PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (2024)


The health supplement may help the child's growth, but it is best to discuss it with a pediatrician first.

Reviewed by Dr. Umera Zakiahmed Saiyed, BHMS PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (1) Dr. Umera Zakiahmed SaiyedBHMS PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (2)PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (3) Specialty: Writer, poet, and bloggerExperience: 5 years

Written by Swati Patwal, M.Sc. (Food & Nutrition), MBA PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (4) swati patwalM.Sc. (Food & Nutrition), MBA PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (5) Specialty: Food, Nutrition and HealthExperience: 10 years

Edited by Rohit Garoo, BSc, MBA PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (6) rohit garooBSc, MBA PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (7) Specialty: Baby Health and WellnessExperience: 9 years

Fact-checked by Dr. Joyani Das, M.Pharm, PhD PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (8) dr. joyani dasM.Pharm, PhD PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (9) Specialty: Pharma, Health and WellnessExperience: 3.5 years

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PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (10)

Image: iStock

A child’s healthy, all-round development depends largely on their balanced nutrition, dietary needs, and healthy eating habits. So, besides food, pediatricians may suggest adding the nutritional supplement, PediaSure for kids. Parents are usually concerned about providing the best nutritious food for their children. In addition, they worry about developmental delays, poor growth, and other health problems usually caused by nutrient deficiencies. Therefore, they may opt for supplementing their child’s diet with commercially available products. Continue reading this post where we explain how effective PediaSure is in addressing growing children’s nutritional demands. This is not a promotional post for PediaSure or its sister brands. It is for informational purposes only and not a replacement for a doctor’s advice.

In This Article

Is PediaSure Good For Kids?

Most PediaSure products claim to be rich in high-quality protein and essential vitamins and minerals, which are crucial for adequate child nutrition. These nutrients are necessary to support the growth and development of children. Besides, all of them are gluteniA naturally occurring protein found in cereals, such as wheat, rye, and barley -free and hence relatively easy on the gut.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s findings report that 4.1% of children and adolescents aged two to 19 years have been identified as underweight.

A research study showed that regular use of oral nutritional supplements (ONS) could promote and sustain adequate intake of nutrients in children who have the risk of malnutrition(1).

Related: Malnutrition In Children: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Thus, the product can be considered good for children’s health when given under medical supervision. Consult your doctor for guidance.

PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (11) Did you know?

A 2018 research study showed that PediaSure oral nutritional supplement (ONC) with dietary counseling could help gain weight and reduce upper respiratory tract infections in picky-eating children (10).

Dr. Leah Alexander, MD, FAAP, a pediatrician from Fairview, New Jersey, says, “For children who have a medical condition that makes it difficult for them to consume enough calories to gain an appropriate amount of weight, supplemental beverages can be helpful. Pediasure is one of many available options marketed for children.”

When Can Children Start Having PediaSure?

Depending on the variant, the manufacturer recommends PediaSure for children from two years to 13 years (2). If your child is younger than two years, then the brand advises a pediatric consultation before use. The use of PediaSure for babies up to one year of age is not recommended (3). Hence, parents should always verify PediaSure powder’s age limit by referring to the product’s description to ensure that it suits their child’s age and nutritional requirements.

How To Give PediaSure To Your Child?

The method of preparing and serving PediaSure depends on its variant. For instance,

  • PediaSure Grow and Gain Shakes are ready-to-drink shakes that do not require preparation.
  • It is a powder that needs to be mixed in water to prepare the drink.
  • The company also suggests parents try recipes that can have Grow & Gain shakes or powder mix as an ingredient. However, do check the other ingredients in a recipe to ensure your child’s safety.

PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (12) Quick fact

PediaSure Grow and Gain shakes is a gluten-free product suitable even for lactoseiA naturally occurring sugar found in milk and its products intolerant children. It is claimed to meet 100% of the recommended dietary intake for protein (2).

Image: Shutterstock

PediaSure And Its Product Types

PediaSure nutritional supplements are available in a range of variants depending on the nutritional requirement of the child and their age. Here are the three common PediaSure products available over the counter.

