . uni-formly .attended .long .discussions .and .coun-cils .of .war .will . follow .at .all . times . .They .will .end .in .adoption .of .the .worst .course, .which .in .war .is .always .the .most .timid, .or, .if .you .will, .the .most .prudent . .The .only .true .wisdom .in .a .general .is .determined .courage .


An . educated . guess . is . just . as . accurate . and .far .faster .than .compiled .errors .

George .Patton .

Unity . of . command . is . not . alone . sufficient . .Unity .of .planning, .unity .of .common .item .pro-curement, .and .unity .of .doctrine .are .equally .necessary .

Hap .Arnold

We .are .seemingly .still .in .the .period .of .transi-tion .Douhet .described . in .1928 . . . . . . . .He . said .then .that .there .were .men .competent .to .wage .war .on . land, .others . to .wage .war .at .sea, .and .still .others .to .wage .war .in .the .air, .but .that .there .were .not . yet .men . competent . to .wage .war . in .general .

Louis .A . .Sigaud, .1941

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offensive, initiative, and surprise

The .power .of .the .initiative .might .be .related .to .the .principle .of . surprise . .Without . initiative, .the .best .one .can .do .is .to .hold .one’s .own . .With .the .power .of .the .initiative, .the .opposition .can .be .destroyed . .It .would .therefore .seem .axiomatic .that .the .first .principle .of .our .national .secu-rity .policy .would .be .to .seize .and .maintain .the .initiative .in .all .dimensions .of .modern .war; .to .include .the .economic, .psychological, .political, .military, .and .the .technological .

Nathan .Twining

Offense .is .the .essence .of .air .power .Hap .Arnold

Your .first .priority .is .to .take .the .offensive .Lt .Gen .Jimmy .Doolittle, .1944 .

Don’t .hit .at .all . if . it . is .honorably .possible .to .avoid .hitting; .but .never .hit .soft .[sic ] .

Theodore .Roosevelt .

True . offensive . doctrine . consists . of . creating .favorable .situations .when .they .do .not .other-wise . exist, . striking . at . the . enemy . with . the .maximum . power . at . the . decisive . time . and .place, . and . driving . home . the . effort . deter-

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minedly .until .the .desired .results .have .been .accomplished .

AFM .51-44, .Fighter and Fighter-Bomber Employment in Tactical Air Operations, 1953

The .offensive .knows .what .it .wants, .whereas .the .defensive .is .in .a .state .of .uncertainty .

S . .T . .Das, .paraphrasing .Moltke, .the .Elder

In .order .to .have .rest .oneself .it .is .necessary .to .keep .the .enemy .occupied .

Frederick .the .Great

It .is .much .better .to .go .over .difficult .ground .where . you . are . not . expected . than . it . is . over .good .ground .where .you .are .expected .

George .Patton .

Air . forces . characteristically . take . the . offen-sive . .Even .in .defense, .they .defeat .an .invading .enemy .by .attack .

AU .Manual .1, .United States Air Force Basic Doctrine, .1951

Success .is .to .be .obtained .only .by .simultane-ous .efforts, .directed .upon .a .given .point, .sus-tained . with . constancy, . and . executed . with .decision .

Archduke .Charles .of .Austria

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An .air .force .commander .must .exploit .the .ex-treme . flexibility, . the . high . tactical . mobility, .and . the . supreme . offensive . quality . inherent .in . air . forces, . to . mystify . and . mislead . his .enemy, .and .so . to . threaten .his .various .vital .centers .as .to .compel .him .to .be .dangerously .weak .at .the .point .which .is .really .decisive .at .the .time .

J . .C . .Slessor

The Offensive Aim

To .strike .with .strong .effect, .one .must .strike .at .weakness .

B . .H . .Liddell .Hart

In . place . of . hitting . at . a . vital . spot, . however .tough, .they .committed .the .deadly .tactical .sin .of .looking .for .a .soft .spot .

J . .F . .C . .Fuller, .describing .a .World .War .I .battle

Hold .out .baits .to .entice .the .enemy . . . . . . . .Amid .the .turmoil .and .tumult .of .battle, .there .may .be .seeming .disorder .and .yet .no .disorder .at .all; . amid . confusion . and . chaos, . your . array .may . be . without . head . or . tail, . yet . it . will . be .proof .against .defeat .

Simulated .disorder .postulates .perfect .dis-cipline; .simulated .fear .postulates .courage; .simulated .weakness .postulates .strength .

Sun .Tzu

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The Defender’s Dilemma

The .spot .where .we .intend .to .fight .must .not .be .made .known; .for .then .the .enemy .will .have .to .prepare .against .a .possible .attack .at .sev-eral . different . points; . and . his . forces . being .thus .distributed .in .many .different .directions, .the . numbers . we . shall . have . to . face . at . any .given .point .will .be .proportionately .few .

Sun .Tzu

Petty . geniuses . attempt . to . hold . everything; .wise .men .hold . fast . to . the .key .points . . They .parry .great .blows .and .scorn .little .accidents . .There .is .an .ancient .apothegm: .he .who .would .preserve .everything, .preserves .nothing . .There-fore, .always .sacrifice .the .bagatelle .and .pur-sue .the .essential .

Frederick .the .Great

[The .French .army . in .Vietnam] . suffers . from .the . considerable . disadvantage . attaching . to .those .who .seek .to .protect .and .preserve .rather .than .simply .destroy . .It .is .much .easier .to .cut .a . railway . line . or . blow . up . a . bridge . than . to .protect .them .from .destruction .

Gen .G . .J . .M . .Chassin, .1952

The .general .is .skillful .in .attack .whose .oppo-nent .does .not .know .what .to .defend; .and .he .is .skillful .in .defense .whose .opponent .does .not .know .what .to .attack .

Sun .Tzu

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Limits of the Offensive

It .is .dangerous .to .make .a .fetish .of .any .prin-ciple . or . to .become . the . slave .of . any . tactical .doctrine .as .the .French .did .in .1914 . .Just .as .it .may .sometimes .be .necessary . to .divert . tem-porarily . even . the .whole . of . our .air . forces . to .the .strategically .defensive .role .for .reasons .of .security, . so . on . occasions . we . may . be . com-pelled . for . the .same .reason . to .divert .part .of .our .fighter .strength .to .the .tactical .defensive .

J . .C . .Slessor, .1936

Military .organizations .generally .prefer .offen-sive . doctrines . because . they . reduce . uncer-tainty . and . enhance . military . autonomy . and .resources . .But . . . . . . .because .military .organi-zations .seek .autonomy, . their .offensive .doc-trines .are .usually .poorly .integrated .with .the .political .aspects .of .grand .strategy .

Daniel .J . .Hughes .

The . sands . of . history . are . littered . with . the .wrecks .of .States .which .set .their .compass .on .an .offensive .course .only .

S . .T . .Das

Using the Initiative: Agitation

Offensive action has often been used to pro-voke reactions, to force an opponent to make mistakes. Just as certainly, one’s enemies are likely to try probing and stirring in return.

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Agitate .the .enemy .and .ascertain .the .pattern .of .his .movement . .Determine .his .dispositions .and .so .ascertain .the .field .of .battle . .Probe .him .and . learn . where . his . strength . is . abundant .and .where .deficient .

Sun .Tzu

Attacks .on .the .decision .element .of .command .are .limited .only .by .the .imagination . .They .can .range .from .direct .strikes .at .enemy .command .posts . to . complex . operations . to .mislead . the .enemy .and .induce .him .to .do .something .inap-propriate .

Col .John .A . .Warden .III .The Air Campaign

I .started .shooting .when .I .was .much .too .far .away . .That .was .merely .a .trick .of .mine . .I .did .not .mean .so .much .to .hit .him .as .to .frighten .him, .and .I .succeeded .in .catching .him . .He .be-gan .flying .in .curves .and .this .enabled .me .to .draw .near .

Baron .Manfred .von .Richthofen

Using the Initiative: Alternatives

Maintaining sensible alternatives is like taking a good stance in sports; the purpose is to preserve the benefits of the initiative.

If .the .enemy .is .certain .as .to .your .point .of .aim .he .has .the .best .possible .chance .of .guarding .himself—and . blunting . your . weapon . . If, . on .

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the .other .hand, .you .take .a .line .that .threat-ens . alternative . objectives, . you . distract . his .mind .and .forces .

B . .H . .Liddell .Hart

The . question . “Where . should . the . decisive .point .be .sought?” .does .not .arise; . the .ques-tion .is, .“How .can .a .preponderance .of .force .be .brought .against .the .enemy’s .will?” .

There .are .two .answers .to .this .question: .to .do .something .which .the .enemy .cannot .pre-vent, .and .to .do .something .which .he .does .not .suspect .

J . .F . .C . .Fuller

The Offensive Spirit

No .guts, .no .glory . . If .you .are .going .to .shoot .him .down, .you .have .to .get .in .there .and .mix .it .up .with .him .

Col .Frederick .C . .“Boots” .Blesse

I . always . thought . to . go . around . in . circles, .slower .and .slower, .was .a .ridiculous .thing . . . . . . . .It’s .not .the .way .to .fight . .The .best .tactic .is .to .make .a .pass, .then .break .off .and .come .back . .If . you . don’t . do . this . you’ll . lose . people . . One .can’t .be .greedy .

Brig .Gen .Robin .Olds

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Find . the . enemy .and . shoot .him .down; . any-thing .else .is .nonsense .

Baron .Manfred .von .Richthofen

When .we .study .the .lives .of .the .great .captains, .and . not . merely . their . victories . and . defeats, .what . do . we . discover? . That . the . mainspring .within . them . was . originality, outwardly . ex-pressing .itself .in .unexpected .actions .

J . .F . .C . .Fuller

Originality .is .the .most .vital .of .all .military .vir-tues .as .two .thousand .years .of .history .attest . .

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In .peace .it .is .at .a .discount, .for .it .causes .the .disturbance .of .comfortable .ways .without .pro-ducing .dividends, .as .in .civil .life . .But .in .war, .originality . bears . a . higher . premium . than . it .can .ever .do .in .a .civil .profession .

