Your True SPIRIT Animal Based On Your Zodiac Sign (2024)

You must have heard about spirit animals, but do you know what your spirit animal is, according to your zodiac sign?

Astrology is a very ancient practice and it is quite complex as well. While we might not have been aware of it till now, there is a spirit animal assigned to all of us based on our zodiac signs.

Of course, astrology is not something that could be encapsulated into just these 12 zodiac signs. Zodiac Spirit Animals are another part of it. It has been present since ancient times.

In Native American culture, spirit animals were assigned to an individual based on what they thought their inner nature would be like.

On the other hand, in other cultures, if you came in contact with your spirit animal, it meant a passage to a better life or evolution to your better self.

For many others, spirit animals are just guides that direct us toward the right path.

According to many experts, spirit animals are tied to our spiritual side and help us to understand life on a deeper level. It is connected with our personality as well.

On that basis, many Astro experts have been able to understand which zodiac sign can be associated with specific spirit animals.

How to find your spirit animal? You may not be aware of them right now but try to discover your spirit animal from this list. Maybe, you will find out something completely new about yourself too.

What Is My Spirit Animal?

Here are all the zodiac signs and their own spirit animal

1. Aries Spirit Animal: Hawk and Tiger

As a fire sign, you are full of confidence and power. You have a regal side but you are a force that cannot be dominated easily.

If someone tries to challenge you, you will accept their challenge with grace and then go and crush them. Your temper will burn them too. It’s the tiger calling you from the inside, which is your spirit animal.

Plus, you already have a natural killer instinct present within you. Hawks are like that – they can team up, but they are better when they are alone.

They can be impulsive and sometimes spontaneous, but they are capable of showing such confidence that they can blaze through any kind of situation fearlessly.

2. Taurus Spirit Animal: Beaver and Wolf

You are a bit stubborn like a bull, which is your zodiac sign, but your wolfish element is much higher. You like to be the lone wolf, handling different things on your own.

But that does not mean that you do not value other members of your pack. The pack is important to you and you also permit them to have their way, as long as they are under your protection.

On the other hand, the hardworking element present in you is similar to a beaver. They like to work hard but are also quite strategic.

So, you tend to plan your next step carefully and not leap into something just like that. Inside, you are quite generous and kind. You are quite resourceful as well and that makes you more grounded than others.

Read 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About

3. Gemini Spirit Animal: Black Panther And Deer

Gemini has two sides and shows a multitude of personality types, but like a deer, they are quite energetic and like having fun.

Hence, Gemini can make fun of themselves and can be quite witty, making anyone else roll on the floor laughing. You are good with conversations too but the deer spirit will not let you go into vanity.

On the other hand, in many social settings, Gemini can dominate and can handle things gracefully, but that is their black panther side taking over. It is calm and does not give in to negativity. It carries itself with elegance.

4. Cancer Spirit Animal: Dog and Woodpecker

Cancer is nurturing and hence, it relates to a woodpecker. A woodpecker is also a very nurturing spirit and they support their family.

Woodpeckers can also become jealous and over-possessive sometimes, but those are rare occasions. This is similar to Cancer too.

Another spirit animal of Cancer is the Dog. They are loyal and sensitive and become the best friend of everybody. Their presence is peaceful. While they may not speak, they can bring joy and love into your life easily.

5. Leo Spirit Animal: Salmon and Peaco*ck

Leo is confidence personified and so, they like to show off. Just like the peaco*ck, it does not shy away but keeps a bold exterior and shows itself off whenever it can. They are a bit arrogant but, even then, their beauty lightens up the world of others.

Similarly, Leo is also similar to Salmon. The Salmon goes against the current and is somewhat egotistical. However, when it comes to emotions, Leo can get emotionally invested in all of it, and combined with pride that can become a problem.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign

6. Virgo Spirit Animal: Bear and Eagle

Virgo has the attentive quality of an eagle. They can spot things from a distance and can be very attentive. They can take decisions after thinking properly and then they go for it.

Their inner eagle makes them become more of an independent person who is looking to fly high in the sky but also, to keep their eyes on the ground.

On the other hand, Virgo is also associated with the bear. The bear is hardworking and intelligent. They have a huge heart and are quite generous.

At times, bears can be modest too. This makes them grounded. Sometimes, they can be lazy and reclusive too, but that is when things are going bad for them.