  1. PediaSure Grow and Gain is a product formulated for children who are lacking appropriate growth(2). It comes in variants, such as PediaSure Grow and Gain, PediaSure Grow and Gain with Fiber, PediaSure Grow and Gain Organic, and PediaSure Grow and Gain Shake Mix (3).
  1. PediaSure Side Kicks is designed to fill the nutritional gaps in a child’s diet and helps kids catch up on their growth (4). According to the maker, this product provides extra protein and fewer calories when compared to PediaSure Grow and Gain. PediaSure Side Kicks is suitable for fussy eaters.
  1. PediaSure 1.5 Cal has high caloric density to meet the high energy demands of children at risk of malnutrition (5). It has one variant, PediaSure 1.5 Cal with Fiber.

Most PediaSure products are available in multiple flavors.There are some other product types that are specially designed for tube feeding, like PediaSure Enteral Formula 1.0 Cal.

How Much PediaSure Can Children Drink Per Day?

According to PediaSure, in general, there is no safe limit of intake. The brand recommends consulting a pediatrician to determine the amount of supplement suitable for your child. It is even more important to consult a pediatrician if the child is already eating adequate food and consuming other beverages.

The recommended intake will also depend on the PediaSure variant recommended by the pediatrician. Therefore, the daily serving for each child might vary.

Claimed Health Benefits of PediaSure For Children

The following are purported benefits of consuming PediaSure. However, there is currently no independent scientific research available to substantiate these claims.

  1. Supports growth and development: PediaSure contains high-quality protein, calcium, and vitamin-D3. The regular consumption of this drink with a well-balanced, healthy diet could help one gain weight and height within 24 weeks. PediaSure claims that this benefit is clinically proven in children between the ages of three-four years. It’s consumption may also help underweight children in gaining weight.

Related: How Does The Environment Influence A Child's Growth And Development?

Image: IStock

  1. Immune support: PediaSure is said to contain antioxidant compounds such as vitamins C and E, and selenium. A study showed that regular use of oral nutritional supplements, like PediaSure, in nutritionally at-risk picky eaters with upper respiratory tract infections, helps maintain their weight during acute infections (6).

Apart from the above nutritional benefits, some other general benefits of PediaSure are:

  1. Gluten-free: Some nutritional drinks contain gluten that is not suitable for children with gluten sensitivity, intolerance, or allergy. PediaSure might be a choice since all its variants are gluten-free and good for digestive health as well.
  1. Suitable for lactose intolerant children: Products are labeled as “suitable for lactose intolerance” when they contain lactose at a level that does not seem to affect anyone with lactose intolerance. PediaSure claims to contain less than four grams lactose per liter as fed, or less than 0.5 grams lactose per serving as fed. However, it is a milk-based formula and needs to be avoided in children with cow milk allergy andgalactosemiaiA disorder that impacts the body’s ability to process a simple sugar, galactose .

Image: Shutterstock

The product also claims to be free of artificial growth hormones and is Kosher and Halal-certified.

Probable Side Effects Of Nutritional Supplements For Children

Image: IStock

There might be some side effects of consuming nutritional supplements, such as PediaSure.

  1. Sugar content: Supplements contain total natural sugar in the form of plain sugar, corn syrup, and corn maltodextriniA white powder made from vegetable starch, used as a food additive or flavor enhancer that all have a high glycemic glycemic indexiA rating system that shows how a specific food affects the blood sugar levels (GI). Thus, in the case of a healthy child, nutritional supplements might contribute to weight gain but at the same time it could be unsuitable for those who are already overweight or obese, as it may exacerbate further weight gain. Additionally, it may contribute to dental caries (7). Pediasure, with its high sugar content of 37 grams per 100 grams, presents similar risks. Out of this amount, approximately 19 grams can be attributed to “added sugars” (8).The consistent intake of added sugar by children results in significant spikes in blood sugar levels over time (9), rendering it unsuitable for kids with diabetes.

Dr. Alexander adds, “From a nutritional perspective, the amount of sugar is an issue. The recommended daily sugar intake after age two is 25g per day. Some formulations of Pediasure have nearly that much sugar in just one serving.”

  1. Gastrointestinal issues: Components, such as fiber and soy protein isolate, when consumed in high amounts, could lead to gastrointestinal issues such as constipation, bloating, and nausea. It might probably happen in children who consume fiber from several different food sources (10).

Related: Gastroenteritis In Children: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

  1. Might replace normal food: A child may feel full after consuming the beverage and may reject their next meal. Also, in the long term, there might be a risk of the child preferring high sugar foods. The probability of this incidence depends on several factors, including excess consumption without consulting a pediatrician.

PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (13) Expert says

According to experts, “Nutritional supplements like PediaSure can cause a child’s taste to adapt to a preference for sweeter beverages. It can also lead to intake of more calories, which further limits the amount of food they eat (12).”

Image: IStock

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to mix PediaSure Grow & Gain for kids?

To prepare one glass of PediaSure Grow & Gain, mix five scoops of powder into 3/4th cup of water (11). Stir well to avoid any lumps. Give the drink as prescribed by a pediatrician.

2. Is PediaSure a meal replacement?

No, PediaSure is not a meal replacement. It is a dietary supplement to ensure that children reach optimal growth without nutritional deficiencies. It is recommended to consult a pediatrician before administering Pediasure to children. Dr. Alexander suggests, “In particular situations, supplemental beverages may be used as meal replacements. For example, Pediasure is used as a meal replacement for some of my patients who are fed via a gastrostomy tube. These children cannot eat enough food by mouth to grow and gain weight because of their medical condition. For healthy children, however, Pediasure is not a meal replacement.”

3. Is PediaSure good for brain development?

PediaSure claims to contain several vitamins and minerals that boost brain development in children. The brand also claims to contain essential fatty acids that support optimal brain development.

Doctors and parents use PediaSure for kids to ensure they get sufficient nutrients and gain calories as required. If your child follows a balanced diet, PediaSure may not be recommended. Additionally, it’s advisable to use the product only with the doctor’s consent, especially for children under two. Also, refrain from giving it more than the recommended number of times per day since it may replace meals. If you notice any gastrointestinal troubles in your child after consuming PediaSure, consult your child’s healthcare provider.

Infographic: How Does PediaSure Affect A Child’s Health?

PediaSure is a nutritional drink typically recommended by healthcare providers for children who don’t get enough nutrients from their diet alone. So, scroll through the infographic below to learn about potential benefits and health risks associated with PediaSure in children.

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • PediaSure is a nutritional supplement that pediatricians may recommend for children to aid in their overall development.
  • Oral nutritional supplements (ONS) can assist in ensuring sufficient nutrient intake in children at risk of malnutrition.
  • PediaSure claims to provide several benefits, such as supporting growth and development, boosting immune function, and more.
  • PediaSure products are typically rich in high-quality protein, essential vitamins, and minerals, and are gluten-free.
  • The recommended age range for PediaSure use is between 2 and 13 years old, and the preparation and serving method vary based on the variant.

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.

1. Dieu T. T. Huynh et al.; Impact of long-term use of oral nutritional supplement on nutritional adequacy, dietary diversity, food intake and growth of Filipino preschool children; National Center For Biotechnology Information
2. Product Information: PediaSure Grow & Gain Shake; Abbott
3. You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers.; Abbott
4. Which PediaSure is right for your kid?; Abbott
5. PediaSure® 1.5 CAL; Abbott
6. Apurba K. Ghosh et al., Effect of oral nutritional supplementation on growth and recurrent upper respiratory tract infections in picky eating children at nutritional risk: a randomized, controlled trial; National Center For Biotechnology Information
7. Michelle Lampl et al.; Promoting Healthy Growth or Feeding Obesity? The Need for Evidence-Based Oversight of Infant Nutritional Supplement Claims; National Center For Biotechnology Information
8. Best healthy drinks for child growth and development; PediaSure
9. What to Do When Your Child Eats Too Much Sugar; Cleveland Clinic
10. Tolia V et al.; Gastrointestinal tolerance of a pediatric fiber formula in developmentally disabled children.; National Center For Biotechnology Information
11. PediaSure® Grow & Gain Shake Mix; PediaSure
12. Concerns That Your Child is Not Gaining Enough Weight; Penfield Building Blocks

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Dr. Umera Zakiahmed SaiyedBHMS

Dr. Umera Zakiahmed Saiyed is a hom*oeopathic consultant and runs her own clinic Noor. She pursued her BHMS from Yerela Medical College in Kharghar, Mumbai and worked as an assistant doctor under a gynaecologist in Surat, Gujarat. With more than 5 years of experience in gyneacpcods, assisting many labor and caesarean deliveries, she holds expertise in cases related to infertility, full bio

PediaSure For Kids - Benefits And Side Effects (2024)


What is the side effect of PediaSure? ›

Side Effects of Pediasure Powder 900 GM

Pediasure Powder are usually considered to be safe, while consuming large amounts of protein powder may cause stomach issues. Dairy-based protein powder might cause stomach discomfort, bloating, and gas if you're lactose intolerant or otherwise sensitive to lactose.