B . .H . .Liddell .Hart

Never .forget .that .no .military .leader .has .ever .become .great .without .audacity .


An .aggressive .act .in .the .initial .phases .of .the .attack .will .very .often .give .you .a .breather .and .a .head .start .home . . . . . . . .Showing .a .willingness .to . fight . often . discourages . the . enemy . even .when .he .outnumbers .us, .while .on .the .other .hand .I .have, .by .immediately .breaking .for .the .deck .on .other .occasions, .given .the .enemy .a .“shot . in . the . arm,” . turning . his . half-hearted .attack .into .an .aggressive .one .

Gen .John .C . .Meyer

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Mass, concentration, and economy of force

The alternative to massing forces is piece-meal employment—a practice summarized by the phrase “defeat in detail.”

We .had .been . taught . a . lesson, . brutally . and .unmistakably . .The .first .round .in .modern .war .takes .place .in .the .air—the .fight .for .air .supe-riority; .and .to .be .successful .one .must .have .reasonable . strength . in . quantity . as . well . as .quality, .and .one’s .air .bases .must .have .secu-rity—the .security .given .by .warning .systems, .by .dispersal, .by .protection .and .by .guns . . In .Greece .and .Crete .we .had .none .of .these .things . .The . lesson . is . clear . . It .was .no .use .having .a .victorious .and .predominant .surface .fleet .if .it .was .not .free .to .operate .because .we .had .lost .control . of . the . air; . it . was . no . use . having . a .strong .army .if, .for .the .same .reason, .it .could .not .be .supplied .and .maintained .

Lord .Tedder

The .principles .of .Mass .were .better .stated: .“Mass .is .the .concentration .of .optimum .combat .power .selected .from .the .available .maximum, .to .be .used .at .a .critical .time .and .place .” .

J . .M . .Cameron

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The . principles . of . war . could, . for . brevity, . be .condensed .into .a .single .word: .concentration .

B . .H . .Liddell .Hart

Whereas .to .shift . the .weight .of .effort .on .the .ground .from .one .point .to .another .takes .time, .the .flexibility .inherent .in .Air .Forces .permits .them .without .change .of .base .to .be .switched .from .one .objective .to .another .in .the .theatre .of .operations . .So .long .as .this .is .realised .then .the .whole .weight . of . the .available . air .power .can .be .used . in .selected .areas . in .turn . .This .

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concentrated .use .of .the .air .striking .force .is .a .battle .winning .factor .of .the .first .importance . .It . follows . that . control . of . the . available . air .power . must . be . centralised . and . command .must .be . exercised . through .Air .Force . chan-nels . .Nothing .could .be .more .fatal .to .success-ful .results .than .to .dissipate .the .air .resources .into .small .packets .placed .under .command .of .land . formation . commanders, . with . each .packet .working .on .its .own .plan . .The .soldier .must . not . expect . or . wish . to . exercise . direct .command .over .air .striking .forces .

Field .Marshal .Montgomery

Numerical . weakness . comes . from . having . to .prepare .against .possible .attacks; .numerical .strength, . from . compelling . our . adversary . to .make .these .preparations .against .us .

Sun .Tzu

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economy of force

In .the . last .war, .air-power .forfeited .much .of .its .effect .from .being .kept .in .separate .packets .like .the .parts .of .an .army, .with .a .consequent .dispersion .of .effort .and .frittering .of .effect .

B . .H . .Liddell .Hart

The .principle .of .Economy .of .Force . is .some-times .misunderstood .as .holding .back .a .large .body .of .troops .and .committing .the .minimum .force .to .battle . .This .is .not .the .true .interpreta-tion .or .application .of .the .law . .To .hold .back .troops .when .they .can .be .gainfully .employed .is .false .economy . .The .use .of .reserves .on .the .other . hand . is . a . tactical . application . of . the .same .principle . .When .information .is .lacking .or . the . situation . is . such . that . only . after . the .initial . engagement . can . the . enemy’s . weak .spot . be . discovered, . in . such . cases . reserves .are .not .really .held .back .from .the .battle .but .are .actually .kept . ready . for .battle .when . the .decisive .time .and .place .has .been .reached .

S . .T . .Das

Economy .of .Force .rightly .means, .not .a .mere .husbanding . of . one’s . resources . of .manpower, .but .the .employment .of .one’s .force, .both .men .and .weapons, .in .accordance .with .the .economic .laws, .so .as .to .yield .the .highest .possible .divi-dends .of .success .in .proportion .to .strength .

B . .H . .Liddell .Hart

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Economy .of .Force .is .the .supreme .law .of .suc-cessful .war .because . in .a . trial .of .strength .a .nation’s .capacity .to .stand .the .strain .depends .not .merely .on .the .extent .of .its .resources, .but .on .their .economic .distribution .

B . .H . .Liddell .Hart

It .was .the .strategy .employed .by .raiders .since .naval .war .began, .to .strike .in .one .area .until .the . strength . of . the . enemy . was . directed .thither, .and .then .to .slip .away .and .start .again .in .a .fresh .unguarded .area .

C . .S . .Forester .The Age of Fighting Sail

The .principles .of .mobility .and .concentration .of . force .were . considered . to .be . contradictory .elements .of .principles .of .war .till .the .arrival .of .airpower . . Today . the . exponents . of . airpower .maintain .that .the .principles .of .offensive .and .economy .of . force .can .be .achieved .effectively .only .by .the .exploitation .of .airspace, .whereas .prior .to .the .emergence .of .airpower .the .principle .of . offensive . could . only . be . applied . by . main-taining .a .4-to-1 .ratio .over .the .enemy .forces .

S . .T . .Das

There .are .generally .insufficient .forces .to .con-duct .extensive .operations .in .all .air .tasks .at .one . time; . thus . the . selection . of . targets . and .the .allocation .of . effort .must .be . in . terms .of .

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the .needs .of .the .theater . .Enemy .action .may .necessitate .a .major .revision .in .task .priorities .

AFM .1-3, .Theater Air Operations, 1953

To .me .an .unnecessary .action, .or .shot, .or .ca-sualty, .was .not .only .waste .but .sin .

T . .E . .Lawrence

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Maneuver and Mobility

The .enemy .must .not .know .where .I .intend .to .give .battle . .For .if .he .does .not .know .where .I .intend . to . give .battle, .he .must .prepare . in . a .great .many .places . . . . . . . .For .if .he .prepares .to .the .front .his .rear .will .be .weak, .and .if .to .the .rear, .his .front .will .be .fragile . .If .he .prepares .to .the .left .his .right .will .be .vulnerable .and .if .to .the . right, . there .will .be . few .on . the . left . .And .when .he .prepares .everywhere .he .will .be .weak .everywhere .

Sun .Tzu

I .believe .that, .more .or . less, .all .of . the .Allied .operations . [in . the . Southwest . Pacific] . de-pended . on . deception . by . landing . in . places .where .we .thought .a .landing .and .the .building .of .airfields .impossible .

Lt .Col .Masaru .Shinohara .Japanese .Eighth .Area .Army

Modern .war . is .a .war . for .airbases; . the .bull-dozer .must .accompany .the .plane . . . . . . . .One .of .the . elements . of . victory . in .North .Africa .was .the .speed .with .which .our .aviation .engineers .constructed . airfields . behind . the . front . lines .and .pressed .the .attack .

Hap .Arnold

Maximum .time .over .target .or .extreme .depth .of .penetration .may .be .necessary . .This .nor-

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mally .requires .that .aircraft .be .based .as .close .to .the .target .areas .as .possible . .Since .ground .action . is . often . fluid . in . nature, . tactical . air .units .must .possess .a .considerable .degree .of .mobility . . It . is .essential . that .all .components .of . the . tactical . air . organization, . including .supporting .or .service .units, .be .able .to .move .from .site .to .site .without .disrupting .the .com-bat .mission . .Equipment .should .be .designed .with .this .in .mind .and, .whenever .possible, .be .air .transportable .

AFM .51-44, .Fighter and Fighter-Bomber Employment in Tactical Air Operations, 1953

The .giant .airbases .of .today .will .become .the .bomber .cemeteries .of .a .future .war .

Gen .P . .F . .Zhigarev .Soviet .air .forces, .1958

The .strength .of .air .forces .lies .in .mobility .and .flexibility . .These .characteristics .permit .con-centration .of .massed .firepower .at . the .place .and .time .dictated .by .the .situation .with .maxi-mum .surprise . .Mobility .and .flexibility .are .re-duced .when:

a . . Air . forces .are .compartmented . in .sepa-rate .units .under .separate .commands, .and

b . . Are .allotted .to .lower .echelons .

AU .Manual .1, .United States Air Force Basic Doctrine, 1951 .

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Remember, .gentlemen, .an .order .that .can .be .misunderstood .will .be .misunderstood .

Moltke, .the .Elder

The . ability . to . distinguish . essentials . from .non-essentials, .to .grasp .quickly .the .elements .of .the .changing .situation, .and .the .intestinal .fortitude .to .keep .cool .and .to .continue .fight-ing .when .the .going .gets .tough .are .required .in .the .successful .war .commander .

Adm .Raymond .A . .Spruance

Difficulties .always .arise .from .attempts .to .im-prove . to . the . point . of . achieving .what . is . not .possible, .thereby .failing .to .gain .what .is .well .within .reach .

J . .M . .Cameron

The . principal . message . of . fog, . friction . and .chance .is .that .strategy .must .be .flexible . .Plans .that . rely . on . flawless . execution . are . overly .susceptible .to .failure . .Plans .that .rely .on .rigid .timetables .and .rigidly .sequenced .actions .are .overly .susceptible .to . failure . . In .general, . the .more .complex .the .plan, .the .more .likely .that .something .will .go .awry .

Dennis .Drew .and .Donald .Snow .

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Few .orders .are .best, .but .they .should .be .fol-lowed .up .with .care .

Maurice .de .Saxe

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The .whole .art .of .war .consists .of .a .well-reasoned .and .extremely .circ*mspect .defensive .followed .by .rapid .and .audacious .attack .