7. Libra Spirit Animal: Panda and Raven

Libra is judicious and does justice with both love and life. Raven is peace-loving. It is charming and quite judicious in nature.

It acts as a diplomat between different groups, remains patient, and is quite easygoing. However, sometimes, it might get rude and vindictive too.

Libra is also associated with caring Panda. It is quite laid-back but has a huge heart and genuinely cares for others.

8. Scorpio Spirit Animal: Snake and Lion

Scorpios can get a bit intimidating. This is because they are both passionate and mysterious, making them difficult to understand.

Like a lion, they will be quiet but they have fierce energy present within them. When they want something, they will not shy away from acting on it. They are always standing tall where necessary.

Snake is also associated with Scorpio. It defines the mystery that Scorpio is. Plus, snakes are quite spiritual and have a connection with the unknown.Hence, Scorpios have a deep passion for spiritual growth.

9. Sagittarius Spirit Animal: Cat and Owl

Owls are passionate and energetic and this perfectly describes a Sagittarian. They have a deep fire inside them and that makes them impulsive.

They can develop and value friendships. However, sometimes, they can be insincere and reckless. That is the time when they feel like they are not being loved in the right way.

People belonging to this sign are also quite curious like a cat. They want new adventures, but if they are not careful, they might end up in a bad place. They can be quite impulsive too. However, cats are very intelligent and good at problem-solving.

10. Capricorn Spirit Animal: Horse and Goose

Capricorns like to be alone. They are hardworking and ambitious. But they don’t like to be around people too much. That is why the goose is your spirit animal.

The goose stands apart and works their own way. They are passionate but also careful. When they go through a bad period, they can get a bit obsessive.

Capricorn also likes to focus on details but carries a wild spirit within, just like the horse. They are just waiting to be released. That’s why Capricorn wants to go out and enjoy life in the countryside.


11. Aquarius Spirit Animal: Otter and Bear

Aquarius likes to remain in their territory and they are not someone who will back down without a fight.

So, they will be directed to their dreams and keep going toward them like a bear. Of course, they can be loyal and affectionate, but only if you don’t obstruct their path.

The other spirit animal is an otter. Otters are intelligent and playful. They keep to themselves. But somehow, they attract people and so, this sign has a lot of friends. That’s because this spirit animal is both imaginative and nurturing.

12. Pisces Spirit Animal: Fox and Wolf

Pisces is dreamy and so, while we know the ferocity of the wolf, we fail to identify the emotional depth of this animal which is similar to Pisces.

They look after their pack and can be quite gentle and nurturing. But if there is a threat, then they get vicious and try doing anything and everything to protect themselves and make it all work out.

The other spirit animal is the fox. They are intelligent and quite likable, but if you put them in a corner, they can be scary. They just want to live their life without problems but if you challenge them, they can hit back.

So, have you found who your spirit animal is? If you ever find them going in front of you, try to follow them. Maybe they are leading you to a new destination.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How will I know if I have connected or met with my spirit animal?

It is believed that your animal spirit will appear in your subconscious mind through sleep or even meditation. You will develop a strong connection with this animal in real life.

Can someone use a spirit animal to communicate with another person?

If you’re suddenly drawn to a particular animal or you interact with the same animal repeatedly through coincidences, then it means your spirit animal is revealing them to you and communicating with you.

Is it true that each person has a spiritual guide called a priest?

Native Americans believe that different spirit animal guides may appear in our lives to solve different problems and issues.

Your True SPIRIT Animal Based On Your Zodiac Sign (1)
Your True SPIRIT Animal Based On Your Zodiac Sign (2)
Your True SPIRIT Animal Based On Your Zodiac Sign (3)
Your True SPIRIT Animal Based On Your Zodiac Sign (2024)


What is my spirit animal based on my zodiac sign? ›

Answer: The seven zodiac signs that are symbolised by animals are Aries — ram, Taurus — bull, Cancer — crab, Leo — lion, Scorpio — scorpion, Capricorn — sea goat and Pisces — fish.

How to answer what is your spirit animal? ›

If you do search out your spirit animal, really consider the given traits of the animal and how these traits can be incorporated with the job you are applying for. Then practice explaining how your spirit animal's traits can assist you in excelling in the new job, just in case you are asked!