What are the downsides of PediaSure? ›

That said, a potential downside to giving your kids PediaSure is its high amount of added sugar. A single bottle of the Grow and Gain shake contains nine grams of added sugar, or 18 percent of the recommended daily value.

Is PediaSure healthy for kids? ›

PediaSure is a good source of protein, and has 27 essential vitamins and minerals, for children up to 13 years of age. If you're thinking of starting your little one on PediaSure and he or she is younger than 2 years old, be sure to check with your doctor first.

Is PediaSure safe to drink every day? ›

In children aged one to eight years, it is recommended to give up to two servings each day, while children aged nine to ten years can consume about three servings (11). However, it is still recommended that you consult a pediatrician to determine the amount of supplement suitable for your child.

Do you gain weight from PediaSure? ›

Weight gain occurs when the total number of calories you consume is greater than the number of calories you burn ( 17 ). Pediasure helps adults gain weight by increasing their total calorie intake.

What is the best time to take PediaSure? ›

PediaSure should be used alongside or in-between meals as part of a healthy, balanced diet. The suggested number of serves per day is dependent on their age group: Up to 2 serves for 1–8 year olds. Up to 3 serves for 9–10 year olds.

What is healthier than PediaSure? ›

Buckwheat. Like almonds and tapioca, buckwheat is a gluten-free carbohydrate with energy-boosting minerals such as magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, and iron. It contains necessary proteins, fibers, and antioxidants as well. Each ingredient in this healthy alternative to PediaSure is sustainable and natural.

Why do doctors prescribe PediaSure? ›

Nutritional supplements, like PediaSure, offer therapeutic nutrition for children who can't eat whole foods and have certain medical conditions. PediaSure for these kids is lifesaving. But, most other children do not need PediaSure for healthy growth.

What age should I stop drinking PediaSure? ›

What are the age guidelines for PediaSure? PediaSure provides a good source of protein and has vitamins and minerals for children ages 2-13. Consult your doctor before giving PediaSure to a child younger than 2 years old.

Is PediaSure good for brain development? ›

PediaSure can contribute to a balanced diet, offering nutrients that support overall growth, including brain development. What vitamins are in the smart brain for kids? Smart brain formulas often include vitamins D, B6, B12, and E, along with omega-3 fatty acids and minerals like iron and zinc.

What is PediaSure best for? ›

PediaSure is scientifically designed to provide complete and balanced nutrition for children between 2-10 years. It can be used as a nutritional supplement with or between meals. Not for children with galactosemia. Not for parenteral use.

What is the highest age for PediaSure? ›

PEDIASURE GROW & GAIN is a source of complete, balanced nutrition especially designed for children 1 to 13 years of age. May be used as the sole source of nutrition or as a supplement. For oral or tube feeding.

Does PediaSure have side effects? ›

As I explained in that Pediasure blog, if a child has a reaction to the proteins in Pediasure (milk and soy), then this product is going to do more harm than good. Besides weakening growth pattern, these reactions can cause diarrhea or constipation, rhinitis, dermatitis, or brochospasm.

Does PediaSure boost immune system? ›

You can also add Pediasure to your kid's meal plan. It can help support their immune system. As parents, you are responsible for your child's healthy lifestyle right from the early stages of life. It will help increase their immunity and make them stronger in fighting against recurrent infections.

Does PediaSure increase hunger? ›

PediaSure Organic Powder

Made with certified organic ingredients including iron and zinc to help improve appetite.

Is it okay to give PediaSure at night? ›

Milk can help your child settle1, so try a healthy snack about an hour before bed. Why not try a snuggly hot chocolate enriched with PaediaSure Shake?

Can PediaSure cause stomach pain? ›

People with lactose intolerance may experience abdominal pain, abdominal bloating, gas, diarrhea, and nausea after consuming products containing lactose. Most people with lactose intolerance can tolerate some lactose in their diet.


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Name: Stevie Stamm

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