Skepticism . is . the . mother . of . security . . Even .though . only . fools . trust . their . enemies, . pru-dent .persons .never .do . .One .falls .into .a .feel-ing . of . security . after . battles, . when . one . is .drunk .with .success, .and .when .one .believes .the .enemy .completely .disheartened . .One .falls .into .a .feeling .of .security .when .a .skillful .enemy .amuses .you .with .pretended .peace .proposals . .One .falls .into .a .feeling .of .security .by .mental .laziness .

Frederick .the .Great

Always .presume .that .the .enemy .has .danger-ous .designs .and .always .be .forehanded .with .the .remedy . .But .do .not .let .these .calculations .make .you .timid .

Frederick .the .Great

Three .can .keep .a .secret . if . two .of . them .are .dead .

Benjamin .Franklin

Our . continuous . air . offensive . had . evidently .annoyed . them, . as . the . raid . was . made . by .

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twenty-four .bombers . escorted .by .about . the .same .number .of .fighters . .We .lost .eleven .air-craft .on .the .ground .at .Seven .Mile .Airdrome . .In . addition, . the . operations . building . was .burned .down, .several .trucks .destroyed, .two .hundred .drums .of .gasoline .went .up .in .smoke, .and . the . runway . was . hit . in . several . places . .The .Japanese . left .eight .calling-cards . in . the .shape .of .long-delay .time-fuzed .bombs .which .exploded .at .intervals .all .the .way .up .to .forty-four . hours . . Several . men . were . wounded . by .bomb . fragments . . Once . again . our . warning .service .was .inadequate .

Gen .George .Kenney

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constants—if not Principles—of War


If . intercommunications . between . events . in .front .and . ideas .behind .are .not .maintained, .then . two .battles .will . be . fought—a .mythical .headquarters .battle .and .an .actual .front-line .one, . in .which . case . the . real . enemy . is . to .be .found .in .our .own .headquarters .

J . .F . .C . .Fuller

Congress .can .make .a .general .but .only .com-munications .can .make .him .a .commanding .general .

GEN .Omar .Bradley

Public Support

Except .for .valid .security .reasons, .any .action .that .cannot .be .satisfactorily .explained .to .the .troops, .the .Congress, .and .the .general .public, .should .be .regarded .as .suspect .and .thoroughly .examined .

GEN .Matthew .B . .Ridgway

Integrity .is .the .fundamental .premise .for .mili-tary .service .in .a .free .society . .Without .integ-rity, .the .moral .pillars .of .our .military .strength, .public .trust, .and .self-respect .are .lost .

Gen .Charles .A . .Gabriel

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By .rapidity .many .measures .of .the .enemy .are .nipped . in . the . bud, . and . public . opinion . is .gained .in .our .favor .


It .is .strange .that .except .by .Clausewitz .and .to .some .extent .by .Macklin, .the .Principle .of .“Pub-lic .Opinion” .has .not .been .considered .very .vital .even .by .the .modern .military .theoreticians .

S . .T . .Das


When .the .enemy .assesses .our .forces, .he .val-ues .only .those .forces .which .the .logistics .com-munity . has . ready . for . combat, . or . can . get .ready .in .time, .and .then .sustain .for .a .requi-site .period .of .time .

F . .M . .Rogers

My .logisticians .are .a .humorless .lot . . . . . . .they .know .if .my .campaign .fails, .they .are .the .first .ones .I .will .slay .

Alexander .the .Great

My .Dear .General, .this .expanding .and .piling .up .of .impedimentia .[sic] .has .been .so .far .al-most .our .ruin, .and .will .be .our .final .ruin .if .it .is .not .abandoned .

Abraham .Lincoln .to .Gen .Nathaniel .P . .Banks . .on .the .inability .of .the .Union .Army .to .move . .due .to .logistic .excesses

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Logistics .controls .all .campaigns .and .limits .many . .

Dwight .Eisenhower .

The .crews .of .a .heavy .bombardment .group .in .China . must . ferry . over . their . own . gasoline, .bombs, . replacement . parts . and . everything .else .in .their .own .B-24s . .Before .this .bombard-ment .group .can .go .on .one .combat .flight, . it .must .make .four .trips .over .the .Hump . .To .per-form .one .extremely .dangerous .mission, .those .crews .must .make . four .separate .flights .over .the .most .hazardous .terrain .in .the .world . .

Hap .Arnold .

What . I . want . to . avoid . is . that . my . supplies .should .command .me .

Comte .de .Guibert

Logistics .is .the .bridge .between .the .economy .of . the .nation .and . the . tactical . operations .of .its .combat .forces . .Obviously, .then, .the .logis-tics .system .must .be .in .harmony, .both .with .the .economic .system .of .the .nation .and .with .the .tactical .concepts .and .environment .of .the .combat .forces .

Adm .Henry .E . .Eccles

The .ideal .for .all .military .forces .is .to .reduce .their .logistical .requirements .to .necessities .only .

AFM .1-1, .Basic Aerospace Doctrine of the United States Air Force, .1992

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I . don’t . know . what . the . hell . this . logistics . is .that .Marshall .is .always .talking .about, .but .I .want .some .of .it .

Adm .E . .J . .King

Air .logistics .is .defined .as .that .section .of .mili-tary . science . that . embraces . the . details . of .planning . for, . and . preparation . of, . all . of . the .means .and .facilities .required .to .make .a .com-bat .force .operational .and .capable .of .sustain-ing .its .action .

Maj .Gen .Elmer .D . .Adler

The .essence .of .flexibility .is .in .the .mind .of .the .commander, .the .substance .of .flexibility .is .in .logistics .

Adm .Henry .E . .Eccles

It .is .very .necessary .to .attend .to .all .this .detail .and .to .trace .a .biscuit .from .Lisbon .into .a .man’s .mouth .on .the .frontier .and .to .provide .for .its .removal .from .place .to .place .by .land .or .by .water, .or .no .military .operations .can .be .carried .out .


We .have .a .claim .on .the .output .of .the .arsenals .of .London .as .well .of .Hanyang, .and .what .is .more, .it .is .to .be .delivered .to .us .by .the .enemy’s .own .transport .corps . .This .is .the .sober .truth, .not .a .joke .

Mao .Tse-tung

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The .sinews .of .war .are .five—men, .money, .ma-terials, .maintenance .and .morale .

Bernard .M . .Baruch

When . the . Duke . of . Cumberland . has . weak-ened .his .army .sufficiently, .I .shall .teach .him .that .a .general’s .first .duty .is .to .provide .for .its .welfare .

Maurice .de .Saxe

I .believe .that .the .task .of .bringing .the .force .to .the . fighting . point, . properly . equipped . and .well-formed .in .all .that .it .needs .is .at .least .as .important .as .the .capable .leading .of .the .force .in .the .fight .itself . . . . . . . .In .fact, .it .is .indispens-able, .and .the .combat .between .hostile .forces .is .more .in .the .preparation .than .the .fight .

Gen .Sir .John .Monash

Mobility .is .the .true .test .of .a .supply .system .B . .H . .Liddell .Hart

In .my .opinion, .there .is .no .one .single .piece .of .foresightedness . that . helped . our . war . effort .more .than .the .policy .that .kept .our .depots .in-tact .and .operating .on .an .efficient .basis .

Maj .Gen .Oliver .P . .Echols

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Be .nice .to .your .mother .but .love .your .logisti-cians .and .communicators .

Gen .Charles .A . .Horner


During .the .last .great .aerial .raid .on .England, .the .German .Air .Force .flew .about .1,200 .bomb-ers .over .industrial .targets .which .were .critical .to .the .survival .of .the .British .Empire . .At .the .

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same .time .the .Royal .Air .Force .Fighter .Com-mand .consisted .of .little .more .than .a .handful .of . trained .pilots .and .fighter .planes . .The . in-credible .German .decision .to .stagger .the .at-tack, .and .to .use .twelve .hours .for .its .comple-tion, .actually .multiplied . the .strength .of . the .Royal .Air .Force .Fighter .Command .by .a .factor .of .five . .This .was .possible .because .on .that .day .each .Spitfire .pilot .had .the .time .to .fly .five .mis-sions .

Nathan .Twining

When . you . seem . to . be . most . prodigal . of . the .soldier’s . blood, . you . spare . it, . by . supporting .your .attacks .well .and .by .pushing .them .with .the .greatest .vigor .to .prevent .time .from .aug-menting .your .losses .

Frederick .the .Great

Quick .decisions .are .unsafe .decisions . .Sophocles

The .god .of .war .hates .those .who .hesitate . .Euripides

Take . time . to .deliberate, .but .when . the . time .for .action .arrives, .stop .thinking .and .go .on .

Andrew .Jackson

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Three British Principles

Morale: .Success .in .war .depends .more .on .mo-rale .than .on .physical .qualities . .Numbers, .ar-mament, .resources .or .skill .can .not .compen-sate .for .lack .of .courage, .energy, .determination .and . the . bold . offensive . spirit . which . springs .from .a .national .determination .to .conquer .

Flexibility: .Modern .war .demands .a .high .degree .of .flexibility .to .enable .pre-arranged .plans .to .be .altered .to .meet .changing .situations .and .unex-pected .developments . .By .strategical .and .tactical .flexibility, . force . can . be . concentrated . rapidly .and .economically .at .decisive .places .and .times . .This .entails .good .training, .organization, .disci-pline, .and .staff .work, .and .above .all, .that .ra-pidity .of .decision .on .the .part .of .the .commander .which .ensures .that .time .is .never .lost .

Administration: .The .administrative .arrange-ments . must . be . designed . to . give . the . com-manders .the .maximum .freedom .of .action .in .carrying . out . the .plan . .Every . administrative .organization . must . be . simple . . Every . opera-tional . commander . must . have . a . degree . of .control . over . the . administrative . plan . within .his .sphere .of .command, .corresponding .to .the .scope . of . his . responsibilities . for . the . opera-tional .plan .