How do you figure out what your spirit animal is? ›

Finding Your Spirit Animal

Pay attention to what animals keep showing up in your life, whether as pets, imagery, or even in your dreams. Take note of any animals that act strangely or seem to be trying to communicate with you. Keep a journal to track which animals appear to you more than once.

How to find spirit animal by birthday? ›

What Is Your Spirit Animal As Per Your Zodiac Sign
  1. Aries. Their spirit animal is horse. ...
  2. Taurus. Their spirit animal is Panda. ...
  3. Gemini. Their spirit animal is a Fox. ...
  4. Cancer. Their spirit animal is Snake. ...
  5. Leo. Lion is their spirit animal. ...
  6. Virgo. Eagle represents Virgos. ...
  7. Libra. Donkey is the spirit animal of Libra. ...
  8. Scorpio.
Jul 20, 2023

Do I choose my spirit animal? ›

Usually, these creatures will appear in some form when you meditate or dream. Before continuing, it is important to remember that animal guides come to us in many different species throughout our time on earth. We do not choose our animal guides but instead they choose us.

What are the 12 animal zodiac sign? ›

There are 12 Chinese zodiac signs, in the following order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Each sign is named after an animal, and each animal has its own unique characteristics.

What is a good spirit animal and why? ›

The Owl represents wisdom, vision, mystery, and the power of silence. The Eagle stands for freedom, strength, courage, and a high perspective. The Fox embodies cunning, adaptability, and playfulness. The Bear signifies power, protection, healing, and introspection.

What animal best represents you and your personality and why? ›

An elephant is strong, intelligent, loyal to the group, and unstoppable. A dolphin is also intelligent, and actually considered one of the smartest animals. Dogs are seen as Man's Best Friend, so might be good for someone in a support role. With a dog, you get loyalty and friendliness.

Why should we hire you? ›

A: When answering, focus on your relevant skills, experience, and achievements that make you the best fit for the role.You should hire me because I am a hard worker who wants to help your company succeed. I have the skills and experience needed for the job, and I am eager to learn and grow with your team .

What are the 5 animal spirits? ›

The authors identify five cognitive and social psychological core phenomena as the "animal spirits" (a term coined by Keynes): Confidence, corruption, money illusion, fairness, and stories.

What is a real spirit animal? ›

What does spirit animal mean? In certain spiritual traditions or cultures, spirit animal refers to a spirit which helps guide or protect a person on a journey and whose characteristics that person shares or embodies.

What spirit animal is Gemini? ›

Gemini: Fox

The fox represents shrewdness and knowledge of how to act cleverly even in the most dangerous situations.

What animal is my birth year? ›

Chinese Lunar New Year - Calendar and Zodiac Animals
If you were born on or between these dates you are:Zodiac Animal and Characteristic
2021 February 122022 January 31Ox
2020 January 252021 February 11Rat
2019 February 52020 January 24Pig
2018 February 162019 February 4Dog
108 more rows

What animal is my birth month? ›

Chinese Zodiac Signs by Month
Zodiac Animal SignMonthChinese Name
RatDec 6 to Jan 5Zi
Ox (or Cow)Jan 6 to Feb 3Chou
TigerFeb 4 to Mar 5Yin
RabbitMar 6 to Apr 5Mao
8 more rows
Oct 9, 2013

Do zodiac signs have animals? ›

Each Zodiac sign has associated animals, symbols, planets, elements, and more that affect their personalities and ways of interacting with the world.

What animal is a Scorpio? ›

Scorpions are predatory arachnids of the order Scorpiones. They have eight legs and are easily recognized by a pair of grasping pincers and a narrow, segmented tail, often carried in a characteristic forward curve over the back and always ending with a stinger.

What animal is a Leo? ›

Leo is represented by the lion, and these spirited fire signs are the kings and queens of the celestial jungle. They're delighted to embrace their royal status: Vivacious, theatrical, and passionate, Leos love to bask in the spotlight and celebrate themselves.

Do zodiac signs relate to animals? ›

Just like humans, pets are born under different zodiac signs, each associated with certain personality characteristics. By aligning your pet's birth date with the corresponding zodiac sign, you can get a deeper understanding of their natural traits and tendencies.

What animal is an Aries? ›

Aries, the Zodiac's head sign is depicted with the symbol ram, which signifies fire, strength and energy. Fuelled by passion, loyalty and taking on leadership roles, it is most likely to be the animal you identify yourself with the most.


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