Quoted .by .Nathan .Twining .in . .Neither Liberty nor Safety

another Principle: Poise

Air Forces more than surface forces must consciously anticipate, posture, and ready

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their fighting forces to take advantage of fleet-ing opportunities. They must be spring-loaded without being overcommitted to one antici-pated course of events. In the fighter pilot ver-nacular, command elements must “lead-turn,” or constantly stay ahead of, events; they must develop cues to guide increased surveillance and alert status; they must be mentally pre-pared to herd the enemy rather than simply react. The experience of war indicates that commanders must also economize alertness by aggressively relaxing their forces when op-portunities for recovery and rest are achieved. Only ruthless reduction of sensor and infor-mation data, to distinguish essentials from all the available information, can permit the men-tal clarity necessary for optimum poise and perception.

Suggested .by .the .ideas .of .Clausewitz, .On War

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Human Factors in War . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

Professional Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Advice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

The Commander and the Staff . . . . . . . 216

Administration and Combat Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

Information Management . . . . . . . . . . . 220

Command Arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . 222

Field Manual 100-20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

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Human Factors in War

If one could only come to mastery of things inside him, nothing outside could get the bet-ter of him .

Col Raynal C . Bolling

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With equal or inferior power of destruction he will win who has the resolution to ad-vance, who by his formations and maneuvers can continually threaten his adversary with a new phase of material action, who, in a word, has the moral ascendancy .

Ardant du Picq

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Professional Growth

In sum the leader has to achieve a balance between the essential need for professional competence in his own technical field and that broader understanding of human prob-lems which can only be achieved from a wide and largely self-acquired education .

S . W . Roskill

If we wish to think clearly, we must cease imi-tating; if we wish to cease imitating, we must make use of our imagination . We must train ourselves for the unexpected in place of train-ing others for the cut and dried . Audacity, and not caution, must be our watchword .

J . F . C . Fuller

The essential basis of the military life is the ordered application of force under an unlim-ited liability . It is the unlimited liability which sets the man who embraces this life some-what apart . He will be (or should be) always a citizen . So long as he serves he will never be a civilian .

Gen Sir John W . Hackett

A great captain can be formed only by long experience and intense study; neither is his own experience enough—for whose life is

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there sufficiently fruitful of events to render his knowledge universal?

Archduke Charles of Austria

It is common to see men who have used all their limbs without once in their lives having utilized their minds . Thought, the faculty of combining ideas, is what distinguishes man from a beast of burden . A mule who has car-ried a pack for ten campaigns under Prince Eugene will be no better a tactician for it, and it must be confessed, to the disgrace of hu-manity, that many men grow old in an other-wise respectable profession without making any greater progress than this mule .

Frederick the Great

In the profession of war the rules of the art are never violated without drawing punish-ment from the enemy who is delighted to find us at fault . An officer can spare himself many mistakes by improving himself .

Frederick the Great

Education is a two-edged sword . If it indoctri-nates with rigid principles, constantly ham-mering home the fixed and immutable nature of those principles, and if it offers neat solu-tions to every human problem in terms of these fixed principles, then change and devel-opment can not take place .

Maj Gen Dale 0 . Smith

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The man who can’t make a mistake can’t make anything .

Abraham Lincoln

Perhaps the most valuable result of all edu-cation is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not .

T . H . Huxley

Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them . There are deep wells of strength that are never used .

Adm Richard E . Byrd

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In battle nothing is ever as good or as bad as the first reports of excited men would have it .

Field Marshal Sir William Slim

One machine can do the work of 50 ordinary men . No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man .

Elbert Hubbard

Of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there . Eighty are nothing but targets, nine are real fighters . . . . We are lucky to have them [for] they make the battle . . . . Ah, but ONE, one of them is a Warrior . . . and he will bring the others back!

Heracl*tus ca . 500 BC

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The first quality for a commander-in-chief is a cool head, which receives a correct impres-sion of things . He should not allow himself to be confused by either good or bad news . The impressions which he receives successively or simultaneously in the course of a day should classify themselves in his mind in such a way as to occupy the places which they merit, for reason and judgment are the result of comparison of various impressions taken into just consideration .


The qualifications of the combat commander determine to a larger extent than any other single element the effectiveness of a unit in combat .

Hap Arnold

The first requirement to be a military leader is to know thoroughly one’s specialty, and the second to be loyal to one’s subordinates . Both conditions will save one from mutual disloyalty .

Simón Bolivar

Remember this: the truly great leader over-comes all difficulties, and campaigns and battles are nothing but a long series of diffi-culties to be overcome . The lack of equip-

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ment, the lack of food, the lack of this or that are only excuses; the real leader displays his quality in his triumphs over adversity, how-ever great it may be .

GEN George C . Marshall

I don’t mind being called tough, because in this racket it’s the tough guys who lead the survivors .

Gen Curtis LeMay

No normal young man is likely to recognize in himself the qualities that will persuade others to follow him . On the other hand, any man who can carry out orders in a cheerful spirit, complete his work step by step, use imagination in improving it, and then when the job is done, can face toward his next duty with anticipation, need have no reason to doubt his own capacity for leadership .

S . L . A . Marshall

I’m firmly convinced that leaders are not born; they’re educated, trained, and made, as in every other profession . To ensure a strong, ready Air Force, we must always re-main dedicated to this process .

Gen Curtis LeMay

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Once you pick up the burden of leadership, you can never put it down again as long as you live . Sergeant or general, we all carry the same load .

GEN Williston B . Palmer

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The commander should practice kindness and severity, should appear friendly to the soldiers, speak to them on the march, visit them while they are cooking, ask them if they are well cared for, and alleviate their needs if they have any . Officers without experience in war should be treated kindly . Their good ac-tions should be praised . Small requests should be granted and they should not be treated in an overbearing manner, but severity is main-tained about everything regarding duty .

Frederick the Great

I will tell you that a commander without the proper C2 assets commands nothing except a desk .

Gen Ronald R . Fogleman

All a soldier desires to drive him forward is recognition and appreciation of his work .

George Patton

Duty is the sublimest word in our language . Do your duty in all things . You cannot do more . You should never do less .

Robert E . Lee

A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer .

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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The definition of military training is success in battle . In my opinion that is the only ob-jective of military training .

LtGen Lewis “Chesty” Puller

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Never tell people how to do things . Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity .

George Patton

Every general-in-chief who undertakes to exe-cute a plan that he knows to be bad is cul-pable . He should communicate his reasons, insist on a change of plan, and finally resign his commission rather than become the in-strument of his army’s ruin .


When things go wrong in your command, start searching for the reason in increasingly larger concentric circles around your own desk .

GEN Bruce C . Clarke

The principal task of the general is mental, involving large projects and major arrange-ments . But since the best dispositions be-come useless if they are not executed, it is essential that the general should be industri-ous in seeing whether his orders are executed or not .

Frederick the Great

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Do what is right, not what you think the higher headquarters wants or what you think will make you look good .

GEN Norman Schwarzkopf

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The Commander and the Staff

I had [the general] assemble his whole staff and tried to give them a picture of what we were up against in New Guinea . That was where the war was and it was not moving to Australia . Those youngsters up there were our customers and customers are always right . Our only excuse for living was to help them . We might work ourselves into having stomach ulcers or nervous breakdowns, but those things were not fatal . The work those kids in New Guinea and at Darwin were do-ing, however, had a high fatality rate . They deserved all they could get . Most of the crowd appreciated what I was talking about . The others would go home .

Gen George Kenney

The staff is simply the servant of the general force; it exists but to further the welfare of the fighting establishment . Those within it are remiss if they fail to keep this rule uppermost .

S . L . A . Marshall

My Lord,If I attempted to answer the mass of futile

correspondence that surrounds me I should be debarred from all serious business of cam-paigning .

I must remind your Lordship—for the last time—that so long as I retain an independent

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position, I shall see to it that no officer under my command is debarred, by mere quill driv-ing in your Lordship’s office, from attending to his first duty, which is, and always has been, so to train the private men under his command that they may, without question, best any force opposed to them in the field .

I am, my LordYour obedient servant,Wellington

Possibly apocryphal correspondence, supposedly written in 1810

A bulky staff implies a division of responsi-bility, slowness of action and indecision, whereas a small staff implies activity and concentration of purpose .

GEN William Tec*mseh Sherman

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administration and Combat Support

I must have assistants who will solve their own problems and tell me later what they have done .

GEN George C . Marshall

Nobody in the British Army ever reads a regu-lation or an order as if it were to be a guide for his conduct, or in any other manner than as an amusing novel; and the consequence is, that when complicated arrangements are to be carried into execution . . . every gentle-man proceeds according to his fancy, and then when it is found that the [mission] fails (as it must fail if the order is not strictly obeyed) they come upon me to set matters right and thus my labor is increased tenfold .


It is not recognized that the object of regula-tions and rules is to produce order in the fighting machine, and not to strangle the mind of the man who controls it .

J . F . C . Fuller

There has been a constant struggle on the part of the military element to keep the end—fighting, or readiness to fight—superior to mere administrative considerations . The military man, having to do the fighting, considers that

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the chief necessity; the administrator equally naturally tends to think the smooth running of the machine the most admirable quality .

Alfred Thayer Mahan

Any commander who fails to exceed his authority is not of much use to his subor-dinates .

Adm Arleigh Burke

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Information management

The central problem is not collecting and transmitting information, but synthesiz-ing for the decision maker .

Richard Burt

There are no “battle management” magic bul-lets that will substitute for the ability of on-scene commanders, soldiers, and airmen to make appropriate decisions based on the ebb and flow of events .

Richard P . Hallion

To do our work we all have to read a mass of papers . Nearly all of them are far too long . This wastes time, while energy has to be spent in looking for vital points .

I ask my colleagues and their staffs to see to it that their reports are shorter .

The aim should be short reports which set out the main points in a series of short crisp paragraphs . . . .

Let us have an end of such phrases as these: “It is also of importance to bear in mind the following considerations” or “Consideration should be given to the possibility of carrying into effect .” Most of these woolly phrases are

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mere padding which can be left out altogether, or replaced by a single word .

Let us not shrink from using the short ex-pressive phrase, even if it is conversational .

Reports drawn up on the lines I propose may at first seem rough as compared with the flat officialese jargon . But the saving in time will be great, while the discipline of set-ting out the real points concisely will prove an aid to clearer thinking .

Winston Churchill, 1940

The main thing is to have a plan; if it is not the best plan, it is at least better than no plan at all .

Gen Sir John Monash

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Command arrangements

It is astonishing how obstinate allies are, how parochially minded, how ridiculously sensi-tive to prestige and how wrapped up in obso-lete political ideas . It is equally astonishing how they fail to see how broad-minded you are, how clear your picture is, how up to date you are and how co-operative and big-hearted you are . It is extraordinary .

Field Marshal Sir William Slim

The proverbial weakness of alliances is due to inferior power of concentration .

Alfred Thayer Mahan

This is notably less of a limitation for com-bined air forces, which can be concentrated in space and time, can provide simultaneous supporting efforts if differently equipped, can mutually support one another in many ways, and can concentrate over time on particular target systems, objectives, and campaigns.

Of all the lessons we learned about tactical air operations, perhaps the most important is that the air commander, his group and squadron commanders must have a sincere desire to become part of the ground team . The Army must, of course, have the same dedication to reciprocate . This close liaison can come only from close day-to-day con-tact—especially at command levels; there

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must be almost instantaneous communica-tion between ground and air and through all the chain of command .

Lt Gen Elwood R . “Pete” Quesada

The greatest lesson of this war has been the extent to which air, land, and sea operations can and must be coordinated by joint plan-ning and unified command . The attainment of better coordination and balance than now exists between services is an essential of na-tional security .

Hap Arnold

It turned out to be another scrambled out-fit . . . with so many lines of responsibility, control, and coordination on the chart that it resembled a can of worms as you looked at it . I made a note to tell Walker to take charge, tear up the chart, and have no one issue or-ders around there except himself . After he got things operating simply, quickly, and ef-ficiently he could draw up a new chart if he wanted to .

Gen George Kenney

Mutual support is the fundamental basis upon which the air-surface relationship is founded .

AFM 1-3, Theater Air Operations, 1953

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We must not allow Centralized Control–Decentralized Execution to devolve to Cen-tralized Control–Centralized Execution . That construct breeds excessive cautiousness at all levels, stifles initiative, and it is instruc-tive to remember that it was the Soviet com-mand model .

Maj Gen David A . Deptula, 2001

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Fm 100-20







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JULY 1943

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Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229

Change .and .Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234

Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239

Joint .and .Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241

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Those .who .are .possessed .of .a .definitive .body .of .doctrine .and .of .deeply .rooted .convictions .upon .it .will .be .in .a .much .better .position .to .deal .with .the .shifts .and .surprises .of .daily .af-fairs .than .those .who .are .merely .taking .short .views, .and .indulging .their .natural .impulses .as . they .are .evoked .by .what . they . read . from .day .to .day .

Winston .Churchill

If .you .think .education .is .expensive, .try .igno-rance .

Derek .Bok

The . organization . of .men .and .machines . into .military .forces .does .not .necessarily .mean .that .they .are .equipped .and .trained .for .the .accom-plishment, . if .necessary, .of .decisive .action .in .war . .For .this, .the .discipline .of .a .coherent .body .of .thought .appears .to .be .indispensable .

Eugene .Emme

In . short, . doctrine . is . what . is . officially . ap-proved .to .be .taught . .But .it .is .far .more .than .just .that . .Doctrine .is .the .departure .for .virtu-ally .every .activity .in .the .air .arm .

I . .B . .Holley .Jr .

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The .way .we .teach .around .here .nowadays .is .that .doctrine .is .always .wrong . .The .side .that .wins . is . the .side .whose .doctrine . is . the . least .wrong .and .who .has .a .system .that .is .flexible .enough .to .adopt .its .doctrine .once .combat .re-veals .the .flaws .in .the .doctrine .

Dr . .David .R . .Mets

The . standardization . of . technique . of . opera-tions .is .not .possible .in .this .global .war, .for .90 .times .out .of .100 .an .idea .that .succeeds .in .It-aly .will .not .work . in .New .Guinea . .Hence .we .must .be .versatile—our .tactics .must .be .sus-ceptible .to .change—our .commanding .officers .must .have .ingenuity .and .imagination .

Hap .Arnold

Doctrine . is . like .a .compass .bearing; . it . gives .us . the . general . direction . of . our . course . . We .may . deviate . from . that . course . on . occasion, .but .the .heading .provides .a .common .purpose .to .all .who .travel .along .the .way . .This .puts .a .grave . burden . on . those . who . formulate . doc-trine, .for .a .small .error, .even .a .minute .devia-tion, . in . our . compass . bearing . upon . setting .out, .may .place .us .many .miles .away .from .the .target .at . the .end .of . the .flight . . If . those .who .distill . doctrine . from . experience . or . devise . it .from .logical . inference . in .the .abstract . fail . to .exercise . the . utmost . rigor . in . their . thinking, .the .whole .service .suffers .

I . .B . .Holley .Jr .

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There .are .tens .of .thousands .of .individuals .in .the .Air .Force .whose . training .and .traditions .lead .them .to .identify .with .one .or .another .of .the .major .commands, .with .SAC .[Strategic .Air .Command] .or .TAC . [Tactical .Air .Command], .or .MAC .[Military .Airlift .Command] . .And .each .of . these . bespeaks . a . vested . interest . . Each .such . interest .must .be .placated, . reconciled, .accommodated . .These .necessities, .along .with .the . never-ending . confrontations . with . other .services .fighting .for .roles .and .missions, .keep .the .present-day .guardians .of .Air .Force .doc-trine .eternally .on .the .run . .They .are .so .busy .putting . out . fires, . few . of . them . find . time . in .which .to .think .at .leisure .

I . .B . .Holley .Jr .

Understanding . requires . theory; . theory . re-quires .abstraction; .and .abstraction .requires .the .simplification .and .ordering .of .reality . . . . . . . .Obviously, .the .real .world .is .one .of .blends, .ir-rationalities, . and . incongruities: . actual . per-sonalities, .institutions, .and .beliefs .do .not .fit .into .neat . logical . categories . .Yet .neat . logical .categories . are . necessary . if . man . is . to . think .profitably .about . the . real .world . in .which .he .lives .and .to .derive .from .it .lessons .for .broader .application .and .use .

Samuel .P . .Huntington .

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Example .is .not .the .main .thing .in .influencing .others . .It .is .the .only .thing .

Albert .Schweitzer

The .JFC .and .JFACC .staff .should .not .have .to .sift .through .dozens .of .Joint .and .service .pub-lications . to .discover .how . to .accomplish .as-sessment . . Ultimately, . the . doctrinal . confu-sion .is .the .fault .of .Joint .doctrine . .

Maj .Thomas .J . .Timmerman

Failures . in . the . transmission .of . information .from .the .desert .back .to .Britain .and .on .to .the .United .States .are .typical .of .an .ancient .theme .in .military .history: . the . reluctance .of . tribes, .

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nations, . and . armed . forces . to . learn . except .from .their .own .experience . .

Vincent .Orange

Everyone .is .equal .before .truth; .earnestly .ad-vocate . creative .and .pioneering . efforts; . let . a .hundred . flowers . blossom . and . a . hundred .schools .of .thought .contend; .and .weed .through .the .old .to .bring .forth .the .new . . . . . . . .Draw .upon .all .advanced .and .beneficial .military .thinking; .make .foreign .experiences .serve .China’s .pur-poses; .and .enrich .and .develop .China’s .mili-tary .theories .

Gen .Fu .Quanyou, .chief, .PLA .general .staff, .1998

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change and resistance

Attempting . to . employ . long . term . fixed . doc-trine, . regulations . or . legislation . to . confront .changes . resulting . from . evolution . is . utterly .futile . .The .only .thing .which .will .remain .fixed .is .ever .increasing .change .

Carlo .Kopp

The .traditions .among .all .the .armed .services .are .much .older .than .any .government, .more .conservative .than .any .department .of .govern-ment, .and .more .sure .to .build .on .a .founda-tion .that .they .are .certain .of, .rather .than .to .take .any .chance .of .making .a .mistake .

Billy .Mitchell

I . was . to . learn . later . in . life . that . we . tend . to .meet .any .new .situation .by .re-organizing; .and .a .wonderful .method .it .can .be .for .creating .the .illusion . of . progress . while . producing . confu-sion, .inefficiency .and .demoralization .

Petronius .Arbiter .ca . .210 .BC

The .professional .soldier . is .a .purely .military .alchemist; .he .dabbles .in .tactical .and .strate-gic . magic, . fashions . charms . and . pentacles, .burns .incense .before .training .manuals, .and .when .on .the .battlefield, .if .he .has .ever .studied .military . history, . conjures . forth . the . ghostly .theories . of . past . masters . of . war . in . order . to .solve .the .problems .which .there .confront .him . .

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The .politician .is .no .better, .for .he .knows .noth-ing .of .war, .and .yet .feels .eminently .capable .to .control .a .War .Office .or .an .Admiralty, .or .even .to .conduct .a .campaign . .If .surgery .and .medi-cine .were .still .treated .as .war .is .now .treated, .we .should .to-day .be .using .grated .unicorn’s .horn .and .butcher’s .knives .in .our .hospitals .

J . .F . .C . .Fuller, .1932

Air .power .speaks .a .strategic .language .so .new .that .translation .into .the .hackneyed .idiom .of .the .past .is .impossible .

Alexander .de .Seversky .

The .only .thing .harder .than .getting .a .new .idea .into .a .military .mind .is .getting .an .old .one .out .

B . .H . .Liddell .Hart

There .is .nothing .permanent .except .change .Heracl*tus, .513 .BC

He .that .will .not .apply .new .remedies .must .expect . new . evils; . for . time . is . the . greatest .innovator .

Francis .Bacon

The . intuitive . mind . is . a . sacred . gift . and . the .rational .mind .is .a .faithful .servant . .We .have .created .a .society .that .honors .the .servant .and .has .forgotten .the .gift .

Albert .Einstein

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A .new .idea .must .have .three .qualities: .First, .it .must . have . dynamic . novelty . to . spark . the .imagination; .something .never .tried .before . .It .must . overcome . the . entrenched . opposition . .Second, .it .must .be .feasible .of .fulfillment, .by .new .means .either .available .or .potential . .Third, .it .must .promise .overwhelming .capacity .to .al-ter .the .course .of .history .

Tooey .Spaatz

An .army .is .an .institution .not .merely .conser-vative . but . retrogressive . by . nature . . It . has .such .natural .resistance .to .progress .that .it .is .

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always . insured .against . the .danger .of .being .pushed .ahead .too .fast .

B . .H . .Liddell .Hart

contrasting Views

Against .a .lot .of .solid .armies, .it’s .neces-sary . to . go . forth . into . death . ground . at .bayonet .point .and .kill .the .other .guy, .face .to .face . . . . . . . .The .United .States .continues .to . trust . in . airpower . and . magical . tech-nology, . then .hopes . for .the .best . . It .may .work . . But . history . offers . no . particular .cause .for .optimism .

COL .Daniel .P . .Bolger, .2003

Cavalry . as . an . assaulting . arm . proved .useless . against . cavalry, . and . the . bayo-net, . the . weapon . of . . . . . . . shock, . was .abruptly . dethroned . by . the . bullet . [by .1865 . .The] .chief .of .staff .to .General .J . .E . .B . .Stuart .writes .“recalling .all .the .battles .in .which . I .have .borne .a .part, .bayonet-fights .rarely .if .ever .occur, .and .exist .only .in .the .imagination .”

J . .F . .C . .Fuller, .1932

When, .in .1898, .I .joined .the .Army, .though .a .normally . indifferently .educated .young .Eng-lishman, . I . was . appalled . by . the . ignorance .

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which .surrounded .me .and .the .immense .mili-tary .value .attached .to .it .

J . .F . .C . .Fuller

A .Human .Being .should .be .able .to .change .a .diaper, .plan .an .invasion, .butcher .a .hog, .conn .a .ship, .design .a .building, .write .a .sonnet, .bal-ance .accounts, .build .a .wall, .set .a .bone, .com-fort .the .dying, .take .orders, .give .orders, .coop-erate, . act . alone, . solve . equations, . analyze . a .new .problem, .pitch .manure, .program .a .com-puter, .cook .a .tasty .meal, .fight .efficiently .and .die .gallantly . .Specialization .is .for .insects .

Robert .Heinlein

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The clarity and therefore the utility of doc-trine is a direct product of how well language is used in its writing.

How .many .a .dispute .could .have .been .deflated .into .a .single .paragraph .if .the .disputants .had .just .dared .to .define .their .terms .


The .beginning .of .wisdom .is .calling .things .by .their .right .names .


On .July .26, .1945, .the .Potsdam .Declaration .urged . Japan . to . surrender . . Thereupon . the .Japanese .Cabinet .agreed .that .it .was .time .to .make .peace, .and .on .July .28 .Premier .Suzuki .announced .a .policy .of .“mokosatsu .” .This .un-fortunate .word .has .no .exact .counterpart . in .English . .Its .approximate .meaning .is .“to .with-hold .comment,” .but .it .also .means .“to .ignore .” .The .Domei .News .Agency .at .once .broadcast .in .English .that .the .Cabinet .had .decided .to . ig-nore .the .Potsdam .ultimatum . .After .the .atomic .bombs .had .been .dropped, .President .Truman .cited .the .Japanese .rejection .of .the .ultimatum .as . a . reason . . Convincing . evidence . available .since . then . shows . that . the . Premier . had . in-deed . meant . to . convey . “no . comment,” . with .the .implication .that .a .significant .announce-ment .would .come .later . .Connoisseurs .of .the .

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ifs . of . history . say . that . the . right . translation .could . have . brought . quick . peace . without .atomic .explosions .

Peter .T . .White

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Joint and Service

A .professional .is .one .who .does .his .best .work .when .he .feels .the .least .like .working .

Frank .Lloyd .Wright

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It .was .not .appreciated, .and .has .scarcely .been .appreciated .today, .that .the .fighting .power .of .an .army .is .the product and not the sum of .the .arms .composing .it .

J . .F . .C . .Fuller

The .lesson .from .the .last .war .that .stands .out .clearly .above .all .others .is .that .if .you .want .to .go .anywhere .in .modern .war, .in .the .air, .on .the .sea, .on .the .land, .you .must .have .command .of .the .air .

Adm .William .F .“Bull” .Halsey .House .Armed .Services .Committee .report, .October .1949 .

We .are .about .to .invade .the .continent .and .have .staked .our .success .on .our .air .superiority, .on .Soviet .numerical .preponderance, .and .on .the .high .quality .of .our .ground .combat .units .

GEN .George .C . .Marshall .Memo .to .the .Secretary .of .War, .1944

The .use .of .military, .naval .and .aerial .forces .in .war .should .be .directed .toward .a .single .end, .to . win . . To . attain . maximum . effectiveness .these .forces .must .be .coordinated .and .in .har-mony . with . one . another . . The . three . forces .should .function .as .ingredients—or .factors—of .a .single .product .in .which .the .best .results .can .be .obtained .only .by .a .proper .apportion-ing .of .the .ingredients .used .

Giulio .Douhet

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War .is .waged .in .three .elements .but .there .is .no .separate .land, .air, .or .naval .war . .Unless .all .assets . in . all . elements . are . efficiently . com-bined .and .coordinated .against .a . . . . . . .common .objective, . their . maximum . potential . power .cannot .be .realized . .

Dwight .Eisenhower .

The .point .to .understand .is .what .the .ultimate .objective .is, .and .instead .of .applying .that .ob-jective .to .a .land .war .and .then .organizing .joint .forces .around .the .land .war, .let’s .look .at .it .as .we . can .apply .military .power .directly . to . the .objective .

Maj .Gen .Chuck .Link, .1996

Now, .I .will .be .the .first .to .admit .that .aerospace .power . let . others . down . from . the . Pelopon-nesian .through .Spanish-American .wars . .

Gen .Michael .J . .Dugan, .USAF, .retired, .1998

But .I .learned .as .a .lieutenant .that .they .were .part-time . soldiers, . great . when . they . were .available, .but .not . to .be . relied .on . routinely . .They . were . never . there . at . night, . or . in . bad .weather, .or .when .“priorities” .sent .them .else-where . . . . . . . . To . my . knowledge, . it . has . not .changed .today, .despite .the .additions .of .night .vision, .infrared .sensors, .and .“smart” .bombs . .The .Army .has .paid .a .high .price .for .the .unful-filled .promises .of .airpower .since .World .War .II—between .wars .in .budget .battles .and .dur-ing . wars . in . facing . enemy . capabilities . with .

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which .we .were .unprepared .to .cope . . . . . . . .Even .with . the . wondrous . capabilities . of . today’s .technology, .airpower .is .still .a .part-time .par-ticipant .

GEN .Frederick .J . .Kroesen

So .long .as .large .armies .go .to .battle, .so .long .will .the .air .arm .remain .their .spearhead .

Cyril .Falls .

The .wider .role .of .mobility .and .offensive .power .lies .in .the .air . .And .the .air .force .appears .to .be .cast .for .the .decisive .role . . . . . . .in .the .future .we .need .to .think .of .the .army .and .the .air .force .as .the .two .main .components .of .military .power .

B . .H . .Liddell .Hart

You .cannot .beat .an .Air .Force .with .an .Army . .You .can’t .beat .an .Air .Force .with .a .Navy . .But .you .can .beat .either .of .those .with .an .Air .Force . .It .has .to .do .with .physics .

Maj .Gen .Chuck .Link

The .US .Army .is .incapable .of .surviving, .much .less .prevailing, .without .overhead .cover .pro-vided .by .the .Air .Force . .It .is .myopic .to .think .that .money .spent .to .control .airspace .some-how . detracts . from . Army . effectiveness . . It .makes .Army .effectiveness .possible .

Loren .B . .Thompson

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Joint .warfare .weaknesses .of .the .U .S . .Army, .Navy, .and .Air .Force: .

Interservice .rivalries .limit .coordination . .Intelligence .does .not .reach .operators .rapidly . .Space .satellites .are .vulnerable .to .direct .attack . .Command .control .nodes .are .exposed .to .attack . .Ports .and .airfields .are .vulnerable .in .initial .deployment . .Each .high-tech .weapon .has .its .own .weakness . .Aircraft .carriers .depend .on .E6 .Prowlers . .U .S . .forces .are .optimized .for .deserts, .not .mountains . .

Li .Zhiiyun, .summarizing .views .of . .75 .PLA .authors, .1995

We .have .good .corporals .and .good .sergeants .and .some .good .lieutenants .and .captains, .and .those .are .far .more .important .than .good .gen-erals .

GEN .William .Tec*mseh .Sherman

When .I .have .young .airmen .who .believe .that .an .air .power .solution .is .the .right .thing .to .do .but .hesitate .to .say .it .for .fear .of .appearing .un-

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joint, .it’s .going .too .far . .If .we .create .an .envi-ronment . in . which . we . raise . young . military .people .to .believe .that . it’s .okay .to .think .one .thing .and .say .something .else, .than .we’ll .be .rotten .at .the .core, .and .we .can’t .afford .that .

Maj .Gen .Chuck .Link

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Twenty Good Books

Arnold, Henry H. “Hap.” Report of the Com-manding General of the Army Air Forces to the Secretary of War. Washington, DC: War Department Bureau of Public Rela-tions, 1944.

Borowski, Harry R., ed. Harmon Memorial Lectures in Military History 1959–1987. Washington, DC: Office of Air Force His-tory, 1988.

Clausewitz, Carl von. On War. Translated by Anatol Rapoport. New York: Penguin Books, 1968.

Das, S. T. An Introduction to the Art of War. New Delhi: Sagar Publications, 1970.

de Seversky, Alexander P. Victory through Air Power. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1942.

Douhet, Giulio. The Command of the Air. Translated by Dino Ferrari. Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, 1983.

Emme, Eugene M. The Impact of Air Power: National Security and World Politics. Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1959.

Fuller, J. F. C. Generalship: Its Diseases and Their Cure. Harrisburg, PA: Military Ser-vice Publishing Co., 1936.

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Futrell, Robert F. Ideas, Concepts, Doctrine: A History of Basic Thinking in the United States Air Force, 1907–1964. Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 1971.

Heinl, Robert D., Jr. Dictionary of Military and Naval Quotations. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1966.

Kenney, George C. General Kenney Reports. Washington, DC: Office of Air Force His-tory, 1987.

Liddell Hart, Basil H. Strategy. New York: New American Library, Inc., 1954.

Marshall, S. L. A. The Officer as a Leader. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1966.

Mitchell, William. Skyways. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1930.

———. Winged Defense. Port Washington, NY: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1925.

Paret, Peter, ed. Makers of Modern Strategy: From Machcavelli to the Nuclear Age. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1986.

Sun Tzu. The Art of War. Translated by Samuel B. Griffith. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971.

Tedder, Arthur. Air Power in War. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1948.

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Warden, John A., III. The Air Campaign. Washington, DC: National Defense Uni-versity Press, 1988.

Watts, Barry D. The Foundations of U.S. Air Force Doctrine: The Problem of Friction in War. Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 1984.

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Source Index

42d Bomb Wing report, 52

Aboulafia, Richard L., 139Achalov, Vladislav, 122Adler, Elmer D., 194Air Force Manual: 1-1, Basic Aerospace Doctrine, 103, 193;

1-3, Theater Air Operations, 184, 223; 51-44, Fighter and Fighter-Bomber Employment, 166–67, 171, 186

“Air Force Objectives,” 73Air University Manual 1, 40, 171, 186Al Nida Republican Guard Division, 123Alberts, David, 135Alexander the Great, 192al-Sahhaf, Muhammad Said, 122Andrews, Frank M., 29Aquinas, Thomas, 61Arbiter, Petronius, 234Aristotle, 239Arkin, William M., 112, 115, 147–48, 157Army Field Manual: 100-5, Operations, 87; 100-20, Field

Service Regulations, 225Arnold, H. H. “Hap,” 6, 7, 29, 31–32, 39–40, 48, 128,

169–70, 185, 193, 209, 223, 230Ashraf, Tariq Mahmud, 20, 87, 120, 150Aspin, Les, 103Augustine, 60

Bacon, Francis, 235Baldwin, Stanley, 40, 56Bannon, M. E., 150Baruch, Bernard M., 195Bell, Alexander Graham, 16, 71Benyi, Cao, 145Bingham, Price T., 53Blesse, Frederick C. “Boots,” 176Bok, Derek, 229Bolger, Daniel P., 237Bolivar, Simón, 209Bolling, Raynal C., 203Boyd, Charles G., 37, 73, 99, 146Bradley, Omar, 54, 191Brodie, Bernard, 59, 82, 91, 161Brown, Harold, 142Brown, Neville, 45, 131, 151

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Burke, Arleigh, 219Burt, Richard, 220Byman, Daniel L., 114Byrd, Richard E., 207

Cameron, J. M., 157, 179, 187Carroll, Rory, 111Cayley, George, 55Changzi, Zhang, 25, 50, 54, 107, 140Charles, Archduke of Austria, 171, 206Chassin, G. J. M., 156, 173Churchill, Winston, 4, 11, 17, 36, 42–43, 45, 49, 52, 61, 95,

154, 221, 229Cicero, 73Clark, Wesley K., 113–14, 118, 122Clarke, Bruce C., 214Clausewitz, Carl von, 60, 62–64, 66, 68, 72, 76, 79, 83,

88–90, 92, 178, 192, 199Cohen, Eliot A., 19, 35, 47, 60, 106, 146Colin, Jean, 95Conduct of the Persian Gulf War, 100Confucius, 6, 239Coolidge, Calvin, 29Cooper, John C., 30Cordesman, Anthony H., 113, 121, 134Corley, John, 120Cummins, Lejeune, 85

Daryl Press, 99, 106Das, S. T., 40, 156, 167, 171, 174, 182–83, 192de Chardin, Teilhard, 5de Guibert, Comte, 193de Saxe, Maurice, 7, 118, 188, 195de Seversky, Alexander P., 17, 235Degen, E. J., 123Deptula, David A., 22, 33, 72, 104, 113, 157, 224Deutch, John M., 137Dickinson, William L., 103Donham, Wallace B., 155Doolittle, Jimmy, 13, 170Douglas, William Sholto, 128Douhet, Giulio, 17, 37, 56, 127, 242Drew, Dennis M., 76, 91, 187du Picq, Ardant, 204Dugan, Michael J., 114, 243Dulles, John Foster, 59

Earle, Edward Meade, 37

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Eccles, Henry E., 193–94Echols, Oliver P., 14, 195Einstein, Albert, 235Eisenhower, Dwight D., 128, 168, 193, 243Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 212Emme, Eugene M., 24, 229Enze, Shu, 136Euripides, 197

Falls, Cyril, 244Foch, Ferdinand, 6Fogleman, Ronald R., 12, 20, 23, 32–33, 44, 109, 147–48,

212Fontenot, Gregory, 123Forester, C. S., 183Fortescue, John, 51Frankland, Noble, 11Franklin, Benjamin, 81, 189Franz, Wallace P., 65Frederick the Great, 3–4, 6, 51, 95, 171, 173, 189, 197, 206,

212, 214Frontinus, Sextus Julius, 56Fuller, J. F. C., 7, 54, 65, 71, 76, 93, 137, 149, 162, 172,

176–77, 191, 205, 218, 235, 237–38, 242Fundamentals of British Maritime Doctrine, The, 44

Gabriel, Charles A., 191Galland, Adolf, 46Garstka, John, 135Geiger, Keith W., 5Genda, Minoru, 166“General Air Force Principles,” 165Ghassan, 123Global Reach–Global Power, 24Goebbels, Joseph, 41Gold, Philip, 22, 158Gordon, Michael, 105Grabowski, Thomas, 133Greenfield, Meg, 84Grimsley, William, 124Groves, P. R. C., 30Guderian, Heinz, 49Guicciardini, Francesco, 85

Hackett, John W., 205Hackworth, David, 104Hagenbeck, Franklin L., 119Hale, James O., 4

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Hallion, Richard P., 12, 109, 134, 146–47, 153, 220Halsey, William F. “Bull,” 242Handy, John W., 25Hart, B. H. Liddell, 41, 67, 77–78, 172, 176, 178, 180,

182–83, 195, 235, 237, 244Hearst, William Randolph, 135Hedges, Chris, 110Heinlein, Robert, 238Hemingway, Ernest, 60Hendrix, John W., 114Heracl*tus, 208, 235Heyman, Charles, 117Hildner, Robert E., 86Ho Chi Minh, 68Holbrooke, Richard, 108Holley, I. B., Jr., 130, 229–31Horner, Charles A. “Chuck,” 28, 100, 196Howard, Michael, 77Hubbard, Elbert, 208Hughes, Daniel J., 174Huntington, Samuel P., 231Hussein, Saddam, 12Huxley, T. H., 207

Iino, Matsuichi, 49Implementation Force, 69

Jackson, Andrew, 197James, Daniel “Chappie,” Jr., 62Jincheng, Wei, 136Johnson, J. E. “Johnnie,” 68, 154Johnson, Lyndon B., 26, 60Johnson, Terry L., 104Joint Publication 0-2, 72Jones, Stephen B., 48Jonson, Ben, 5Jordan, David Starr, 59Jumper, John P., 27, 112

Kay, David A., 34Keaney, Thomas A., 106Keegan, John, 105, 111, 115, 117, 124Kelvin, William Thomson, 55Kenney, George, 13, 165, 190, 216, 223Kernan, William F., 75King, E. J., 194Kissinger, Henry, 85Koller, Karl, 18, 155

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Kopp, Carlo, 150, 234Kroesen, Frederick J., 101, 244

Lambeth, Ben, 23, 25, 117Lawrence, T. E., 184Lee, Robert E., 212LeMay, Curtis E., 83, 210Lenin, Vladimir I., 77Libicki, Martin C., 138, 149Lincoln, Abraham, 192, 207Link, Chuck, 21–22, 43, 47, 50, 108, 147, 243–44, 246Lord, Lance, 27Lyles, Lester P., 26

MacArthur, Douglas, 5, 128MacIsaac, David, 36Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 76, 219, 222Mao Tse-tung, 95, 194Marlborough, First Duke of (John Churchill), 33Marshall, George C., 210, 218, 242Marshall, S. L. A., 210, 216Mason, Tony, 24, 46McCaffrey, Barry R., 121, 124McLendon, James W., 136McPeak, Merrill A., 144Meigs, Montgomery C., 84, 116Mengxiong, Chang, 135, 140Mets, David R., 127, 151, 230Meyer, John C., 178Meyer, Kurt, 41“Milos,” 111Milosevic, Slobodan, 108Milton, T. Ross, 39Mitchell, Billy, 234Moltke, the Elder, 91, 187Monash, Sir John, 195, 221Montgomery, Bernard Law, 13, 18, 181Moore, Royal N., Jr., 103Moorman, Thomas S., Jr., 31Moseley, T. Michael, 19, 24, 120–21Mowbray, James A., 102Musashi, Miyamoto, 69

Napoléon, 67, 69–71, 88, 91, 154, 163, 167–69, 189, 209, 214

“National Economic Structures,” 74Newcomb, Simon, 56Nunn, Sam, 137

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Odom, Thomas P., 104Olds, Robin, 93, 176O’Malley, Jerome F., 83Oman, Sir Charles, 168Omar, Mullah, 117Orange, Vincent, 233Ovid, 72Owen, Robert C., 109, 110

Pace, Dave “Preacher,” 3Paine, Thomas, 66, 163Palmer, Williston B., 211Pape, Robert A., 108, 121Patton, George S., 69, 169, 171, 212, 214Patzalyuk, Viktor, 101Pears, Sir Steuart, 87Perry, William J., 132, 143Peters, F. Whitten, 32, 137Petrarch, 59Pike, John, 124Powell, Colin, 19, 115–16Przybyslawski, Anthony F., 116Pufeng, Wang, 135, 140Puller, Lewis “Chesty,” 213

Quanyou, Fu, 233Quesada, Elwood R. “Pete,” 223

Radford, Arthur, 17Raleigh, Walter, 162Ralston, Joe, 113Reading, Rufus Isaacs, 85Reimer, Dennis J., 109Rezun, Miron, 102Ridgway, Matthew B., 191Roche, James G., 27Rogers, F. M., 192Rommel, Erwin, 46, 49, 53Roosevelt, Theodore, 170Roskill, S. W., 205Ruge, Friedrich, 50Rumsfeld, Donald, 116Russell, Charles A., 86Ryan, Michael, 33

Scales, Robert H., 104Schriever, Bernard “Bernie,” 28, 127Schwarzkopf, Norman, 99, 215

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Schweitzer, Albert, 232Shalikashvili, John, 133Shenxia, Zheng, 25, 50, 54, 107, 140Sherman, William Tec*mseh, 217, 245Shinohara, Masaru, 185Sigaud, Louis A., 169Situation report to headquarters, Burma, 11Sizov, Yu. G., 102Skokov, A. L., 102Slessor, Sir John C., 16, 18, 39, 51–52, 71, 81, 84, 161, 165,

172, 174Slim, Sir William, 208, 222Sluglett, Peter, 86Smith, Dale O., 42, 206Smith, Walter Bedell, 83Snow, Donald M., 76, 91, 187Sophocles, 197Spaatz, Carl A. “Tooey,” 13, 35, 45, 48, 53, 236Spruance, Raymond A., 187“Squadron Leader,” 7Stan Eval “famous aviator,” 4Stein, George J., 136, 138Stevenson, Robert Louis, 79Sullivan, Gordon R., 105, 118Summers, Harry G., 65, 112Suvorov, Aleksandr V., 77Sykes, F. H., 30

Tedder, Arthur William, 43, 69, 71, 168, 179tee*ts, Peter B., 26Tennyson, Alfred, 55Thatcher, Margaret, 129Thomas, Timothy L., 136Thompson, Loren B., 244Thucydides, 162Timmerman, Thomas J., 119, 232Tohn, David, 123Trainor, Bernard E. “Mick,” 74, 105Trenchard, Hugh, 35, 156Tunner, William H., 30Twining, Nathan F., 83, 164, 170, 197–98Tzu, Sun, 6, 61, 66, 68, 70, 78–80, 82–83, 93, 172–73, 175,

181, 185

US Strategic Bombing Survey, 82USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 1996, 131–34, 139, 152

van Creveld, Martin, 33

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Vandenberg, Hoyt S., 5, 15Vauthier, Arsene, 17Vego, Milan, 119Vickers, Michael G., 114von Mellenthin, F. W., 46von Richthofen, Manfred, 175, 177von Steuben, Friedrich, 169

Walker, J. R. “Johnnie,” 94Warden, John A., III, 38, 74, 105, 141, 175Washington Post, 122Washington, George, 81Watts, Barry D., 4Wavell, Earl A. P., 94Waxman, Matthew C., 114Weiguang, Shen, 136Welch, Larry D., 130Wellington, First Duke of (Arthur Wellesley), 133, 194,

217–18Wells, H. G., 16, 56White, Peter T., 240White, Thomas D., 27Widnall, Sheila E., 30Wright, Frank Lloyd, 241Wynne, Michael, 47

Yeager, Charles E. “Chuck,” 29Yinnian, Li, 138Yokoi, Toshiyuki, 77Younger, Stephen, 152

Zengfu, Ming, 46, 148Zhigarev, P. F., 186Zhiiyun, Li, 245Zuckerman, Mortimer B., 152

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Topical Index

about brevity, 4administration and combat support, 218advice, 214Air Force airpower, 19airpower, 9airpower and maneuver, 47airpower prophecy, 55airpower theories, 13another principle: poise, 198art of studying circ*mstances, 93assumptions, 6

basics, 229

challenge, 3change and resistance, 234Clausewitz on policy and war, 63command, 201, 209command arrangements, 222commander and the staff, 216communications, 191“complete” uses of airpower, 35constants—if not principles—of war, 191control of the air, 43

defender’s dilemma, 173deterrence, 81doctrine, 227

economic and political objectives, 39economy of force, 182effects, 72effects of introducing technology, 131elements of airpower, 29emergence of stealth, 142expeditionary airpower, 32

FM 100-20, 225foundation, 161friction, war’s resistant medium, 88

global airpower perspective, 24

human factors in war, 203

impact, 127information, 135

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information management, 220intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, 133interdiction, attrition, and counterland, 51irregular warfare, 84

joint and service, 241

limits of the offensive, 174logistics, 192

maneuver and mobility, 185mass, concentration, and economy of force, 179

nature of airpower, 16nature of war, 59

objective, 165objectives of airpower employment, 37offensive aim, 172offensive spirit, 176offensive, initiative, and surprise, 170oils for the friction of war, 90Operation Allied Force (Kosovo), 111Operation Deliberate Force (Bosnia), 108Operation Desert Storm, 99Operation Enduring Freedom (2001–), 116Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003–), 121outcomes and arguments, 97

precision, 146principles of war, 159professional growth, 205psychological effects, 41public support, 191

reactions to technology, 156

security, 189simplicity, 187space power, 26stealth, 141strategy, 76synergies, 151

technology, 125technology and numbers, 154terminology, 239three British principles, 198time, 196time and space, 68

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United States airpower, 22unity of command, 168unmanned aerial vehicles, 149using the initiative: agitation, 174using the initiative: alternatives, 175

war, 57war as art and science, 65

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Military Airpower

A Revised Digest of Airpower Opinions and Thoughts

Air University Press Team

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Military Airpower A Revised Digest of Airpower Opinions and Thoughts - [PDF Document] (2024)


What are the four fundamentals of air power? ›

These four fundamental roles of air power are: Intelligence and Situational Awareness; Air Mobility; Attack; and Control of the Air. The Royal Air Force War Manual (AP 1300, 1928) identifies four “special duties for which aircraft are required.

What is the US air supremacy doctrine? ›

Air supremacy is that degree of control of the air wherein the opposing force is inca- pable of effective interference within the operational area using air and missile threats.

What is the arsenal of airpower? ›

First published in 2010, Arsenal of Airpower is an authoritative resource on airpower and US Air Force history, collecting data on the service's Total Active Inventory (TAI) of aircraft going back to 1950, all in one place.

What is the mission of the Air Force Air Superiority? ›


We continually build distinctive capabilities that enable joint forces to dominate enemy operations in all dimensions: land, sea, air and space.

What is the airpower theory? ›

Air power theory, developed between the world wars, is the idea that air power can be decisive in warfare by striking at the heart of the enemy through the third dimension. The concept appealed to military airmen because of the importance it lent them and their beloved machines.

What are the 7 tenets of air and space power? ›

The tenets of Centralized Control, Flexibility/Versatility, Priority, Synergy, Balance, Concentration, and Persistence are guidelines and considerations for commanders to use to exploit the mobility, responsiveness, flexibility, and versatility of air and space power.

What is the 11 Supremacy Clause? ›

Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause. It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions.

Who has air superiority in the world? ›

A recent report by the Military Embedded Systems noted that about 39% of the world's fighter jets are also operated by the United States, with China at a distant second at 24.4%. These statistics speak volumes of Washington's aerial superiority over its rivals, which is likely to continue given the current trends.

What is the US main air superiority fighter? ›

The F-22, a critical component of the Global Strike Task Force, is designed to project air dominance, rapidly and at great distances and defeat threats attempting to deny access to our nation's Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine Corps. The F-22 cannot be matched by any known or projected fighter aircraft.

What is the largest airpower in the world? ›

The United States air fleet

As of late 2021, the United States Air Force (USAF) is composed of 5217 active aircraft, making it the largest, the most technologically advanced, and the most powerful air fleet in the world.

What are the pillars of air power? ›

The basis of air power is its exploitation of height, speed, and reach within the air environment, which facilitates the four core roles of air power: control of the air; attack; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR); and air mobility.

What are the three core functions of air power? ›

The capabilities of air power are: 1) responsiveness, 2) mobility, and 3) perspective. Responsiveness is made possible from air power's unequaled speed and range when operating in elevation. Responsiveness emphasizes speed. Speed permits air power to respond or react quickly to changing situations.

What is the NATO doctrine of air superiority? ›

Levels. Air supremacy is the highest level, where a side holds complete control of the skies. It is defined by NATO and the United States Department of Defense as the "degree of air superiority wherein the opposing air force is incapable of effective interference".

Does Russia have air superiority? ›

Technically, they have established air superiority but not air supremacy. Ukraine can't fly over Russian positions often, either. The Russian fighters are more modern than the Ukrainian fighters, but it's the anti-aircraft systems that are winning the air battle for Ukraine.

What are the 5 core missions of the Air Force? ›

Today, we call our core missions: (1) air and space superiority; (2) intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR); (3) rapid global mobility; (4) global strike; and (5) command and control. Through these core missions, the Air Force provides Global Vigilance, Global Reach, and Global Power for America.

What are the 4 fundamentals aviation? ›

The four fundamentals (straight-and-level flight, turns, climbs, and descents) are the principal maneuvers that control the airplane through the six motions of flight.

What is the four forces airpower theory? ›

The theory suggests that technology is the “thrust” that propels airpower towards ideal war by generating the “lift” of improved effects. The “drag” of resource constraints and “weight” or “gravity” of enemy technology and counter-tactics work in opposition and drag airpower from ideal towards real war.

What are the 4 roles of space power? ›

According to the UK Government, there are four key space power roles, namely space domain awareness, space control, space operations support, and space service support. As space is one of five operational domains supporting the military, space operations threats and hazards have to be clearly defined.

What are the aspects of air power? ›

The capabilities of air power are: 1) responsiveness, 2) mobility, and 3) perspective. Responsiveness is made possible from air power's unequaled speed and range when operating in elevation. Responsiveness emphasizes speed. Speed permits air power to respond or react quickly to changing situations.


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